Russian team played a draw with Norway in a friendly match

Russian team played a draw with Norway in a friendly match

Сообщение! » 01 июн 2014, 12:21

The Italian said after the match that the middle of the field , no one can replace Roman Shirokov

So, do not bring us luck last day of spring : the Russian team failed to hold a victory over the Norwegians. It is too early to guess what will be on the burning fields of Brazil. And because we only note that the Russian team is only on the way to their game. Yes, and it is bad draw ? Our team played the second match against Norway in its history. Both meetings , incidentally, have been at the stadium " Ullevaal " and both did not bring victory for our team. However, progress is being made ! In 2004, under the leadership of then speaking George Yartseva Russian team preparing for Euro 2004 and lost by a score of 2:3. Get the best - a draw, 1:1 ...
In Oslo, will not drink much

Your correspondent has got through to the Norwegian capital ... Moscow as fly from St. Petersburg to Norway can not every day. The first surprise was waiting at the airport Gardermoen , where Oslo had to get a taxi . And then it became clear that those who are talking about dear life in Moscow, London or Tokyo , appeared in Norway tourist can laugh in the face. First, unlike the same in Finland , not here in the course of the euro , and the crown , so the transfer of money , if not taken with a card , lose . The cost of travel from the airport to Oslo was 1200 kroons. Divide by eight , and you will understand how much about it in the euro ...
In the "city of the Tigers' ( during walks in Oslo you will meet a great number of statues of tigers, and so is the city of Oslo, the king of the jungle ) prices also bite. Half-liter bottle of plain water costs about 150 rubles. Will not drink much ...
Settled in "Radisson " immediately wanted to know whether it is not the hotel where the apartments our team . It turned out , no. Oslo for three " Radisson "! But in my helpful restaurant located on the 34th floor , and it offers a great view of the city and you can even see the raging North Sea .
Capello is angry
Had a dinner at an outdoor cafe (chose familiar not only for the British but for Norwegians Fish & Chips with a salad and pickles for CZK 250 ) , went to the stadium " Ullevaal ." You know what it is notable ? That's right, ten years ago it made ​​his debut for Russia Igor Akinfeev . That match in preparation for Euro 2004 , our team lost by a score of 2:3. Not superfluous to recall that even then it played the current " collections " Sergei Ignashevich and Alexander Kerzhakov and ex-captain Vladislav Radimov , who scored one of the two Russian goals. However, since then a lot has happened , so Akinfeev went to the gym with a smile , saying that he does not remember the missed three balls here at the dawn of his career.
Sun-drenched " Ullevaal " - the name of the stadium is translated from Norwegian as " hill god Ull " who, as the god of the Hunt , has become famous as a great archer and the fastest cross-country skiing , and has taught people - the players Capello appeared about six in the evening . Experiencing problems with heel and ankle Roman Shirokov first perepasovyvalis in a semblance of a square with teammates . Capello to the time on the field has not yet appeared . As soon as Mr. saw that players engaged with the ball before the start of the warm-up , immediately turned to him with an angry speech through an interpreter Alexander Nizelika . " Why are you began to exercise with the ball before the workout ? So things are not done , it is fraught with trauma "- was indignant Italian ...
Eshenko and "Anji" ?
After the usual players were instructed Shirokov left the field and lay down on the grass . Captain waited massage , lying Roman oversees training , and his heel carefully probed and massaged doctor . A little later, Roman , whose lease at FC "Krasnodar" ended in right on the day of the match with the Norwegians began to light jogging .
Have time to recover if he is playing with a team in South Korea ? Capello or poberezhet it to the Belgians ? These issues are now concerned more than the rest of the Russian fans . Massage , the very form and behavior Shirokov Capello was not given any reason to find the correct answer .
After a workout, the players walked around the neighborhood of his " Radisson " , the benefit of the Russian fans in Oslo at that time was not yet. Dmitry Kombarov Denis Glushakov and Alexander Kokorin pacing now , Andrew Eshenko stood on the sidewalk alone and talking to someone on the phone? Maybe with potential employers , or the FIFA World Cup in Brazil participant intends to play a season in the First Division in the " Anji" ?
About finances and "standards"
Pre-match press conference was quite interesting . Igor Denisov asked about awarding team. First ex- zenitovets said negotiations involved not him, but Roman Shirokov . And then it turned out that with Shirokov possible bonus for Russian players knocked out and Vasili Berezutski . But get his players , as he said Denisov, only in the event of a group.
Capello also said that the Norwegians about the same play on the "standards" as a future contender for the world championship - Belgian team . Italian hardly believe . How did " the same " if the Norwegians took fourth place in their qualifying group and Belgians triumphantly completed qualification ? Well, look , only time will answer the question whether rights Capello was excessively loaded the players exactly in these terms . After all, still fresh in the memories of how Dick Advocaat did not calculate the strength of their wards before Euro 2012. Then our team , remember, the Italians defeated in a friendly match and started with a win over the Czechs , and the decisive moment of the group stage unexpectedly " sour " and stopped.
" Nudity " in green
On the day of the match had to recharge your batteries - in the morning went to explore the city. Ticket for a tour on a double decker bus costs are the same 250 kronor, Fish & Chips with salad. In addition, the bus has free wi-fi! What can I say ? Will be in the Norwegian capital , be sure to visit the park of sculptures of Gustav Vigeland . More than two hundred sculptures on the theme of human existence - all this beauty is surrounded by greenery , which is famous Oslo - with a lot of " nudity ".
Then he remembered that a group of local activists planned to demonstrate at the match from the stands rainbow flags and thus support the sexual minorities . However, the Norwegian Football Association showed considerable toughness, stating that the stands will be allowed to demonstrate patriotism only Russian and Norwegian flags , and those who violate this rule will be removed from the stadium . Activists surrendered without a fight , and thank God !
Scandinavians are known , a day later the Russians , who won for "Peter" in Slovakia ( 1:0) , met at the " Stade de France " with France and The Biggest Loser - 0:4 . Did this mean that the opponent is not prepared to face the onslaught and our team ? The game showed that even the mere fact that such a question gave some shapkozakidatelskih mood. Yes, out of the application for the match again was the captain of Russia Roman Shirokov , continuing recovery after injury. Yes, and vice-captain Igor Denisov was not in the starting lineup ( with armband team on the field brought Vasili Berezutski ) . Yes , Paul Mogilevets in agreement with Fabio Capello instead went to Oslo to Tallinn game of our youth team in the qualifying match for Euro 2015 with Estonia. But is it good reasons to not beat Norway?
As the match in St. Petersburg five days earlier , Capello has entrusted " to start" role goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev has not changed and the quartet of defenders . But in the group of players in midfield and attack changes have occurred . From the first minutes into the game Valery Glushakov Alexei Ionov and Alexander Kerzhakov . Last thus made ​​with Alexander Kokorin duo of forwards . However , as shown by the first half, to spearhead more zenitovets located . His namesake periodically shifted to the left flank , acting a bit of depth.
First Half - on fresh legs
From the first minutes of the meeting Russians actively rushed the gates to strangers . Defenders prevented Kerzhakova goal , one of the highlights of the Swiss referee Stephan Klossner no violation , in the penalty area when the fall happened one of the attacking players. But on the third minute of our players striving embodied in the goal . When strange sluggishness Defence Oleg Shatov opened the scoring . And he was allowed to break twice. Shatov picked up the ball from a rebound off a defender after his stroke, and sent it into the near corner - 0:1 !
Norwegians " snapped " at the end of a ten-minute . Ruben Jensen broke into the penalty area, but it ended only a corner , and a little later after a sharp pass against the blond Meller Delhi had not come to the ball Tarik Elyounoussi . In the first quarter of an hour , you can also note the horse Kerzhakova transfer from the right flank . Shatov startled almost took out the ball , but he went a little higher.
Russian players tried to act at the speed the home team had to restrain their onslaught. But the " Vikings " did not remain in debt . So powerful shot from the penalty bottom Nordtveit Howard , defender menhengladbahskoy "Borussia" , forced to demonstrate their skills Akinfeev. Igor in this moment played reliably .
Ran the shock position Danielsen after another beautiful transmission Daly . Dangerous struck from outside the area Jensen - the ball went wide. Lively game on a collision course looked interesting compared with the already mentioned Russia match with Slovakia .
Of goal situations created by guests " Ullevaal " stands a great combination involving Shatova , Kokorina and Glushakova . Upon its completion Denis hit his head almost touching . Norwegian goalkeeper Rune Yarsteyn rescued , beaten off the ball under the crossbar . After a pass from the penalty Dmitry Kombarova gets his head Sergei Ignashevich . Alas, the accuracy is not enough.
After 37 minutes, above all jumped Kokorin , in response to Andrew Eshenko canopy . Kick -back block forward and pick up the ball Kokorina partners failed. As Norwegians minute later when tightly again kissed the "round " master performance penalty Nordtveit . Akinfeev tipped the ball in mid-air in front of him , and here our defenders were quicker rivals. At the end of half remembered series kicks in a row Berezutski , Shatova and Faizulina . The first two semi-detached defenders , third left " in the milk ."
Second half : where all gone ?
It seemed the second forty-five minutes will continue to delight the eye of a beautiful lively game. But not for nothing , probably, in comments before the game Russian national team players uttered cautious phrases that are under stress. However , substitutions in the second half Capello made ​​in full. One of them was forced - from the penalty Berezutsky catered ball in the face, and after a while he left the field , handing the captain 's armband Akinfeev .
Instead experienced Basil entered the game Andrey Semenov , who was to be congratulated on a debut in the national team . Immediately after the break out of the Alexei Kozlov , Alexander Samedov Kanunnikov and Maxim , and then in the course of the match came on as substitute Alan Dzagoev and Igor Denisov . It would seem that it is , "fresh blood" , but the speed of the first half were no longer observed . Perhaps our settled down for a long time leading into the account .
Certainly, without the dangerous moments at the gate of the Norwegians could not have done . Once given the opportunity to break the Scandinavians Kokorin , but he failed to seize the opportunity . Then Kanunnikov with excellent transmission right Kozlov struck a blow aimed . The ball is passed from the goal line Vegard Forren .
On 61 minutes Kokorin received a pass from left on the field five minutes earlier Dzagoev . Entered from the corner of the penalty area, but the goalkeeper did not disappoint . And after two turns of the second hand there was the most embarrassing moment that mentioned above . Hlushakou hand played , the referee appointed penalty . To help Akinfeev , who had in the second half of the play when the sun blinding his eyes , lined up a solid "wall" . That it reflected a severe blow Pedersen . It took over our captain - Berezutski . Real knockdown - and started to work , doctors , assisted . Vasily courageously continue the game , but later exchange did take place . At 81 minutes from close range , winning the fight with a guardian , trying to hit the gate Dzagoev but Yarsteyn was alert .
As for the Norwegians , they have also significantly updated the noticeably added persistence and activity. This naturally led to trouble for the Russians. After 77 minutes a duel with Kombarova midfielder Anders Konradssen first appeared at the ball sent to the unmarked Morten Pedersen . Nod of the head , rod and mesh gates - through equaled . Inspired by the Norwegians tried to build on this success , but more to them or Russian players change numbers on the scoreboard and could not ...
Draw probably acceptable. Do not forget : Friendlies give an opportunity to take the team in the best shape for official tournaments. It is hoped that in Brazil we will not lose the advantage ...!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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