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Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2015, 15:46
TOP 5 people with extra abilities - VIDEO
On the Internet appeared an unusual and amazing video - TOP 5 people with extra abilities, VIDEO:
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... ities.html

Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 апр 2015, 19:28
Heavy physical activity contribute to longevity - VIDEO
It is believed that after forty years of the severity of physical activity people should be reduced in order to nullify the various health risks. But a new study of Australian scientists has shown that vigorous exercise that cause people to sweat and blushing face, much more effectively prolong life than moderate exercises.

In the experiment, participated 200 thoUSAnd people aged 45 years, of physical activity that scientists have followed for six years. Report on the results and conclusions of researchers published in the scientific journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

Observations of the subjects showed that those volunteers who were engaged in jogging, aerobics and sports kind of tennis, doing heavy exercise 30% of the total weekly training time, had a mortality rate of 9-13% lower than those subjects who preferred moderate exercise, such as swimming, tennis teams for amateur or household chores.

"The advantages of heavy physical activity were observed in men and women of all ages, regardless of the total time spent in training. The results show that people who suffer and do not suffer from diabetes or obesity, with or without various problems with the heart, blood vessels and other organs and systems of the body, benefit more in matters of life extension is from strenuous exercise, not from moderate physical activity ", - says the study's lead author Klaus Goebel (Klaus Gebel) from the Center for Chronic disease Prevention at James Cook University in Australia.

Currently, the World Health Organization urges adults to perform at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Now Goebel and his colleagues call the Earth's population to take into account the increased efficiency of heavy loads and try to devote a part of their free time.

"Our study shows that even a small exercise increased energy helps reduce the risk of early death," - says Goebel.

However, the researchers note, do not forget that the benefit or harm of any loads due to purely personal reasons. Therefore, conducted the study, doctors recommend to first consult with a doctor and pass all required tests before, noting its fiftieth anniversary, recorded in the section of Thai boxing.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... evity.html

Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 июн 2015, 20:55
People began to digest milk only 3000 years ago - VIDEO

The ability of the human body to break down and digest lactose from cow's milk has become a mass observed in Caucasians only 3 thoUSAnd years ago, experts say. Previously it was assumed that the digestive system of the Bronze Age people assimilated milk sugar since the domestication of cows, which occurred about 8000 years ago.

However, a detailed analysis of the skeletons of that time made it clear that the genetic ability to digest lactose met at that time very rare.

Now scientists are trying to determine how the digestibility of cow's milk has spread to the entire population of the European Homo sapiens sapiens: whether so high-calorie benefits from the use of lactose, or splitting is the result of natural selection in a regular crop failures.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... s-ago.html

Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 июн 2015, 17:18
Hung for swivel on a horizontal bar - VIDEO

You probably know this attraction: "sagged 2 minutes and 1,000 rubles." It can be seen in parks and on the beaches of the country. Only 2 minutes. But you can not even imagine how hard it is.

First, you need this same horizontal bar. It is worth it is expensive to produce and it is not easy. But it can easily be replaced by two handles, krutilki with a radius of 40 mm. People hanging on them divided into 2 halves, someone believes that individual pens - it's easier than a spinning horizontal bar, somebody thinks exactly the opposite. My opinion - the difference is minimal in our training does not play value. The only thing that might be different - this range, no one obliged attractions make it the same. One thing I can say with precision, I have never seen thicker 40 mm. Sometimes it thinner, but then time hovering say more.

I was told the story of a ride at the Exhibition Centre. Unfortunately entrepreneurs there passed the championship of Russia in climbing. Interestingly, not all members of the Russian national team (and this master of sport) can be hung for cherished 2 minutes, but the majority can. So, our heroes went in full force after the competition and emptied his pockets attraktsionschikov just 8,000 rubles. Not surprisingly, the next day for 2 minutes were raised to 3, and the horizontal bar oiled.

So you have to hang out than a good idea to hang in one time to remember your results and see how far you are from those two minutes. Hung for more than 1 minute 40 mm - it is a great honor. I arranged the competition for work among office employees, 40 people a minute has hung 10 people. Best results have not exceeded half minutes.

Next nice to get acquainted with 3 phases hovering (see photo):

1 phase - loaded flexor (bending at the wrist), they play a huge role - changing the angle of the forces acting on the fingers and extending them. In this phase must hang as long as possible, the order of 60-70% of the time. If you need to try not to overload the fingers, we need them in the following phases
In the phase 2 work in full force superficial and deep digital flexor. This is our usual familiar enough. But swivel the bar so long you do not sag. Time 30-40%
3 final phase of work only deep digital flexor. If you are not a climber, it is unlikely you will be able to hang it in any way. Just there to win those 10 seconds, which is lacking to win. Just knowing about these phases, you can improve the result by 10 seconds.
What exercises are available to us for longer hovering:

Just hang on krutilki every day.
Catching the way I improved his record with 1 minute 18 seconds to 1 minute 39 seconds per month. As you can see, there is the progress, albeit slowly. Then came the plateau and abroad in 1 minute 40 seconds could not overcome.
Pumped flexor.
Exercises are many, including traumatic, but popular folding brush with a dumbbell when the arm lies horizontally on the bench. Better Bison-1. Better yet, remove krutilki with a horizontal bar, hang it load and bend the arm at the wrist downward (ie engaged in both conventional Rolling Thunder). For best results, we need a diameter of 60 mm.
Work on endUrance
Guru said that force is necessary not to swing at the same time as endUrance. First month (or even more) power swing, then a month endUrance. If we train with its own weight and krutilki hanging on the bar, then we need a smaller diameter of 30 mm, which would be easier to hang longer. You can hang and szhamat and unclench his hand, rolling the handle there. Dynamic load is always better static and emotionally easier.
Here we really can help boards gun I want to note that to keep their hands up is not something that keep your hands down.
Practising hanging on one arm.
If in the process you hover enough strength that would hang on one hand, and the other to shake down - you are almost there. Usually, it is not forbidden in the rules hover, but needs to be clarified in advance. In keeping with this strategy (hand feed the blood), it is theoretically possible to hang indefinitely. One problem, hang on one hand on the bar spinning 40mm, even in fresh state, few people can. My record - 14 seconds, but it only svezhachka.
Downloading pinch, use magnesia.
It is not strange, magnesium helps, despite the fact that the horizontal bar turns. But it helps only the thumb. The thumb should strongly pressed to the horizontal bar (rather than the other fingers) and how they would try to turn the horizontal bar to the other side. This technique increases the hover for 3-5 seconds.
Lose weight.
Everyone I know who could hung for more than 2 minutes - enough thin people with a body weight less than 70 kg.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... l-bar.html

Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 июл 2015, 22:46
Why some people do not need sleep - VIDEO
Is it true that there are people who only need a few hours of sleep per night? Correspondents spoke with a woman whose genes may be able to give us a clue as to how to spend less time in bed.

What would you do if you are at your disposal suddenly had 60 additional days per year? This can ask Abby Ross, a former psychologist from Miami, in the US state of Florida. She sleeps a little: every day she needs only four hours of sleep, so it is a lot of free time, prepared by the hours that people spend the rest in bed.

"It's great to have so many hours in a day, I feel like I live two lives at once" - she says.

Malospyaschie people, such as Russia, will never feel overwhelmed and do not like to lie in bed. They get up early - usually four or five in the morning - and enthusiastically accepted for their deeds. Perhaps, their number includes "Iron Lady", former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, she said that sleeps four hours a day. While the singer Mariah Carey says that she needs at least 15 hours.

As it turned out, that some of us sleep very effective, while others half asleep, before a more or less finally wake up? Is it possible to change their biorhythm so that sleep is more productive?

In 2009, the laboratory at the University of California in San Francisco, where Dr. Ying-Hui Fu holds a sleep study, came a woman who complained that he always wakes up too early. Initially, Fu decided that the patient - just pronounced "lark", ie a person who Early to bed and early to rise. But the woman explained that she was in bed actually sent near midnight and waking up at four in the morning fully rested. According to her, as well behaved and several other members of her family.

Fu and colleagues compared the genome of the different members of this family. They found a small mutation in a gene called DEC2, attended all malospyaschih. She had no other family members, as well as with 250 volunteers, recruited from the side.

When the scientists have deduced mice with the same genetic mutation, it became clear that these rodents also slept less than their counterparts, but just as well to perform physical and mental tasks.

As a rule, lack of sleep has a very significant impact on overall health, quality of life and its expected duration. It can lead to depression, obesity and increase the risk of heart attack and diabetes. "Sleep is very important: if you sleep well, you can avoid many diseases and even dementia - says Fu. - If you deprive a person of only two hours of sleep a day is almost immediately have a negative impact on his mental abilities."

But why sleep is so important for the human body, scientists still can not fully understand. They generally agree that the brain needs sleep to freshen up and implement the important tasks that are not enough resources during waking. During sleep, the brain can heal damaged cells, remove accumulated toxic substances per day, to replenish energy stores and consolidate the information in the memory.

"It is obvious that people with a mutation of the gene DEC2 can perform all the same tasks over a compressed time - they just sleep better than all the rest, - says Fu. - But how do they do it? That's really the main issue."

According to the scientist, since the discovery of mutations DEC2 has a lot of people said that they could sleep only a few hours a day. The majority of these patients insomnia. "We did not undertake to study those who have trouble sleeping, and from this they sleep less. We have decided to focus our efforts on those who sleep a few hours and still feels great," - explains the researcher.

Among malospyaschih people studied in the laboratory Yin-Hui Fu, dominated by a positive attitude towards life. "From the discussions, it is clear that they are very energetic and optimistic. They often feel as though they would take from his life the most, but we can not say with certainty whether it is relevant to their mutations", - she says.

Abby Ross fully meets this description. "I always feel great when I wake up," - she says. It sleeps four or five hours a day for as long as he can remember.

"These early morning hours - around five in the morning - just gorgeous. Everything is quiet and peaceful, and we can do so much. It would be great if at the time it was opened more stores, but I can make purchases on the Internet or read: there are so many interesting reading! You can also go and work out while everyone is asleep, or to communicate with people in other time zones, "- says Ross.

Fewer dream allowed her to complete a university course in two and a half years, and also to get a lot of new skills. For example, just three weeks after the birth of her first son, Ross decided to take early morning jogging. For 10 minutes, she ran around the block. The next day she went to run again, this time away. She gradually increase your workouts until you ran 37 marathons (one per month for three years) and several ultramarathon (ultramarathon is any race at a distance longer than the traditional 42.195 km - Ed.). "I can get up early and work out at all - and yet, I do not need to think about it," - she says.

As a child, Ross spent the morning with her father, who also slept little. "In the morning we have a great time together!" - She recalls. Now, if she suddenly awake longer than usual (which, according to her, happened only a few times), her husband begins to worry, she died: "I do not stay in bed, I would let it felt horrible."

Dr. Ying-Hui Fu subsequently sequenced genomes of several families that correspond to the criteria malospyaschih. Scientists are just beginning to understand what gene mutations give humans the power, but, according to Fu, it is possible that one day we will be able to "contain" it artificially.

But until that happens, is there any useful tips that would allow us to better sleep? Neil Stanley, an independent consultant on sleep, says yes: "The most effective way to improve sleep - is to get up every morning at the same time."

According to Stanley, when the body gets used to a certain time, wake-up, it makes the most of the remaining hours before bedtime. "Studies show that the body begins to prepare for waking for about a half hour of waking up. The body is very like regularity, and if you ever change the sleep time, then the body is not the slightest clue as to whether you need to prepare for the recovery."

In addition, experts say, do not listen to public opinion about sleep. "In society, it is assumed that a little sleep - a good thing, and it should be encouraged. We are constantly cited as an example of Margaret Thatcher and renowned business leaders, who do not need much sleep. But in fact, all this is genetically determined, as the growth and size shoes. Some people need a little sleep, others - 11 or 12 hours, so they went into the optimum mode. "

According to Stanley, many of those who have trouble sleeping, do not actually experiencing difficulty falling asleep and just have some own expectations about how much sleep they need. "If each of us could identify their dreams and live accordingly, our quality of life would be greatly improved," - he concludes.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... sleep.html

Re: Unusual ways to develop of the physical human qualities

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 сен 2015, 15:37
105-year-old Japanese man ran 100 meters in 42 seconds - VIDEO

Japanese Hidekiti Miyazaki, nicknamed "The Golden Bolt" in honor of the six-time Olympic champion USAin Bolt, on Wednesday in Kyoto, the day after his birthday, ran the 100m of 42.22 seconds. At the end of the race winning Miyazaki depicted famous "Lightning" USAin Bolt, after which he received a certificate from the Guinness Book representatives confirming his record. "I am not happy with the result, - said Miyazaki in an interview with AFP. - During the race I had tears streaming down, because I knew that running too slow. I guess I'm getting old! You know, in the race I was still a newbie. I need harder training. The training is good, so I set a goal to run 100m in 35 seconds. I can still improve your score. " "I can say that I am proud of their health. A few days ago I passed the medical examination and the doctors told me that I'm healthy as a cucumber. Maybe my mind is not as sharp, but physically I was tip-top. I have never had any problems health. Doctors amazed me. I definitely can not continue to run even a couple of years. " Responding to a question about the success of USAin Bolt at the World Championships in Athletics in Beijing, Miyazaki wrinkled his nose and said with a grin: "He has not run with me." "I wanted to compete with him - said Miyazaki, who lost a few seconds at the start due to the fact that it is not heard a shot starting pistol. - A few years ago he came to Japan and wanted to meet with me, but I was not home, and he left with nothing. I'm very sorry about that. "

http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/7 ... conds.html