How to quickly and reliably convey your advertisement or business proposal to a Chinese company or individuals

Our Chinese company represent to your attention the most effective ways to advertise foreign and Chinese companies for Chinese companies.


Often, a foreign company faces the task of quickly conveying its business proposal or advertisement to a representative of a Chinese company, and here the only way may be to use all the means that Wechat provides.


Why Wechat?

According to the Ministry of Industry of China, about 86 percent of Internet traffic in China in 2022 was accounted for by Wechat, in other words, the share of other Internet communications in China, even in the aggregate, is much inferior to Wechat and it makes no sense for the Chinese to place their ads on websites, other social networks, as foreign companies often do.


But in most cases, foreign companies do not use the entire available WeChat arsenal and, at best, try to place their advertisements and business offers through personal WeChat accounts, which formally is not only a violation of Chinese law, but also greatly limits the tools for such advertising - personal WeChat accounts are intended for personal everyday communication and therefore, if they are used in business, they can be blocked at any time, which happens from time to time.


How, at best, do foreigners communicate their business proposal to the Chinese?


In the best case, a foreigner has a personal Wechat account, so he adds a Chinese as a friend and starts writing a long and uncomfortable text on WeChat, where it is very difficult to find the key points of this business proposal, and therefore at the exhibition it is possible to cooperate with a small number of Chinese companies in this way.


What does our company offer? Our company offers, in full compliance with the legislation of the PRC, do not to use a personal contacts for business activities, but use an official means for entrepreneurs in the Wechat program, with a separate radiant Wechat code, which is a guarantor of reliability, here is an example:



The project of our company, which we offer to your company, consists of four main parts, you can choose all the parts together or separately.


Part 1.

Wechat Advertising Online:


The Best Way to Send Wechat Ads If a foreigner uses the tools developed by our company, then there will be no need to type and send a long text of his business proposal to a Chinese entrepreneur - it is enough to place his business proposal once in our Wechat program and then send it to the right person in a second, while only at the program WeChat of our company has an important feature that you will no longer see in other WeChat programs - the program window displays the text that you first want to interest the Chinese (and other WeChat programs always display only the top of the program window) - you scroll quickly the text of the program, select the most important part of the advertising text, press the "Submit" button and that's it, the Chinese person receives your advertisement with the text in the window that you have chosen, here is an example:


At the same time, you can select any text in the window and send it countless times, here is an example where one advertising article in the WeChat program shows different text in the window:




That is, a foreigner in the window of our Wechat program selects the text that may be of interest to the Chinese and sends the program window to the Chinese, and if the Chinese is interested in what he sees in the window, then he clicks on this window of the Wechat program and opens all your ads - here an example of a window and the ad text itself:




At the same time, with almost 100% probability, the Chinese will read the key points of your business proposal in the Wechat window of the program, and if it interests him, he will click on the Wechat window of the program and read it in detail, and this cannot be done if you send the entire large text in the usual way your advertising offer in Wechat of this Chinese - everyone does it, but as our company offers, they do it very rarely, which will immediately distinguish your company from your competitors.


Naturally, along with the text in your advertising offer, our Wechat program may contain photos and videos, which will make your advertising more visual.


Thus, the efficiency of the work of a foreigner with the help of our WeChat program with the Chinese is greatly increased - we conducted experiments at exhibitions, where in an hour it was easy to send advertisements in the above way to more than a hundred Chinese companies and interest these companies, which is impossible to do in the usual way.


Cost - from 2500 yuan, payment officially to the bank account of our Chinese company or to the official Wechat account of our company, for consultation or order, please contact through the Wechat program by clicking the "Admin" button, by Wechat ID: SANYAXIEER or by E-mail: hainanwel@


Part 2.

Offline advertising in Wechat


Now let's consider the second part of our project - how to attract the attention of a Chinese company offline with your business proposal? In this case, the most efficient way is to use the radiant Wechat code, officially called the "Chrysanthemum" code, here is an example of such a code from China Customs:



And here our company also has its own unique developments, with the help of which we can make an infinite number of such radiant codes, and usually Chinese WeChat programs make it possible to make only one radiant code per Wechat program.


Many foreigners who scanned such codes remember how they then open the Wechat program after scanning and then search for what they need in this Wechat program for a long time, but you can avoid such difficulties with the help of our company's Wechat program.


Our company can provide your company with a huge number of such radiant Wechat codes - one code for one of your ads, when scanning these codes, exactly your business offer that you want to show to your Chinese partner and nothing more will open, here are examples:




Pay attention - why is it important to use just such radiant Wechat codes, and not ordinary square QR codes?


Answer: because the number of scammers who use square QR codes to download viruses to the phone of the person who scans them is constantly growing - recently there have been reports that even in London, scammers began to stick fraudulent square QR codes on scooters at the rental, when scanning which you can download a virus to your smartphone, with which you can steal money from your smartphone.


Therefore, the Chinese in most cases will not scan square QR codes from unfamiliar foreign companies or unknown to them, since most Chinese store and spend money using a smartphone, and therefore the Chinese are afraid after scanning virus downloads on their smartphone. In this case, it is precisely such a radiant Wechat code that has an advantage - this code cannot be issued to scammers, such codes can only be generated by a Chinese legal entity that is necessarily certified as a developer of Wechat programs, so the Chinese will scan such radiant codes without fear and, accordingly, will read your advertisement.


You can print this radiant code and then stick it on your exhibition stand, place it on your badge, place it on the window of your office, place it on your car and anywhere else - when you scan this code, the Wechat program window with your advertisement will open very quickly.


Cost - from 1500 yuan, payment officially to the bank account of our Chinese company or to the official Wechat account of our company, for consultation or order, please contact through the Wechat program by clicking the "Admin" button, by Wechat ID: SANYAXIEER or by E-mail: hainanwel@


Part 3

WeChat Blog: WeChat directory as a way to additionally advertise your company and your Chinese client's company


Our company, using its own WeChat program, offers your company to add all your Chinese customers to a separate WeChat directory so that in the future your Chinese customers do not look for other foreign or Chinese companies, but continue to contact your company and both of your companies get the opportunity for additional advertising.


What does it look like? Answer: A Chinese company posts its own advertisement on its own Wechat blog in our WeChat program, where it can ask additional questions and a representative of your company can answer these questions.


At the same time, all information in this Wichat blog can be made both public and private, so both your company and the Chinese company receive additional advertising - any visitor can rate the advertisement of a Chinese company and order its services, or this visitor to this Wechat blog can rate your answers in this blog and order already your services.


Each such Wechat blog receives a separate radiant Wechat code and this blog can accordingly be used offline as described above. When there are a large number of such blogs, most companies will look for and order services from your company, and not from your competitors, who cannot similarly demonstrate the success of their activities through Wechat using specific examples.


Cost - from 3500 yuan, payment officially to the bank account of our Chinese company or to the official Wechat account of our company, for consultation or order, please contact through the Wechat program by clicking the "Admin" button, by Wechat ID: SANYAXIEER or by E-mail: hainanwel@


Part 4 Using video business cards and video badges to advertise your company to Chinese customers


Our company can create promotional videos, where with the help of special visual effects using various WeChat codes, to attract the attention of representatives of Chinese companies.


Such promotional videos can not only be sent to e-mail, Wechat, WhatsApp, Telegram or any other messengers or social networks, but also placed on the screen in the pavilion at the exhibition, in your office or as a video badge on your clothes. Such a video ad will be played countless times, here is an example of such a video ad:



Cost - from 3000 yuan, payment officially to the bank account of our Chinese company or to the official Wechat account of our company, for consultation or order, please contact through the Wechat program by clicking the "Admin" button, by Wechat ID: SANYAXIEER or by E-mail: hainanwel@



The above information applies only to legal services and goods, that sold by legal business entities in full compliance with Chinese law