Refutation of theories

Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 20 ноя 2011, 20:30

GPS is guilty of a superluminal neutrinos
Friday, 21 October 2011 16:21 ... rinos.html

Based on the analysis of the results of new experiments ICARUS was established, that the speed of neutrinos does not exceed the speed of light, as though it was recently discovered by physicists in the laboratories of CERN and Gran Sasso. As stated by Sergey Gninenko from the Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences, a new experiment ICARUS should confirm or refute the possibility of superluminal speed of neutrinos on the basis of the appearance of a particular radiation, which should occur on the basis of the effect, predicted by Andrew Cohen and Sheldon Glashow. In the case of reaching speeds in excess of the speed of light, neutrinos must quickly lose their energy. However, as a result of the measurements in the experiment ICARUS was established, that if the energy of “superluminal” neutrino does not differ markedly from the neutrino energy, moving at sub-light speed. Thus, there was no loss of energy, which may indicate a superluminal speed of neutrinos and the likely effect of earlier superluminal speed of neutrinos originated from the incorrect GPS measurement of a distance between laboratories of CERN and Gran Sasso.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 06 дек 2011, 03:21

Was Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 awarded for plagiarism?
Friday, 02 December 2011 21:35 ... -2011.html

Patalah Sergey, a Russian citizen filed a claim in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, on all winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 for plagiarism. According to Sergey Patalah, winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 received the Nobel Prize for Physics for ideas about the theory of accelerated expansion of the Universe, that Sergey Patalah published in 2002, but winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 published their articles on the seven years later- in 2009. Now Sergey Patalah claims, that he sent his book to the Nobel Committee in 2002, and sent copies of his book to the embassies of all the leading Western countries, but no one paid for his books any attention, so he was very surprised, when the 2011 Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his ideas, but to other people. However, it is difficult to say, how much differ the theory of Sergey Patalah from the theories of winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2011, but it is possible, that the Nobel committee has not paid to the theory of Sergey Patalah due to the fact, that his theory was not published in any respectable scientific journal.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 12 окт 2012, 02:33

Stress has turned a monkey into human- VIDEO
Sunday, 07 October 2012 09:25

Valentine Suslov, a researcher from the Laboratory of Evolutionary Bioinformatics and Theoretical genetics of Institute of Cytology and genetics of Russian Academy of Sciences, has developed a new theory of evolution, which is considering a new process of evolution and explains the process of making great apes in rational beings. According to Valentine Suslov, the occurrence of a reasonable human to a greater extent is not related to adaptation to hostile environments and new ecological niches, but adaptation to stressful environmental conditions, that caused the desired genetic changes in organisms of apes. According to Valentine Suslov, survived not the strongest organisms, but the representatives of the stress-apes. When exposed to stress, there have been changes in the genes and survival of the fittest to the new conditions by representatives of apes, whicho have conveyed their new abilities are inherited. Alexei Rozanov, a famous paleontologist and biologist believes to evolutionary theory of Valentine Suslov and has already made a scientific work of Valentine Suslov for publication in the magazine "Anthropology", THE VIDEO: ... human.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 12 окт 2012, 02:43

British scientists have presented their version of the people of the future- VIDEO
Sunday, 07 October 2012 19:10

The newspaper "Sun", UK posted an article of British experts on human anatomy, which claim, that a thoUSAnd years as a result of the natural course of evolution, the structure of the body of normal homo sapiens change significantly. How to find these experts on the human anatomy, the average growth of the future homo sapiens will be from 1.83 to 2.13 meters, while, according to Philip Stemmer, a man of the future will have a shorter intestine, fewer teeth and a smaller mouth. Experts suggest, that the sex glands of the male half of humanity will decrease, and the length of the hand and fingers in humans of the future will grow strongly. According to Chris Stringer from London's Natural History Museum, the volume of the brain in people of the future will be smaller, than brain of modern humans, because most of the work of remembering will be engaged in computers. However, many modern scientists with humor accept the predictions of their British counterparts, such as in this VIDEO: ... uture.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 12 мар 2015, 14:03

Tree of Life refutes Darwin's theory - VIDEO
A team of researchers from Temple University in Philadelphia, USA, conducted a large-scale analysis of biological data to determine patterns of development of biodiversity in the world. Compiled by scientists tree of life (TimeTree of Life), adjusted for the time showed that the appearance of new species and the extension of intraspecific populations always proceeded at a constant speed.

"Constant Speed ​​biological diversification, which we found in the latest study refutes the conventional theory, predicts slowing growth rate of biological diversity and ecological niches to fill existing types" - said the study's lead author, Professor Blair Hedges (Blair Hedges), an evolutionary biologist at Temple University .

The Tree of Life, composed team Hedges, is in fact a growth pattern Earth's biological diversity over time. Unlike similar standard models of new focuses not so much on the origin of the different species, as in the time of their appearance. Biologists from Temple University made a temporary spiral, including events Branch 50 thoUSAnd species from their ancestors.

To make such a scheme, the researchers painstakingly collected data in 2274 molecular studies, 96% of which were published in the form of scientific articles in the past decade - from 2005 to 2015. Specifically for the meta-analysis team created special computer algorithms and informatics tools that allow them to create the largest tree-adjusted life-time, based on the results of previous studies in the field of evolutionary biology.

The results of this study have shaken the foundations of the foundation - the importance of natural selection described by Charles Darwin more. According to the scheme drawn up, the main driving force behind the diversification of species adaptation was not so much as the appearance of random genetic events, and geographic isolation.

"Our study shows that the speciation and biological diversification stand apart from the adaptation. However, these findings do not contradict the principles of Darwinism, because we believe that the process of adaptation plays a role. Another issue is that our scheme is contrary to the popular hypothesis, which states, what adaptation leads to speciation "- explains Professor Hedges, whose many articles about the opening of the new principles of life can be found in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.

According to the study authors, their technique, on which work has been going on for about 20 years, will identify new patterns and to make discoveries and other scientific fields, for example, in the study of diseases or climatological factors influencing the biology of the Earth.

The scientists noted in a press release that their work is not finished yet. If at this stage able to identify new patterns of speciation and development of biological diversification, further Hedges and his colleagues hope to "determine the time frame of life on Earth."

This means that in the near future, biologists want to determine when there was every appearance, at which point he was separated from the parent, and what was the biodiversity of our planet four billion years ago. information about the patterns of life on Earth will also make different predictions for the future. ... heory.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Refutation of theories

Сообщение! » 14 авг 2015, 00:04

Most of the giant planet existed before in the solar system - VIDEO

The existence of the now-vanished planets indicates more "circumstantial evidence". It is such a large body could cause Neptune to migrate from the Sun to 4 billion years ago; is it could lead to a mysterious group of icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt, which lies the orbit of Pluto. This group consists of about a thoUSAnd icy objects moving pretty tight group - for the Kuiper Belt is a rarity. At first, astronomers speculated that they were fragments of larger bodies, broken accidental collision. However, this idea could not be explained either by the closeness of their connection, no orbit whose plane is approximately equal to the orbital plane of the planets of the solar system. But this may explain the hypothesis put forward by the American astronomer David Nesvorny (David Nesvorny), - «theory jumping Neptune." Simulated the movement of the group of icy bodies, the scientist "rewind" what is happening in the computer model to 4 billion years ago, and found that all of these objects might get a boost from the gravitational field of Neptune as it has migrated from its original orbit is much closer to the Jupiter and Saturn. But what made the move itself Neptune - the planet is not the smallest? According to scientists, there can operate another planet, not less large. Neither Uranus or Saturn or Jupiter suspect this does not work - it is probably already lost, or simply ran out of the solar system. Back in 2011, David Nesvorny shown that orbital characteristics of modern solar system bodies - including numerous anomalies - perfectly explained by the existence in its early history the fifth giant planet later thrown out of their "homeland". But then it was only theoretical work, and now the hypothesis Nesvorny obtain evidence - albeit indirectly - in the observations. "The Kuiper Belt - the key - he says. - You see there is structure, and you try to understand what events could lead to their appearance. " ... ystem.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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