Detection of aliens on Earth

Detection of aliens on Earth

Сообщение! » 05 июл 2011, 11:15

Scientists have discovered in Africa the cemetery of aliens: the history of hoaxes
Tuesday, 05 July 2011 03:26
In recent days, in media were published numerous reports of so-called "opening the cemetery of aliens in Rwanda." It is reported that a group of scientists from Sweden, has discovered in the jungles of Rwanda (Africa) the two hundred graves of unknown beings, with the growth of more than two meters, with a strange skeleton and especially the strange skull, implying the absence of these creatures of the mouth, nose and eyes.

As pointed out by the so-called Swiss anthropologist Dr. Hugo Childs, participating in the excavations - these creatures were buried in mass graves of five beings, at least 500 years ago. Immediately, "the researchers" suggest that these creatures apparently of extraterrestrial origin, who died as a result of infection with a virus or bacteria on the Eearth (similar to the novel by Wells “War of the Worlds ").

It is surprising, that the beings found are "well preserved", which is pretty hard to do for 500 years in this humid and hot climate of Rwanda. It is also unclear, what makes the “Swiss anthropologist” among scientists from Sweden. But, most importantly, the story of the "Cemetery of the aliens from Rwanda" is quite unscientific.

Rwanda is located in the heart of Africa, not far south of the equator. In the west, on the border with Democratic Republic of Congo, located Kivu lake, and there are river Rusizi, that are that are part of the East African Rift Valley. At the heart of Rwanda is its capital - the city of Kigali, near which were actually found "aliens". The climate of Rwanda is sub-equatorial, seasonally moist, soft but due to the considerable relief height above sea level. In the capital of the country (at a height of more than a mile), the mean monthly temperatures throughout the year do not exceed 21 degrees Celsius, with rain falling an average of 1500 mm. Thus, the climate of Rwanda leaves no chance to save the beings long as 500 years.

Interesting to know the stories about the sources of the "Cemetery of aliens." Most of the foreign media suggest as a source of Russian website, which is reportedly the first news about the alien cemetery on June 24, 2011. A lot of media reports, that the discovery was made by a group of Swedish scientists, but for the first time in Swedish information about this "discovery" only appeared on June 27, 2011 - three days after the publication on the website, and throughout the media in Swedish language does not say about the Swedish scientists, involved in this "discovery" and in the Swedish press found a link to the website

However, as it turned out, the story of the "Cemetery of the aliens from Rwanda" is very old, appeared for the first time in 2009. It is interesting, that this story was involved, according to many media, a Swiss anthropologist Dr. Hugo Childs, and with Dr. Hugo Childs everything is not clear, as never anthropologist with the same name is not officially confirmed their participation in this "discovery".

On 10 December 2009, the reported, that Swiss anthropologist Hugo Childs found in Rwanda the "Cemetery of aliens", and the news from December 10, 2009 was almost completely repeated at the end of June 2011. The news about the "Cemetery of aliens" can not be news - it's quite an old story, made up by one of the websites and then forgotten, but newly gained fame with the publication in a haunted Internet resource. Incidentally, the scientific evidence of the real existence of this "Cemetery of aliens in Rwanda" was not provided nor in 2009 nor in 2011, and no group of scientists has not confirmed its official participation in this "mission" to Rwanda. The news about aliens is just another hoax, built on a completely unscientific data.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Detection of aliens on Earth

Сообщение! » 27 ноя 2011, 04:56

Maya Secrets of contacts with aliens will be opened by the Government of Mexico in 2012
Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:20 ... liens.html

According to Reuters, one of the world's largest international news agencies, according to the Government of Mexico, in Mexico are shooting the new documentary film, which will give the proofs of the existence of contacts between the ancient Mayan and aliens. Among the evidence is an unusual landing pads, which could serve as the basis of aliens, which was found in the jungles of Mexico, whose age is about 3000 years. While the list of artifacts, that indicate contact with the aliens was not reported, but reported that the presence of these artefacts will be formally confirmed by archaeologists. Producer of this documentary is Raul Julia-Levy, director of the film is Juan Carlos Rulfo – is the famous documentary, winner of several international awards. The main idea of this film – is fact, that the famous Mayan calendar is not a creation of Maya, and creation of extraterrestrial advanced civilization, which is going to warn earthlings about impending disaster. Such films have been filmed quite a lot, but for the first time reported, that the Mexican government confirms the contacts Mayan with the aliens.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Detection of aliens on Earth

Сообщение! » 23 окт 2012, 00:30

Alien after UFO crash was found in the forests of Siberia, Russia on October 12, 2012- VIDEO
Saturday, 13 October 2012 10:39

On the Internet appeared the video of place, as said the place of UFO crash, which was filmed in the forests of Siberia, Russia, as said in the Buryat Republic at October 12, 2012. The video shows the remains of an unknown being, which was found in the snow (in October 2012 has been snowfalls over Siberia), as approved - the alien, which left after the crash of the UFO, THE VIDEO: ... beria.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Detection of aliens on Earth

Сообщение! » 10 дек 2012, 02:21

Prime Minister of Russia Medvedev said, that there are so much aliens on the Earth, that information about their number could cause a panic- VIDEO

Saturday, 08 December 2012 22:27

Major Russian television channel REN TV has published a very unusual video, which was filmed yesterday at the official press conference of the current prime minister of Russia, in which he answered on questions from the most famous TV channels of Russia. In the video, REN TV shows is not an official part of the ceremony, but when immediately after the official press conference, reporter approached to the Prime Minister Medvedev and asked about aliens, and the Prime Minister of Russia, Medvedev said with a straight face (see the video), that new president receive a special folder marked "Top Secret", which contains all the information about the contact with aliens, the question of the journalist about how many aliens are now on the Earth, Prime Minister of Russia, Medvedev said, that there are so much aliens on the Earth, that information about their number could cause a panic among the population, all of this was said with a straight face. Perhaps in this way, Russian Prime Minister Medvedev decided to just make fun of journalists, THE VIDEO: ... earth.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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