Taxis in Montenegro

Taxis in Montenegro

Сообщение! » 16 июн 2015, 18:53

Taxis in Montenegro

Taxis in Montenegro work only under license. The features of this work is that the taxi company can carry out its activities only in the region of Montenegro, where it is registered license. But if the client needs to get from one area to another, then, of course, no questions arise.
Features a taxi in Montenegro

On the coast of Montenegro, most drivers speak in Russian. Almost all of them speak English on quite tolerably. But do not expect that talking to a taxi dispatcher in Montenegro, you understood the first time. The north of Montenegro in you are, the lower the probability of taxi drivers understand spoken English.

Taxis in Montenegro can be divided into two types:

Official. The owners of taxi companies have licenses that allow them to perform activities for the carriage of passengers;
"Wild" taxis or private.

Official taxis usually can be identified by the presence of a large number specified on the machine. Most of all - it is the telephone number of the company's carrier. Official taxis - a car of the same brand, and sometimes even the same color.

"Wild" taxis usually look very cheap and almost falling apart on the road. Noticed this feature, you can even with the naked eye. But lately, informal company invented a way to "lure" customers. He glues fake numbers on their cars, are stickers depicting the official logo of the company, deceiving tourists. Those taxi drivers who work under license, are required to provide customers with price, which listed the price of admission.

The cost of travel to the "official" taxis are not too delight of tourists, because they are very high. On average, you will need to prepare about 0.5 euros per landing. For every kilometer of the road you will have to pay about 0.8 euros.

Find a car taxi in Montenegro is not difficult. Each airport will offer you definitely take a taxi. Also for these vehicles within the designated parking space. Many taxis can be seen near the famous attractions of Montenegro.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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