TOP 20 great unreleased films

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TOP 20 great unreleased films

Сообщение! » 25 май 2014, 12:59

In the history of cinema there were many ambitious projects , which for various reasons failed to implement eminent filmmakers and major Hollywood studios .

Large-scale historical drama biopic of famous personalities , sci-fi action film adaptation and outstanding literary works could rightfully take its place in the list of the best films of all time .

Journalists Indiwire remembered film projects , which , to the dismay of spectators, were never implemented. LostFilm.INFO talk about the most interesting .

"Napoleon" by Stanley Kubrick

Kubrick could take biopic of Napoleon immediately after the completion of the painting " 2001 : A Space Odyssey ." Stanley was going to engage in the battle scenes, about 50 thousand people. Against the great director played his desire to bring the script to the ideal. Spending on the study of the lives of the Emperor a few years , Kubrick found that the MGM and United Artists considered historical epic genre lost its relevance . In the cast of the picture could get Ian Holm , Alec Guinness , Laurence Olivier and Patrick Magee. David Hemmings claimed the role of Napoleon and Josephine could embody the image of Audrey Hepburn . No studio and did not dare to finance the project , although the Kubrick promised that takes the " greatest film in history." Movie companies were hesitant to give the green light this picture also because in the early 70s at the box office failed historical drama Sergei Bondarchuk's " Waterloo ."

As it became known in March last year , Steven Spielberg, a great admirer of Kubrick began work on the miniseries , which will be based on a script by Stanley . Offer to take the director's chair was Baz Luhrmann . It is hoped that one of more than a dozen of unrealized projects Kubrick read several hundred books on military leader , still be able to move on the screen . But "Napoleon" could give Stanley his first "Oscar" for Best Director ...

" Crusade " by Paul Verhoeven

Arnold Schwarzenegger was so impressed " ROBOCOP ", which insisted that the film company Carolco Verhoeven was invited to lead the work on the movie "Total Recall" . Fi thriller not only earned a worldwide box office $ 261 million , but also won the "Oscar" for special effects . Actor and director were ready to return in the sequel , the script of which was to be based on a short story by Philip K. Dick's "Minority Report ." Schwarzenegger and Verhoeven wanted to work together again and on the creation of the historical blockbuster of the First Crusade.

Director's idea was close to realization in 1994. Arnold was considered the highest grossing actor in the world , and budgets his movies are getting closer to around $ 100 million in Raleigh "crusade" agreed to perform Robert Duvall, Jennifer Connelly and John Turturro . Filming was planned to start in summer 1994, but Verhoeven has suffered because of his own integrity. "Paul did not lie about budget management Carolco film - recalls screenwriter Gary Goldman. - Unfortunately, we are working in the business in which the action can not be removed without lies. " Studio executives confused as impressive fee Schwarzenegger , and the fact that Verhoeven had to spend a considerable amount already in the preliminary stage of production.
Carolco company decided to finance blockbuster Renny Harlin " Cutthroat Island ", whose budget was $ 98 million failure of the film at the box office only earned $ 10 million, bankrupted the studio. Despite numerous petitions in support of the project Verhoeven , " Crusade " is unlikely to ever find a shelter in the majors . Major players in the film market simply will not risk to begin work on the film , the script of which the papacy openly accuses of corruption .

"Dracula" Ken Russell

In the 70 - ies of the last century, the English director was on top of his popularity . Russell initially saw " Dracula " ballet, but then rewrote the script several times , transforming the project in a feature film . The main role the director wanted to give Oliver Reed , whose company had to make Peter Ustinov , Mia Farrow, Peter O'Toole and James Coburn . Russell was going to offer viewers an interesting look at the classic story by Bram Stoker. " Would you mourn stupid ex-girlfriend and live behind the walls of a gloomy castle several centuries ? - Asks director. - I know the reasons that Dracula wants to live forever . "
In his autobiography, Ken admitted that the stories of two famous films about Dracula had been stolen from him. One of them, according to Russell , was " Dracula" by Francis Ford Coppola . But the nail in the coffin of the project was the picture of John Russell Badham , released in theaters in 1979. Russell was forced to suspend work on his film , and subsequently published in book form script .

"Superman is alive ," Tim Burton

In 1996, Kevin Smith began work on reboot "Superman" . After finishing second version of the script , Smith suggested the studio Warner Bros. appoint a director Tim Burton's blockbuster . Manual production company embraced the idea with enthusiasm , hoping that the director will be able to repeat the success of " Batman ." After the failure of the tape " Mars Attacks ! " Burton was looking for a major project to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the audience , and therefore agreed to take part in making the film . Nicolas Cage was supposed to play Superman.

Together with a Burton led Wesley Strick (" Batman Returns " ), which began to seriously change the scenario Smith. However Strick not only too far with the level of violence , but also suggested a few odd plot moves like combining Brainiac Lex Luthor and a villain named Leksiak . To work on the script was urgently hired Dan Gilroy , but it became apparent that the picture will not be able to go out in the car for the 60th anniversary of Superman . Burton went to shoot " Sleepy Hollow " and blockbuster put on the shelf .

" Conquest of Mexico " by Werner Herzog

The famous German director wanted to show the history of the colonization of Mexico in terms of the Aztecs and not the Spanish conquistadors . In the hands he had a finished script , but great for independent film budget is not allowed Werner plans realized. Director had to seek help from the major Hollywood studios , but they did not agree to give him full creative freedom.

Herzog was able to implement some of his ideas in the films " Aguirre, the wrath of God ," " Fitzcarraldo " and " Cobra Verde ." Perhaps Werner will continue the tradition and in the new project , the main role in which claims Robert Pattinson .

His version of the conquest of Mexico is ready to show Steven Spielberg , who plans to soon begin work on the film " Montezuma ."


Clare Noto, a record that mentions only one episode of "Hunger » (The Hunger), was the author of one of the most famous unrealized projects in the history of cinema. The main heroine had to face with a group of aliens who are trying to return to their home planet . The script, written in 1980, was similar at the same time to " Blade Runner " and " Alien" . Claire ideas influenced many sci-fi blockbuster , the most notable of which - " Men in Black" . Design aliens created the legendary Hans Rudi Giger , but almost all Hollywood studios were scared explicit scenes of a sexual nature , which abounded script Noto.

Risk to raise issues of xenophobia, morality and corruption was ready company Zoetrope Studios, but it went bankrupt even before filming began . A few years later Noto rewrote the script, but "Men in Black " put an end to the project. For-profit schools can hardly be solved to give the green light to controversial science-fiction movie with "adult" rating.

" Ronnie Rocket " by David Lynch

The protagonist of this David Lynch film was supposed to be a dwarf , who is forced to eat from the mains. Over time, the protagonist is not only learned how to manage energy , but was able to use it both as destructive weapons , and to create music. He decides to become a rock star , taking the nickname Ronnie Rocket ...

For almost his entire career Lynch called " Ronnie Rocket" his next project . The picture should be the first color was the director's work after the black and white films " Eraserhead " and " The Elephant Man ." The main role at different times claimed Dexter Fletcher and Michael J. Anderson. In 2009, Lynch said he would be willing to return to the project at that stage of his career , when he was already " will not have to think about the consequences ."

" Frankenstein " by David Cronenberg

In the early 80 - ies of the last century, the Canadian producer Pierre David suggested the director to film the novel by Mary Shelley , " Cronenberg's style ." David liked the application scenario , and he immediately paid advertising in the film magazine Variety. "I'm not going to shoot a simple remake - said Cronenberg . - I wanted to show the creature possesses sentient beings and not a standard monster . " Alas , these plans remained director plans. Some idea of ​​" Frankenstein " Cronenberg managed to implement in the cult " Fly ," which appeared on screens in 1986.

Cronenberg was also attached to the project "American Psycho" and "Total Recall" , but changed his other directors . Producers sci-fi thriller , dreaming about the " finders of the Lost Ark on Mars ," David put the blame excess similarity scenario with a story by Philip K. Dick .

" Heart of Darkness " by Orson Welles

Adaptation of the great works of Joseph Conrad could become one of the most striking works of HG Wells . Orson wrote the script for the film even before it came to him the glory . Technical innovation , which he wanted to use , require huge financial costs , but because the studio refused the project. Wells managed to shoot a few test scenes , but the film was lost.

Scenario paintings can be found on the Internet . If Orson was able to realize his ambitious project, maybe Francis Ford Coppola would never took another great movie - "Apocalypse Now"

" Genesis " Robert Bresson

French director was going to postpone the first book of the Bible in theaters in those days , when the creation of the universe could not be shown by means of computer graphics. As he confessed Bresson , the main problem was that the trainers could not get the animals to perform all the necessary tricks. At the same time , Robert , did not hide his disdain for Hollywood stars , noted that " human model" , unlike our younger brothers , were easy to deal with their responsibilities.

In 1963, the producer of the picture would become Dino De Lourentis , but work on the project had to be suspended . Bresson returned to film in 1985 when it secured the support of investors , but the " Genesis " and failed to take off .

Nowadays biblical epics again gaining popularity. " Noah ," Darren Aronofsky earned a $ 292 million box office , failing to reach the level of self-sufficiency. December 11 in Russian painting rolled out Ridley Scott "Exodus ," which tells the story of Moses .

"Gershwin " by Martin Scorsese

Work on the biopic of American composer began in 1983 when a film script written by Paul Schrader (" Taxi Driver "). The second version of the text on which he worked , John Guare (" Atlantic City "), Scorsese has managed to generate interest . Rights for the picture belonged to the studio Warner Bros., Is skeptical about the prospects for this expensive project at the box office .

"When I was ready to get started, the film company executives said they are more interested in the life story of Dean Martin " - confessed Scorsese in 2004. However, the biopic , the main role that could play Tom Hanks, was not yet finished the script. As a result, has not been implemented , none of these projects , although biopic Martin got to the stage Casting - Frank Sinatra was supposed to play John Travolta .

Currently, the director at the hands of scenarios are ten films over which he plans to work in the coming years , and therefore to the Gershwin biopic he is unlikely to ever return . But the chance to see a picture of Sinatra Scorsese valued much higher.

"Kaleidoscope" Alfred Hitchcock

Benn W. Levy (" Blackmail ") helped write the script Hitchcock thriller about a maniac - necrophilia . Alfred started the project in difficult times , seriously worrying failure of political drama " Torn Curtain ." "Kaleidoscope" was a kind of prequel to " doubt " about the life of the murderer before he set off on the run .

In 2012, Steven Soderbergh said that to implement the project Hitchcock prevented studio executives Universal. "Alfred planned to shoot black and white film with a high level of violence - said Stephen . - Lew Wasserman, head of Universal dissuaded him , because the picture is very different from the previous works of the director . The same people who made their millions of Hitchcock's films , insisted that Alfred rejected the idea of ​​a low-budget thriller remove this as he wanted . "

Hitchcock was ready to meet the $ 1 million, taking the main roles of little-known actors. The director filmed several color test scenes , but even this failed to convince the leadership of Universal. Finally abandon this idea Hitchcock "helped" by François Truffaut , who noted that the script is too much violence and explicit scenes .

"The Idiot" by Andrei Tarkovsky

In the 70s of the last century like Andrei Tarkovsky film famous novel by Dostoyevsky . " Andrew wanted to make this film , but executives GOSKINO told him : " You're too young "- confessed sister director Marina Tarkovsky, in an interview with Voice Of Russia. - They argued that he needed to gain experience. So ten years and fed his promises ... ".

In 1983, Mosfilm gave the project the green light, but in 1984, at a press conference in Milan Tarkovsky said he would never return to the USSR. " " The Idiot " by Dostoevsky has been " removed "in the head Andrew - said Marina Tarkovskaya in an interview with " Boulevard of Gordon . " - He told me even a brilliant final scene explanation Rogozhina with Myshkin , who wanted to play himself . And as he saw Nastasia's Terekhov . "

"Leningrad : 900 Days" by Sergio Leone

Finished shooting "Once in America," Leone began work on an adaptation of the book of Harrison Salisbury " 900 days. The Siege of Leningrad . " The main role claimed by Robert De Niro. Work on the script and did not manage to finish , but the director had to plan some spectacular scenes. The film was supposed to begin with a concert orchestra , performing " Seventh Symphony " by Dmitri Shostakovich , and then these frames were replaced by large-scale battle scenes .

In 1989, Leone resumed shooting , failing to provide the project budget of $ 100 million Moreover, he managed to make the unthinkable at the time an agreement with one of the Soviet film companies , which was ready to help the director in the implementation of its project ...

Sergio Leone died of a heart attack two days before the signing official papers .

Director Jean - Jacques Annaud argues that Leone had asked him to realize this project , but the Frenchman finished script instead found only a bag that appeared full of historical books . Anno able to partially fulfill the promise of removing the film " Enemy at the Gates ." In 2011, work on the film "Leningrad" began Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore .

"Megapolis" Francis Ford Coppola

According to Coppola , to provide funding for the project , he had to take just three studio films - " Dracula ," " Jack " and " The Benefactor ." "Megapolis" told about the rich architect in a futuristic New York City , which is trying to build a utopian city . Scenario has attracted interest of almost all Hollywood stars Kevin Spacey and Warren Beatty and even managed to meet with the director. Coppola's plans did not materialize because of the terrorist attacks of September 11 . " New York had become the protagonist of the film - said the director . - But at that moment it was clear that we would not be able to use the city as originally planned . "

In 2009, Coppola admitted that the painting creation will require huge financial investments , which are not ready to Hollywood studios . Two years ago, the director turned his attention to another ambitious project , which will begin operation in the 20- ies of the last century.

"Gladiator 2 "

Despite the death of the hero in the final Russell Crowe "Gladiator " , the management of DreamWorks was seriously considering the possibility of a sequel. In the script by Nick Cave , with a record that at the time there was only one project , Maximus had to turn into an immortal warrior involved in virtually every military conflict in world history. According to the most Cave , Crowe said screenwriter that the text he did not like . Ridley Scott , in turn , argues that the project abandoned studio and Crowe wanted to play in the sequel , the protagonist of which was supposed to be the son of Maximus .!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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