Development of high-technology in China: microelectronics, software, robotics, etc.

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Development of high-technology in China: microelectronics, software, robotics, etc.

Сообщение! » 18 апр 2011, 23:03

04/17/2011 The development of microelectronics in China-in Hainan was opened Chinese Silicon Valley

Since 2011, in the current Five-Year Plan in China, PRC authorities will actively develop of microelectronics. According to the state development strategy of microelectronics in China, planned to develop the market of microprocessors to $ 51 billion, an increase in market microprocessors will be 231%, compared to 2010. In this case, about 28% of this amount will be in their own development of the Chinese manufacturers (Vs. 20% in 2010). To ensure the implementation of this ambitious project of the Chinese authorities, in Chengmai County, Hainan on April 08, 2011 was held the opening ceremony of Chinese analogue of Silicon Valley - the Hainan Resort Software Community(see a photo). Since the early 1970, dozens of countries have tried to repeat the American project -Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley emerged in Cambridge, Tel Aviv, Helsinki, French Antibes, Korean Daejeon, Indian Bangalore, Taiwan and now on Hainan Island, China emerged analog of Silicon Valley, which will include universities, companies and business incubators, creating a whole system of obtaining and transfer of information technology. The ultimate goal of the project in Hainan - to produce advanced software, which will demand in global markets. It is reported, that in an area of ??several square kilometers in the next 5 years will create the conditions for 50,000 professionals in the field of information technology. In Hainan will set up a system of training and transfer of innovative technologies,will create a leading intellectual center, will also be provided with a high level of business culture supported by government subsidies and comfortable working conditions in the local climate. It is expected, that after three years in China will begin widespread implementation of software products, developed in the Hainan Resort Software Community on Hainan Island. FOR PHOTOS CLICK HERE: ... alley.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of high-technology in China: microelectronics, software, robotics, etc.

Сообщение! » 15 май 2014, 14:23

In China discovered 7-inch tablet Samsung SM-T2558
New, not yet known , SamSung device has been seen in China. Regulatory authority of the country certified model SM-T2558. The letter " T" in the index and the screen size (7 inches) indicates that the device is a tablet , but the look of it more like a smartphone . The device has quad-core processor clocked at 1.2 GHz, 1.5 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal memory, 8 - megapixel main and 2- megapixel front camera . SamSung SM-T2558 supports networks of TD-LTE connectivity and TD-SCDMA. The operating system supports Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.It is not known when and where it will be a new tablet SamSung. Most likely, it will be made available the Chinese mobile operator China Mobile.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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