Woman stopped tank: Kramatorsk barricades were attacked

Woman stopped tank: Kramatorsk barricades were attacked

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 19 апр 2014, 14:01

A group of unidentified tried Friday night dismantle barricades around Kramatorsk City Council in the Donetsk region of Ukraine , told RIA Novosti the leader of the People's Militia , " People's Mayor " Slavic Vyacheslav Ponomarev .According to him, only the timely arrival of reinforcements from neighboring Sloviansk allowed to avoid provocations.Sloviansk militia is not going to liberate the city administration buildingAs eyewitnesses told RIA Novosti on Friday evening at Lenin Square near Kramatorsk City Council, which already held a few days federalization supporters , began to gather " strong young men ." Defenders of the City Council members learned they rally "For United Ukraine ", which the day before, on Thursday, was held in the city under the flags of Ukraine and ended with clashes with supporters of federalization .At some point, about 40 activists approached the barricades and the city council began to take away them . " They are motivated by the fact that in Geneva reached certain agreements standoff ended , and according to the agreements , administrative buildings should be released " - eyewitnesses .In addition, they allegedly heard talk of attacking each other , that Ukrainian oligarchs announced monetary reward for each vacated office building . Freeing district Kramators'k who guarded a small amount activists hitters were going to " hold day" and then claim the reward.Defenders of the city council had to call in reinforcements from neighboring Sloviansk , which is fully controlled by supporters of federalization . When Slavic , which is only 12 kilometers from Kramatorsk , several cars came with a help , supporters " evromaydana " departed from the barricade and fled .Since March in eastern Ukraine - Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk - rallies supporters federalization . Later protests spread for a few cities of Donetsk region . The Ukrainian authorities have announced the start of a large-scale security operation involving the army. Moscow believes the new Ukrainian authorities decision to use force , including army against protesters extremely dangerous developments .How to change the power in UkraineThe political crisis erupted in Ukraine in late November 2013, when the Cabinet announced the suspension of the European integration of the country. Mass protests called " evromaydanom " were held throughout Ukraine in January clashed with armed radicals law enforcement. The result of street fights in which the opposition has repeatedly used firearms and " Molotov cocktails " , dozens of human lives .February 22, in the country there was a violent seizure of power . Verkhovna Rada , violating the agreements reached between President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders, changed the constitution changed the leadership of the parliament and the Interior Ministry and to remove from power the head of state , who was later forced to leave Ukraine , fearing for his life . February 27 , the Ukrainian parliament adopted the so -called government of national trust , the prime minister became Yatsenyuk.RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/world/20140419/1004566973 ... z2zJChS9Yo

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