

Сообщение! » 24 июн 2011, 18:55

Cassini discovered a salty ocean under the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's moon
Thursday, 23 June 2011 11:46
FOR PHOTOS CLICK HERE: ... ladus.html

A team of scientists from the University of Heidelberg, jointly with scientists from the University of Colorado, based on analysis of data, received from NASA interplanetary Cassini-Huygens mission, have identified a large probability of finding an ocean of salt water under the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's moon.

Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA with the space agencies of Europe to study Saturn, which was launched in 1997 and reached Saturn's orbit on July 1, 2004. Cassini-Huygens mission is composed of a spacecraft Cassini, carrying a lander Huygens. In 2008, the Cassini-Huygens project was renamed the Cassini Equinox. Although initially it was assumed, that the mission will end in 2008, but the timing twice been extended, the last time it was extended to 2017.

During the mission, the Cassini thrice came closer to Enceladus, and as a result, it was able to take pictures of unusual geysers are erupting on this moon of Saturn in the long fractures on its surface, which later were called "tiger stripes". In early November 2009, the Cassini came within just 100 km from Enceladus, being able to analyze the composition of a substance that is released from its geysers. This was possible due to the fact, that Enceladus has a relatively small size, its diameter is only 450 kilometers, so due to the low gravity, the particles from the geysers can fly quite far from this moon of Saturn.

Numerous data, obtained in the analysis of emissions from the geysers on this moon of Saturn, indicate, that salt water in the liquid phase is located in large quantities under the surface of Enceladus, as the geysers of Enceladus consist from 91% of water, which also found presence of salt. As noted by Frank Rosterberg, the salt concentration rises toward the surface of Enceladus, which makes it very possible hypothesis about the presence of water in liquid form under the surface of Enceladus.

William Gershel discovered Enceladus in 1789. But because of the small size of Enceladus, the first data about Enceladus had been received only in the early 1980s, when the station "Voyager 1" has found that Enceladus orbits within the densest part of Saturn's rings are scattered - the E ring and communicates with these substances, and the station "Voyager-2" found that on the surface of Enceladus are the most diverse landscapes with signs of tectonic activity. After that, already, since 2005, the Cassini several times passed near the Enceladus, revealing active geysers on its surface, as well as the existence of geologic activity.

It should be noted, that the presence of geological activity on such a small moons was not unexpected, since the moons in the satellite systems of Jupiter and Saturn are often caught by the orbital resonances of these large planets, which lead to orbital eccentricity, and can cause intermittent heating the interiors of these satellites. Therefore, Enceladus is one of three celestial bodies beyond the terrestrial planets (with Jupiter's moon Io and Neptune's satellite Triton) with active tectonic activity and eruptions.

In particular, the analysis of the eruptions from Enceladus were found to have a 91% water, 4% - of nitrogen, 3.2% of carbon dioxide and 1.7% - from methane. This unique combination of chemicals makes Enceladus a prime candidate for an astrobiological research beyond the Earth, as the relentless tectonic activity on Enceladus is almost one hundred percent indicates the existence of water in liquid form just under its surface.

Scientists around the world immediately turned to the fact, that the existence of such a combination of chemical composition of the interior of Enceladus, and tectonic activity on its surface. Interesting hypothesis previously contained in two research articles, which were published in the journal "Icarus". One article called: “ Enceladus' plume: Compositional evidence for a hot interior”, another article called: “ Enceladus's South Polar Sea”. According to the basic concept in these articles, if the nitrogen in Enceladus was the result of chemical decomposition of aqueous ammonia, then it requires a high temperature, so it is possible to create a supportive environment (includes water in the liquid state, high temperature, nitrogen and methane) which is necessary for the synthesis of more complex organic compounds and even amino acids, which are the initial compounds necessary for the emergence of biological life.

Thus, in theory, according to scientists,- on Enceladus were established in almost all the initial conditions for the emergence of biological life. However, the spectrometers of Cassini could not register the presence of amino acids in the emissions of Enceladus geysers, since its sensitivity is not designed for analysis of such compounds.

But scientists hope, that future expeditions to the Enceladus would lead to the greatest sensation- the detection of biological life beyond Earth.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 26 сен 2012, 18:09

Titan is the second Earth in the Solar system
Thursday, 14 June 2012 08:18

Titan, the Saturn's moon,- is the second largest moon in the Solar system and it is very similar to Earth (see the video below of this article). In July 2009 the radar of Cassini probe was recorded light reflection from a smooth surface of a liquid ocean in the infrared range on Titan, which was a direct proof of the existence of oceans beyond Earth. Radar of Cassini probe in the southern hemisphere of Titan showed a well-developed river systems, coastline and surface covered with liquid, but on the surface of Titan an all lakes, rivers, seas and oceans are composed of methane with temperature at the surface minus 180 degrees Celsius, and the existence of biological life forms at this temperature is practically impossible, then many scientists disappointed to find life on Titan's surface, but the opening of the new a very unusual phenomenon once again attracted the attention of many scientists to Titan- the comparison of images, which were taken by the probe of Cassini in 2005 and 2007 showed, that parts of the landscape of Titan moved 30 kilometers- this is only possible in the case, if the surface is of Titan consist from ice crust with thickness of about 500-1000 meters, but under of ice crust is located a liquid ocean with thickness of about two kilometer and a strong tidal effect of Saturn leads to heating of the core of Titan, and therefore the calculated temperature under the surface of Titan in this underground ocean is at least plus 10 degrees Celsius, which is very comfortable condition for the development of new forms of biological life on Titan. Note that in June 5, 2010 a group of scientists from NASA have made a declaration, that they have discovered on Titan a signs of a possible existence of the simplest forms of life on based on the analysis of data from the probe of Cassini, as a result of studying the unusual behavior of hydrogen on the surface of the satellite, the scientists believe - Titan's living organisms absorb gaseous hydrogen and acetylene, while in the process of life is formed methane on Titan in the end should be observed lack of reduction of acetylene and hydrogen near the surface. Measurements of spectrometer of Cassini probe showed a signs of disappearance of hydrogen and acetylene, so the detection of extraterrestrial life forms are possible on Titan in its underground ocean. Now is preparing Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM), which was originally designed as a joint project between NASA and ESA for study of Saturn and its satellites- Titan and Enceladus. From the very beginning it was reported, that it is desirable to bring the Russian Space Agency to participate in Mission Titan Saturn System Mission, but the most interesting - the start of negotiations with the Russian Space Agency has coincided with successful completion of the drilling of ice in Antarctica to Lake Vostok, which indicates that the Titan Saturn System Mission would include Drilling of Titan's surface in 2029, when the probe will reache the surface of Titan after its launch in 2020 from the Earth. Note that, according to NASA, the probe of Titan Saturn System Mission will be equipped with very powerful and long-lasting source of energy - the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG), which it is totally unnecessary for the average research probe- it is necessary for the drilling installation.
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 07 окт 2012, 02:44

Scientists from Europe are going to send a boat to Titan- VIDEO
Saturday, 29 September 2012 09:43 ... titan.html

On September 27, 2012 at the European Planetary Science Congress, scientists from Europe presented a new project- TALISE (Titan Lake In-situ Sampling Propelled Explorer). The project involves sending to Titan, Saturn's Moon, a special machine-boat that can float like a boat on the liquid seas of Titan. European scientists are considering three main options design of a boat for the Titan. Under the first option, the boat will travel to Titan as a paddle steamer, using wheels on the sides of the boat. The second option is to create a boat, that moves through screws. The third option offers the use of a paddle wheel. Scientists from Europe believe, that such a machine-boat will have to land on one of the seas of Titan, known as Sea of Ligei (Ligeia Mare) and then the boat should swim to shore, making the course of scientific measurements. The total period of the expedition to Titan will be one year.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 11 ноя 2012, 04:00

Monster storm appeared on Saturn- VIDEO

Monday, 29 October 2012 11:55 ... storm.html

A team of scientists of NASA, under the direction of Brigette Hesman from the University of Maryland, USA reported about the detection of an unusually large storm on Saturn. As reported Brigette Hesman, although in late of 2010, an astronomers recorded the appearance of Saturn's unusually large storm, but its huge size were accurately assessed only after a careful analysis of the Cassini images and data of the composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS), mounted on probe Cassini. As reported Brigette Hesman, a storm on Saturn is the most ambitious of all storms, that have ever been observed in the Solar system, if such a storm occurred on the Earth's surface, the typhoon with size of a North America circled the Earth a several times. Very unexpected for NASA scientists were consequences of storm on Saturn: the surface temperature of Saturn in the storm rose to 80 degrees of Celsius and there were an unusually large increase in the concentration of ethylene, THE VIDEO:!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 11 ноя 2012, 04:01

Titan, the Saturn's moon, shines in the dark for unknown reasons- VIDEO

Sunday, 04 November 2012 16:41

In the magazine Geophysical Research Letters appeared an article of a group of scientists from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, under the leadership of Robert West, that the analysis of images of Saturn's Moon Titan, which were made by NASA spacecraft Cassini, revealed an unusual and yet inexplicable glow of the lower atmosphere of Titan in the dark shadows of Saturn. According to Robert West, a space station Cassini, which recently celebrated its 15th year of birth, photographed of Titan, when it was in the shadow of Saturn with a very long exposure – a 560 seconds. Cassini found an unusual glow in the lower atmosphere of Titan, and did not found in the upper layers of its atmosphere. Although the intensity of this emission is very weak, THE VIDEO:!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 01 дек 2012, 22:19

Second Pac-Man was found on Tethys, moon of Saturn-VIDEO

Tuesday, 27 November 2012 21:11

In the Icarus magazine was published an article of scientists from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), led by Carly Howett, that the probe "Cassini" found an another Pac-Man near Saturn on the thermal infrared configuration of Tethys map, the third Moon of Saturn, is very similar to the famous Pac-Man- iconic character of video and computer game of the 1980s. As reported Carly Howett, second Pac-Man in the Saturn system (the first was found in 2010 on Mimas) suggests, that the processes, that form such a temperature map of Saturn's Moons, are distributed much more widely, than previously thought, and probably connected with the impact of high energy electrons, that bombard certain aspects of Saturn's Moons, which led scientists to the discovery- high-energy electrons can form the relief of Saturn's Moons, heating a different parts of the surface, THE VIDEO: ... ethys.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 11 май 2014, 13:43

Rainbow on Saturn in the 10,000 kilometers-biggest rainbow in the Solar System- VIDEO PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 08 May 2014 11:55
Spacecraft "Cassini" photographed the rainbow on Saturn with size of 10 thoUSAnd kilometers, which has become the biggest rainbow in the Solar system. Rainbow appeared in the sections of the rings C and B, the photo was taken by Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS), VIDEO: ... aturn.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 18 май 2014, 14:15

Alien base found on Titan, Saturn's moon, on the official NASA photo- VIDEO PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 17 May 2014 16:00
On the official NASA photo in section, that shows the landing site of the Huygens-Cassini spacecraft, which is seen a strange object with right angles, which resembles a huge building (base aliens on Titan?) made in the form of a regular square with clearly visible right angles, VIDEO: ... titan.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 21 май 2014, 15:06

Aurora on Saturn a scientists have discovered – VIDEO
Wednesday, 21 May 2014 09:17
Astronomers from the University of Leicester have made pictures of unusual aurora on Saturn, which occurs when a magnetic field of Saturn has a "bombardment" of charged solar particles. Opening researchers are confirming the theory, that auroras on Saturn often arise as a result of a substantial collapse of its "magnetic tail" Just as comets, planets such as Saturn and Earth have a "tail" - so-called magnetic loop or tail of the magnetosphere. At a time when particularly strong stream of solar particles "hits" Saturn, the planet's magnetic loop can be compressed, resulting in causing disturbances in its magnetic field. These disturbances are the reason that there are "aurora " About the same things happen on Earth. Researchers at the University of Leicester observed, as it occurs on Saturn from April to May 2013, the three-year program of observations by Space Telescope Hubble. Their discovery was made by publication in Geophysical Research Letters.The ultraviolet images made by supersensitive camera Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys, shows the moments when Saturn's magnetic field is exposed to particle fluxes from the Sun .Due to the nature of Saturn's atmosphere, its auroras glow brightly in the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum.Scientists were able to take pictures during a very dynamic "light show". Some flashes of light streaking over the polar regions of Saturn, traveling at a rate three times greater than the speed of rotation of the gas giant. With the help of two spacecrafts, managed to make a 360-degree picture of Saturn's auroras: both the north and the south pole of the planet. On Earth an observers can see the aurora as a green veil of light, glowing with bright red tops. Cassini camera shows us a similar picture auroras on Saturn, only the red color here at the bottom and top is purple, VIDEO: ... aturn.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Saturn

Сообщение! » 10 июн 2014, 15:40

Polar vortex on Titan, moon of Saturn - VIDEO
Tuesday, 10 June 2014 06:00
Polar vortex on Titan, Moon of Saturn there exists in the polar regions of Titan's atmosphere. Cassini recently took a picture, which shows that the vortex core is also above the misty atmosphere, VIDEO: ... titan.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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