What do these Russian?

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What do these Russian?

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 18 июн 2016, 13:15

I do not deny yourself the pleasure potrollit pribaltotsentrichnyh horses, clock kamlat "Putin, come!" and at the same time frightening that its advent own national bruised Russophobic flock.

I never tried it? Highly recommended, instead of already bored "Comedy Club" and not the night said "Smehopanorama". Google this Serpentarium minded elementary - for key phrases: "The aggressive nature of Russian" and "Secret Kremlin's plans for the Baltic states", then you must crawl into the center of epi ... the epicenter of this gadyushnik loud (kapslukom) say, "YES YOU fuck RUSSIA DOES NOT NEED any or RUSSIAN! "

After that usually begins apotheosis extravaganza during which literally explodes Russophobic get-together, and chanting in unison: "No need No need !!!" unlimited time will convince you and themselves in their own clock and a categorical necessity for the indispensability of the Russian world in general and the Russian state - in particular.

In short, there is a desire - you can have fun. When communicating Russophobia on their indispensability and the need for the Russian finished 3-4 anecdote born in any conversation. But we are not talking about them today. Today we are about those very Russian desire, which Russian unsuccessfully trying to tell "our western partners", causing a range of emotions - from anger and bewilderment to Homeric laughter.

And what is necessary from the standpoint of Russian Russian themselves?

Crimea is needed? Certainly needed, then the people and the party united. And, excuse me, why and how it (as then) he needs the average citizen, well, for example, or Viluysk Torzhok? In terms of "our Western partners," Nebrat, as well as numerous baksolyubov and kakunihachuh, need the Crimea, as a certain number of square meters of land, which can be very profitable to sell. They even hysteria about Crimea exclusively in material and financial terms, picking up some kitchen analogy under the "you have selected our Crimea" as if "you have selected our samovar, just when we were going to blow very beneficial ..." Nothing personal. Clean the specificity of thinking, in which the paradigm of value is only that which can be exchanged for a certain number of banknotes.

Now I will not philosophize on the subject, it is a good or bad specifics of thinking. It just does not Russian. The average citizen of Russia to learn about the results of the Crimean referendum, did not rush to the calculator to multiply square kilometers at their market value. He just does not see Crimea as a commodity value, which, incidentally, is very different from the representatives of the Russian elite, which is precisely the very same as for thinking with "our Western partners":

I've already talked about a year ago talking to the beauty-Prague for the "cup" of beer with a bright and typical representative of the new Europeans - young and successful Wojtek that (well, as without it), of course, podogrevshis, complained of the heavy Czech destiny of their nation, you who just do not hurt - and reptile-Hitler-Stalin bastard ...
Wait wait, Wojtek! But in the late 30s your army was one of the strongest in Europe - 25 divisions. 800 tanks, 1500 aircraft.
Wojtek looked at me like a madman.
But if we were at war, then all of this - he gestured panorama of the old town - would be destroyed and burned ... How could this happen? No, it was impossible to resist wrong ...
Familiar, is not it? Those same words repeatedly audible on the eve of May 9: "And why do we need such sacrifices were in Leningrad?" "And why was the massacre at Moscow?" and in general, "Katz offers surrender" ...

Most euro calculator fails, trying to figure out what you need in the Donbass Russian and Syria, Ossetia and Abkhazia, where the solid costs and no profit, and why with all that they (by analogy) the gift is not even necessary Baltics. Well, not laid algorithms for calculating benefits Russian nor in the minds of "our Western partners", nor in their computing.

Although that could be easier? And in Marseilles, and in the Arab Syria, and even more so in the underbelly of their own - in the Donets Basin and the Caucasus, the main interest of the average Russian, and his main request is a request for justice and attempts to personally participate in the immediate restoration of trampled justice. And Crimea - it is just a symbol of the restoration of justice.

"Our Western partners", and sworn by them Nebrat such requests specifically korezhit. Not only them. the ruling elite in Russia itself oh how this request displeased. Although the validity of the elite does not cancel. Justice - when it's not evenly, and when due. During various surveys have repeatedly drawn up lists of merit, for people who do not mind a million. That is in itself a millionaire is not annoying people. And flasher with the siren on the car is not too annoying. Irritating millionaire and blinker siren hell knows for what services.

All the same, and in foreign policy.

 Russian absolutely annoying accessory hero-city Brest in Belarus. Similarly, non-irritating and Ukrainian Sevastopol, but only until such time as the Ukrainians have become ukrov, no longer meet the requirements, which impose to the Russian owners of this treasure. Everything else - is simply justice that has no price, not prodёtsya, not rented or pawned.

Marseilles anglopoboische - from the same series. The British, of course, - the founders of football. And in this sense - respect them and uvazhuha. But only until such time as they correspond to the requirements of the founding fathers. Within this framework, they have the right to indulgence to the whims and bad character. But as soon as credit Respect of England was exhausted, it was the restoration of the balance of justice is extremely painful for the pioneers of football shape.
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