The best resorts in Mexico

The best resorts in Mexico

Сообщение! » 07 сен 2014, 15:14

Mexico - the country, harmoniously combining Spanish, Caribbean and Indian culture. Here you can spend an unforgettable evening on the beach, trying surprisingly tasty Mexican cuisine. Or visit the ruins of an ancient Mayan city and touch the living history. The best resorts in Mexico are perfect for relaxation for the whole family, giving comfort, and the inhabitants of the country will surprise you with their hospitality.
Riviera Maya

This is a real gem of the country. Here, bright turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea wash white sandy beaches, which stretch for miles. Riviera Maya is an invitation for a carefree holiday. You can simply enjoy the warm warm sun or take a dip in the Caribbean Sea, accompanied by dolphins and admire the starry sky at night. Amazing underwater world will meet you magnificent coral gardens, including swimming fish completely unimaginable colors. This resort town of the country - the most beautiful holiday destination in all of Mexico.

Cancun - one of the most interesting, and therefore popular tourist destination in Mexico. This city attracts many tourists about three million people each year spend their holidays here. Gorgeous hotel, decorated in a unique architectural style, is located on the clean sand beach, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation.

Cancun - is the place where it is necessary to go to fans of exciting excursions and ancient archaeological sites. Here you will find the ancient Mayan city - Uxmal, Tulum, Chichen Itza and Coba. No less interest and the city of the colonial era - Merida and Valladolid.

Besides the beautiful beach holiday, and interesting sightseeing trips, where you can swim, accompanied by frequent guests of the water area - dolphins or go snorkeling. Surfing, fishing, horseback riding - that's only a small part of the entertainment offered by this resort.

Tulum - a small coastal town, but nevertheless, a popular Mexican resort. This place is known for the unique ruins of the fortress of the Maya. This attraction is located on a cliff top, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

Another structure, which is known to many tourists - the castle of El Castillo. Once it is located on top of the highest cliff, served as a watchtower and a lighthouse.
Puerto Morelos

This small resort town welcomes its guests with first-class hotel with excellent service and the best beach areas on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. They are well equipped to practice all kinds of sports. In the coastal waters of Puerto Morelos, you can go diving or just snorkelling, admiring the beauty of the underwater world.

This resort area especially lovers of quiet and relaxing holiday. Here life flows quietly and, in contrast to the nearby Cancun.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The best resorts in Mexico

Сообщение! » 07 апр 2015, 18:24

Holidays in Cancun

Holidays in Cancun - a stay in the best hotels coast, swimming in the Caribbean Sea, visiting bars, restaurants, shops iparkov with fountains, tasting Mexican food.
The main types of holidays in Cancun

Excursion: for those wishing to organize a trip to Chichen Itza, where they can see the Temple of Warriors, the pyramid of Kukulkan and the Observatory; to the ruins of the coastal city of the Maya - Tulum; in ecological park Xel-Ha (here you can not only see rare plants and animals, but also swim in the lagoon, and explore underground caves, sink to the bottom diving and mask). In addition, in its excursion program should include a visit to the Museum of underwater sculptures (for this you need scuba gear and mask).
Active: active tourists resort provides the opportunity to play tennis or golf, surfing, sailing, diving, underwater motorcycle ride, go fishing, have fun in the night club "Coco Bongo" or water park "Wet'n Wild".
Beach: Send email "Dolphin Beach", you can not only swim in the turquoise water and soak up the white sandy beach, and surf, fly a kite to climb to the observation platform. Swim far from shore is not recommended - blame dangerous undercurrents. And on the beach you can do Caracol snorkeling, water skiing and visit the lessons of professional instructors in water sports.

Prices for tours to Cancun

The ideal time to travel to Cancun is considered November-April. This period - the high season, which means that you need to be prepared for high prices (especially for Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as the February Carnival). If your plans include the acquisition of a more or less democratic at the price of tours, it makes sense to address this issue in the rainy season, which lasts from May to November. For example, arrived in Cancun in September-November, you can save up to 40%.

Going to spend time on the beach, be sure to use a sunscreen with a high SPF (the same applies to tourists traveling on the day walking around the city).

Since the services of travel agencies in Cancun are quite expensive, it is advisable to rent a car or hire a car for the whole day to get to any attractions. Even more you can save by renting a bike or scooter, but they are not recommended to leave the city (even a little rain makes roads slippery concrete, which can make the trip hazard).

Mementos from Cancun can become capes, ponchos, sombreros, wood, leather, ceramics, onyx, silver, branded items (you will please attractive prices, because sellers are exempt from local taxes), Aztec ritual knife, mask, tequila, calendar Maya.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The best resorts in Mexico

Сообщение! » 20 июн 2015, 02:09

Resorts of Mexico

Variegated as sombreros, fragrant as lime tart, like tequila and music as mariachi, all this - Mexico, remote and beautiful. What else can the average traveler knows the country of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans? Why resorts in Mexico is so high in the world ranking of tourist destinations? It's simple: here the warm sea, white sand, hot sun, and people with all my heart and loving Dear guest!
Always on top

When choosing a place for a beach holiday in Mexico, travelers usually considers several cities:

The undisputed leader of the Mexican beach tourism in the Caribbean - Cancun. Growing up in just a couple of decades in the middle of the last century from a fishing village in the prestigious resort of world importance, this city has to offer hotel guests at any level, hundreds of restaurants with national cuisine, a variety of entertainment to suit different tastes and, of course, those famous seascapes, from which breathtaking.
Playa del Carmen, a few dozen kilometers to the south - the center of the Riviera Maya. This Mexico resort is ideal for families with children and for those who love diving. The local coral reef is able to impress even the dive in the Great Barrier!
Tulum hotels are located right at the water's edge and are quite and comfortable apartments and common tents, where all rooms - a cold shower and mosquito net. However, everyone - his own, and to wake up every day by measuring the roar of the waves, book even better than those bungalows in advance.
Isla Mujeres - is a small island near Cancun. It is very nice to immerse themselves in full relax on the white sandy beach, especially since the island's infrastructure allows women not to worry about their daily bread, nor entertainment.

Most Pacific

This Mexican resort once sang very incendiary fashion in the '80s of the last century Italian band Ricchi e Poveri. Acapulco on the Pacific coast of Mexico is very popular with young people and those who prefer to rest any nightlife. Guests Acapulco come off in discos and nightclubs, it employs the most famous DJs of the planet and the quality of the music would be the envy even in Ibiza.
"Thee leads the heart and you're bound to fall in love" - ​​sang famous Italians. This resort in Mexico, everything is possible, because of Acapulco for the past several decades is surely among the top places in the world for the best beach holiday.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The best resorts in Mexico

Сообщение! » 04 июл 2015, 03:57

Tours in Mexico City

The third largest urban agglomeration and the largest Hispanic city in the world, colorful metropolis with magnificent palaces, vast squares and friendly people - it is the capital of Mexico. There are always welcome, and excursions to ancient sites - a cherished goal of thousands of travelers. Booking tours in Mexico, is to be prepared for a storm of unforgettable experiences that are just raining down on every tourist, descended from the plane at the international airport Benito Juarez.
Briefly about the importance

Mexico Height above sea level more than two kilometers, and therefore had flown here from the cities of the plains at first to get used to some peculiarities of the physical condition. In favor of an early acclimatization go healthy enough sleep, plenty of clean water and quality food. During the tour in Mexico is not overwork, especially in the early days, and try to grasp the immensity. City is truly enormous, and therefore it is better to return to the capital of Mexico again.
Particular attention during the tour in Mexico City should pay personal safety. An important rule - keep track of things and do not carry large sums of money. However, in compliance with the elementary rules of caution, as in any big city in the world, the trip will take great experience and will be only positive.
Mexican cuisine - an international concept. Restaurants with national food descendants of the Maya and Aztecs to be found anywhere in the world. But going on a tour in Mexico, it is to be ready for the authenticity of the local cuisine. Authors of dishes in restaurants are not used to save Pepper and other spices, and therefore should be very hard to clarify the degree of severity of the ordered dishes.

About the weather and nature

Because of the relatively high-altitude locations, the average temperature in the capital of Mexico constitute 12 in January and 18 in June. The most rainy season in the summer months. Special features of the city - smog hanging over Mexico throughout the year. Given the mountainous location it can cause problems with health, and therefore before booking tours in Mexico, it is important to take into account the degree of physical fitness and health.

Attractions world level

The most important museum of the Mexican capital - National Anthropological. It contains a unique collection, which becomes the main reason many travelers booking tours in Mexico City. Among the most important masterpieces of world history and culture - the Sun Stone or Aztec Calendar, Toltec sculpture from Tula, a giant Olmeca head and plate of burial in Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The best resorts in Mexico

Сообщение! » 19 июл 2015, 21:32

Coast of Mexico

Relax on the coast of Mexico - is diving (there is a lot of underwater caves), surfing, white water rafting, rock climbing, skydiving, fishing on the Pacific Ocean ...
Resorts on the coast of Mexico (the benefits of rest)

Resorts on the Caribbean coast famous beaches protected by reefs (Cancun), and on the Pacific coast of travelers waiting for hundreds of bays, beaches and good surfing spots. Travelers departing to the Mexican resorts of the coast will be able to not only relax on the beaches, but also explore the ancient ruins (Tulum). You should know that it is not dominated by hotels to prohibit unauthorized relax by the sea (local legislation beaches are owned by the state).
Cities and resorts on the coast of Mexico

Acapulco: Guests then visited the aquarium Mundo Marino, Mezcala Museum of Art and the National Park Papagayo with a water park and 3 artificial lakes, visiting the Fort of San Diego (17th century) and the castle of "Chapel of Peace." For those interested in a beach holiday, it is necessary to advise a trip to the island Rocket (here in search of privacy can be reached by glass bottom boat), the beaches of Playa Caletilla (family vacation) and Puerto Marquez (rest here athletes and fans of active pastime). And if you are in search of thrills, you may be advisable to jump into the water from the cliffs of La Quebrada (if you wish you can come here in the evening to see how klavadistos took torches in hand, exercise extreme jumping).
Cancun: here you can see the ruins of Del Rey, visit the "Interactive Aquarium", a water park "Wet'n Wild" (you can drive a bumper boats, a fancy to such attractions as the "Bubble Space Bowl", "Twister", "Kamikaze" ), an amusement park "Selvatica" (here offer guests gathered in karst lake bungee, walk on a suspension bridge over the jungle, ride off-road buggy), beaches Playa Marlin (not strong current, clear water, gentle waves, and even then lay eggs large turtles) and Playa Delfines (Beach features free parking, showers, a survey platform, but because of the strong surf is not recommended to swim a long distance, but the fact is appreciated by lovers of surfing and want to run a kite), swim with turtles in Xel-Ha Reserve.
Puerto Vallarta: here you can see the church of the Virgin of Guadalupe, relax on the beaches Playade Oro Beach (water-skiing, sailing), Los Muertos Beach (here engaged in beach and water sports, and in addition, this beach serves as a point of arrival and departure water taxis), Las Gemelas Beach (kayaking, scuba diving, climbing on the rocks).

In Mexico, offers magnificent beaches, interesting architecture, culture and history.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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