The best resorts in Egypt

The best resorts in Egypt

Сообщение! » 25 фев 2015, 15:44

The best resorts in Egypt

Egypt has long been a "second home" for the Russians. Probably every second was in this hot country and not once. What does offer the best resorts in Egypt except for reasonable prices?
Soma Bay

The best resort in the country, offering a beach holiday. Here you can swim throughout the year. The sea water is always warm up to a comfortable 20. Cool breeze blowing from the sea, does not allow air to warm above 30. This combination makes this resort area is really ideal for leisure felting on comfortable loungers at the seaside.

There is a private golf club and a thalassotherapy center, by the way, the most modern in the country. Twenty-massage rooms, swimming pools, a fitness center, an office, which produces seaweed wrap, sauna and Turkish bath - this is the range of services offered here. Therefore rest on Soma Bay - also a great opportunity to improve their health.

Coast of the resort city offers excellent conditions for popular among tourists snorkeling and scuba diving and windsurfing. Here you will find interesting motto- or jeep safaris, boat trips. Especially like such travel by boat, having a transparent bottom. Have the opportunity to go parasailing.
Sharm el-Sheikh

This is, without doubt, the most famous Egyptian resort. Sharm El Sheikh offers not only a great beach vacation and sightseeing. Nearby there is a couple of national parks Mills, a walk which takes a lot of unforgettable experiences.
Marsa Alam

In recent years, the resort rather quickly gaining popularity. It is particularly interesting for fans of eco-tourism, which is like walking on the pristine forests, is not yet known human hands. Amazingly diverse marine life among the magnificent coral gardens, stands of mangroves with their unique inhabitants make this place a real diver's paradise.

Marsa Alam - a great place for a family holiday. Comfortable hotels, cozy coves with clean beaches and convenient descent to the sea perfectly suited for this. In addition, children can also dive on the seabed, as virtually every hotel has its own diving center.

But will not be bored here and lovers of active nightlife. Numerous bars and discos are always ready to receive guests.

This resort area is particularly popular with divers, as there is provided an ideal opportunity to completely secure and surprisingly fascinating sea dive. Fantastic coral gardens, which have become the habitat of numerous fish completely unimaginable colors.

Tour of the city of Hurghada offers numerous hotels and resorts with excellent service.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The best resorts in Egypt

Сообщение! » 23 июн 2015, 01:13

Egyptian Resorts

It would seem that everything is simple with Egypt and especially choose a place there for the rest makes no sense around the Red Sea coral reefs, all the hotels operate on the system "all inclusive" and the service is unobtrusive and always involves especially the Arab mentality. Yet the resorts of Egypt are very different, and therefore the planning of rest should be taken carefully and thoroughly.
Who on the newcomer?

List of major resorts in Egypt, Russian travelers know how to own garden and summer resort association, is very small, but a detailed familiarity with the map of the country on it, and found quite a new land:

In El Quseir hang divers. It does not find too comfortable hotels, discos and nightclubs, but local coral reef is almost untouched by globalization, and the underwater world give a hundred points the way promoted dive sites.
El Gouna was built, modeled on the canals of Venice. Artificial islands twenty kilometers north of Hurghada, choose solid Europeans. The reason for that - the special ecology of the resort of Egypt.
In Marsa Alam no longer live Egyptian fishermen. There erecting comfortable hotels, some of which are already inhabited by tourists who prefer everything new. The coral reef is distinguished by a special beauty, and the lack of urban infrastructure is compensated by the excellent service and various facilities throughout Resort.
In Makadi Bay there are no locals because this Egyptian resort was built exclusively for visitors. Here, enjoy a respectable married couples with children and tourists - some privacy and seclusion Makadi Bay allows you to rest in peace and comfort.

Always on top

Old friends for every Russian tourist resorts of Egypt - it Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Safaga. Giving preference to a particular city, it is important to decide on their own preferences and concepts of comfort.
In Dahab fans traditionally go informal youth recreation and solitude. And it is a pleasure divers and hence much closer to Israel and Jordan, where tourists often go on short trips.
In Hurghada, a bit cooler than the other resorts in Egypt. Entering the water at local beaches more suitable for children, and the proximity to Luxor attracts fans of educational tourism.
In Sharma boils most violent resort life in the land of Egypt, and Safaga, on the contrary, will suit fans of quiet and very inexpensive vacation.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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