Lithuania: the end of European fairy tales

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Lithuania: the end of European fairy tales

Сообщение DARPA » 17 фев 2015, 14:35

Yesterday Lithuania noted another Independence Day, which she received in 1918. In the twenty-fifth time - publicly and openly. February 16 is considered the Day of Restoration of Independence, to emphasize the randomness of the country stay in the USSR. Journalist Rolandas Paulauskas, one of the signatories of the Act of Independence in 1990, summed up the life of sad in the European Union.

Today Rolandas Paulauskas revised his views. Former activist Sąjūdis now believes that a quarter of a century ago was in the illusions that have nothing to do with reality.

Frankly, it is nice to listen to or read the testimony of people have revised their views. Rolandas Paulauskas hardly pining for the days of the Soviet Union. But it has long ceased to talk about them with conviction, so be remembered for his performances violent members Sąjūdis.

Today, he is not talking about our common home, and about his new - Europe. I hope his testimony will help someone to look at Western civilization mind. And try it for themselves.

On the independence of which Lithuania has not appeared

• Independence - is not just a flag and anthem, but also has its own laws, the monetary system and customs fees. But the laws we can not accept, because we have the primacy of European law. The main taxes regulates Brussels. Customs duties collected we can not. Only the flag and anthem.

• Market-Union disappeared, and therefore the production of Lithuania lost. The same thing happens, for example, in Moldova, as well as in the former socialist countries such as Bulgaria and Romania.

• Lithuanians disappear as a nation. The same trend - the Estonians and Latvians. Latvia (except Riga) - empty, that the war is over. Why live in a copy of youth, if it is possible to go to the original? Our generation is nothing to say they can not.

About the EU

• Who governs us? EU president does not choose the people - it is administered. As the Commissioner. The European Parliament has no legislative initiative. That is, the European Union is governed not democratic.

• The EU needed to Americans, because in Europe was supposed to be one person who they can call and give orders.

• If the EU wants to continue as a geopolitical entity, it will have to eliminate all 28 states - members. Otherwise, the EU will disappear.

• In the USSR, we know little about the world. We have created a fantasy and fairy tale it - some lush island. Many Lithuanians before then believe these tales. But to become the West, we need many centuries.

About Juvenile Justice

• In the West for several decades is the destruction of traditional ties - family, fathers and children, women and men. Our people can not believe it, thinking that it will not touch it, or that it is a marginalized. In Lithuania - scandal after scandal: rob children in families who work in Norway. The state does not help them, but the people are not yet perceived as a juvenile justice trouble.

• A child in the juvenile justice system has many rights, but no duties. Parents - it's just the people who fed him. In the West grows generation that gets used to the absence of duties.

• In kindergarten deliberately blur the gender-bound. Lithuania first attempts repulsed, but it's hard to deal with, because we can not get rid of their illusions - we do not believe that this is serious. School programs are becoming more primitive, because there is no need to critically thinking people.

• Why do they do it? To get the output of people, more manageable, and to reduce the population.

• (Says Armenian journalist, who got the interview - it is clearly impressed stories Rolandas Paulauskas) in Armenia have to talk about it. Here, the juvenile justice system will lead to civil war - a man who tries to take the child to the house just will not come.

Caution Rolandas Paulauskas

• Ukraine is destroying their country because of the same tale, detached from life. They are in fact no one wanted to take the European Union. I talked to them - they do not believe me. They believe in a fairy tale.

• In Russia, too many people who live in the western tale.

• Some people are beginning to see what happens. Even in London, even in Germany and France. Began an ambitious process of the release of their somnambulistic state. Or wake up the critical mass that will stop this madness, or we will face hard times.

No, Rolandas Paulauskas has no regrets about what happened. He only talks about the illusions of the Soviet people, as well as many modern Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians who sought or aspire to become part of the West. But in his words I heard not just reinterpretation of events over the past 25 years. Rolandas Paulauskas realized that a person of a different culture and a different mentality than its neighbors in the common European home.

Ironically, Russia or Armenia, he still understands better than France or Norway. And it is not that the former activist Sąjūdis, no longer a young man, absorbed the Soviet way of life with their mother's milk and is unlikely to be able to adjust to the new way. Just "Western values" were not quite the purpose to which he aspired. They can not take in parts - only in its entirety. A completely impossible to accept, because much of them as is now revealed - against nature Lithuanians.

Almost European ex-Soviet republics - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia became the backyard of Europe, where people are running. And it is not the picture that drew in their dreams local patriots in the late 1980s.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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