Uprising in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan

Модератор: zlata

Uprising in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan

Сообщение DARPA » 29 дек 2014, 16:39

A few days ago, returning from a completely wild, but nice trip, a car collided with a nationally conscious citizen. For quite a long time I avoided contact with this audience, because I absolutely everything about it is understandable and it is nothing new to declare itself not capable. But then nationally conscious citizen began broadcasting for Ukraine and I did not notice that worked full session trolling.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the national conscious citizen was the Kazakhs and the ashes of Ukraine, fighting now, as you know, with the Russian occupiers, pounded in his heart. The brain of this amazing man absorbed all known to me fakie on the events in the Donbass, and even, I fear, generate their own. As a result, he certainly talked already about the personal, which invariably ended with fierce battherta. It happens like this.

Passenger: We, Kazakhs, during the Russian occupation raised most uprisings! 250 years - more than 700 uprisings!

Me: Yes, okay. Well it goes, three of the uprising a year. Evano. You, the Kazakhs, but would not work.

In passenger batthert.


Passenger: I myself participated in the uprising! In 1993, in Akmola!

Me: Yes, okay. It's you against the independent Kazakhstan rebelled, or what?

In passenger batthert.


Passenger: the best policy in the history of Russia - Gorbachev! He gave the people to exercise their right to self-determination, and now we are independent!

Me: Yes, okay. This is why, if now adaytsy * want independence, they will need to use the right to self-determination? Or still have their rectal otgenotsidit?

In passenger batthert close to a heart attack.

What I want to say at the end of this meeting. I still managed to learn from it something new. Namely - I seem to be fully aware of the nature svidomitstva. It consists in three axioms.

First. Svidomitstvo nothing to do with logic and the actual state of things, so it postulates in principle neoprovergaemy with them and, accordingly, no need to argue.

Second. The flowering svidomitstva necessarily preceded the collapse of the state as its population becomes insolvent in terms of adequate assessment of the processes occurring in reality.

Third. Based on the first two axioms svidomitstvo incurable, because the patient either not receptive to healing procedures, or simply do not have time to recover because of the rapidity of disease.

I think that we should all be grateful to the country, formerly known as the Ukraine for the dedication with which she shows us the consequences of occurrence svidomitosti. I remind you that literally "NATIONAL svіdomіst" is translated as "national consciousness" - in fact, meaning complete lack of ability to realize the objective reality.

The clearest example of this phenomenon showed me a friend who since the beginning of extreme Maidan found an inexhaustible reservoir of Ukrainians, which spawn in it can not be suspected. So when Panda getnul, she wrote in her blog: "In Ukraine finally overthrown, which poisoned Pasternak and Akhmatova!" ...

I think this phrase should not only be cast in granite, but also highlight the mercury LEDs. Around the clock. Because, for example, here's the situation: chaos in the country, there is no power and is not expected that the security forces are omitted below wormholes, but the streets and along the country road running troops armed ultras, to fulfill your dream as clear. The last thought that may come in the brain burdened mind when looking at this fucking - that's what this fucked up somehow, it turns out, is associated with the poet Anna Akhmatova.

In svidomitstva (or svidomye) has an amazing quality: it gives all sorts of speech phenomena or inanimate objects. Everything is literally everything that surrounds svidomita, shouts to him: "Come to your senses, mudilo! Yes, did you see, stupid ass what happens! Yes, right now, damn war begins, your guts out climb, uporotyh you cretin! Come you're feeling stupid bastard! ". This was crying office chair on which svidomye five days a week warms your ass. Voice of him that showcase boutique, which looks after himself svidomye chonit pomodnee the winter. Even passing by a small group of young people all kind of sullen their appeals to svidomitu.

But here, for example, as a result of the Kazakh svidomye looks at his Ukrainian counterpart, already emits spirit in a pool of blood and shit and thinks, "Well - the Ukrainians? Ukrainians fools, and whether the case - I. Oh, I have something succeed! ". And with low start in the race goes on exactly the same rake, which usually ends with end-stage svidomye.

Other. Result. Be. Can not.

Because the goal of the entire post-Soviet svidomye one. And the road to that goal - the one and only. The goal - to separate itself from Russia. The road passes through the complete destruction of all that is somehow connected with their own state, if it is available even if only in general terms.

The fact that the post-Soviet space (roughly speaking - the former Soviet republics and some no Eastern Europe) represent a single planetary system, which revolve around the central body satellites. I am not going to talk about why it happened that the central body of the planetary system is Russia. So it happened and that's it. Maybe the fact there are a million reasons, and maybe only one - God's providence, it does not matter. But it is a fact.

It just so happened. There is a system in which a massive nucleus holds about themselves a certain number of smaller objects. They also have an impact on it! As with each other. This is a complex system, with tides, atmospheric twists and a very long table hitrotrahnutoy eclipses.

The essence svidomye to achieve full autonomy of these objects. That is - to achieve the organization of their removal from orbit and common core otchalivaniya to drift lifeless space Ebony, filled to the brim with invigorating gamma radiation.

In this regard, a special medical interest is the Russian svidomity. They are unable to separate Russia, diligently trying to divide it - assuming that it is much more comfortable to live in a full-fledged planet with oceans, mountains and moons of several species, and on a rocky asteroid - no atmosphere and chocks, but with blackjack and hookers. Naturally, Russian svidomity finish exactly like everyone else. And if Russia will cover a pandemic svidomye, then very soon what is happening now in the Donbas will be only a pale shadow of what is to begin in the Volga region, not to mention the more eastern and southern regions.

After the collapse of the Union, all were in their orbits. Independence from the nucleus was purely declarative, because the kernel itself willingly pleaded no more than a big ugly asteroid that mistakenly pulled her neat freedom planetushechki. The science of astronomy says it all complete garbage.

Can not be an asteroid, even very large and even monstrously ugly, to draw to itself, even accidentally, is the number of satellites. And they can leave orbit with only one purpose to - once and for all disappear for the vast fields of the Galaxy to ёbnutsya of stray comet or burn to heram prominence in the nearest star.

If you exist in some complex system - study it, learn it to predict, adapt it. Harness in the end. So in fact there is, in the opinion of any svidomita - the whole system pridorasy one he Dartagnan. No matter how often communicate with a variety of Kazakh nationalists - polite, rude, educated, aggressive, but what you will - to the question "How do you yourself think in Kazakhstan, completely isolated from interaction with Russia?", They are at best answer: "We live in Emirates - pumping oil and drive a Ferrari! ". This ceiling svidomye fantasy. And when you ask the patient to find the entry of the ten differences between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates - it crackles and burns wiring pattern. And ringing cry of treachery Russian imperialism, which for some reason did not put the Central Asian steppe in the Arabian Peninsula.

Well, that's all obkormili svidomita over the past quarter century. Yugoslavia he chewed in the mouth and put Iraq on a silver platter with Afghanistan brought the, Libya - on a spit, and now former Ukraine downright punched in the throat it push through: on, Eat! - And he swallows, scratches crown and issues: "We must hurry to separate from Russia ..."

And in 1991 you that, did not separate from it, or what? Do not collapsed in 1991 unless the power, so to speak, which poisoned Pasternak with her mother Anna Akhmatova? Why are you still need something to you and belched contentedly settled down? To all are dead, except you? And anything that would be against all **?

In general, all this is probably - a cry of despair. Because personally, I do not know how to deal with this deviation. One encouraging. Except for me and the patient is attended by two more coupe and a Kazakh Korean. And they were laughing. So that statistically most people watch the sessions so that's lobotomy - a joy. So long as we live.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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