Russian military pilots turned into a thriller, a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance flight

Модератор: zlata

Russian military pilots turned into a thriller, a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance flight

Сообщение! » 06 июн 2014, 17:19

Over the past two years the number of "challenges" that Russian pilots threw the U.S. military is seriously increased. In particular, the close encounter with the Russian fighter aircraft of U.S. intelligence to U.S. officials reminded stills and pilots so scared that they decided to stop the job.

"Like a scene from a movie." Exactly one U.S. official described the flight of the Russian fighter in dangerous proximity to the United States military aircraft. The incident occurred in April in international waters between Russia and Japan. Not the first time a Russian fighter commits circled over the U.S. military, writes InoTV.

Here's how this episode commented CNN chief correspondent for National Security Affairs Jim Schutte: "In short, it is an extremely serious event. A U.S. official told me that the last few decades it has been the most dangerous close flyby - so they called a meeting at the height of the aircraft - with American and Russian combat aircraft. We are going back to Soviet times.

The incident was so dangerous that the crew decided to stop the job. Official with whom I spoke said that the close flyby jeopardized the lives of Americans. "

The incident occurred on April 23 in the airspace over international waters off the eastern coast of Russia. U.S. strategic radar reconnaissance plane RC-135U, carrying out the planned target was intercepted by Russian fighter Su-27.

He flew about 30 meters in front of the nose of the American plane, showing the lower part of the fuselage, and showing that he is armed with rockets. This maneuver was performed so close to the American aircraft that he entered a zone of turbulence jets Russian fighter jet engines.

The incident occurred just after nine days of the field, as in the Black Sea Russian fighter jet flying at a dangerously low altitude over the U.S. destroyer "Donald Cook". At the time, the aircraft flew less than a kilometer from the ship, and just 150 meters above the sea surface.

The American side had discussed the case of dangerous encounters at the highest levels. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey contacted his Russian counterpart, Defense Minister of Russia. As far as CNN, since such relatives flown happened.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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