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30 interesting facts about the "Star Wars"

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 май 2014, 15:24
1 . «Vader» in Dutch means "father."

2 . In " Return of the Jedi " Darth Vader played just three people - David Prowse was his body ( armored ), his voice was James Earl Jones , and his face was Sebastian Shaw.

3 . According to studies, TIE fighter sound combined roar of the young elephant and sound car racing on a wet highway.
4 . Most famous quote from the movie " Star Wars " - " Yes Force be with you " - in English it sounds like «May the Force be with you». This phrase - pun can be understood as «May the 4th be with you» (« May 4 with you "). That is why the day of the " Star Wars" fans of this saga celebrating May 4.

5 . Lucas was difficult to get funding for the film , most studios believed that nobody wants to see it .

6. Ship «Millennium Falcon» was coined by Lucas in a diner : hamburger with Maslinka seemed successful model for creating a spaceship.
7. Word «Jedi» comes from the Japanese «Jidai Geki», which means " historical drama " : the so- called TV series in Japan about the time of the samurai warriors.

8. Initially, the role of Princess Leia was taken Sissy Spacek , but when Carrie Fisher refused to appear nude in "Carrie" (1976), they exchanged roles. Another candidate for the role of Princess Leia was Jodie Foster .

9. Initially, the role of Han Solo invited Burt Reynolds , but he dropped out of the competition ; also offered candidacy Nick Nolte and Christopher Walken .

10 . Every actor , the hero of the film which relied lightsaber , he had the right to choose the color of the sword. Basically, take the blue, as Anakin Skywalker , green like Yoda , or red, as Darth Vader . Only in unusual sword Mace Windu purple. Actor Samuel L. Jackson felt that such a lightsaber would look funny.
11. Rooms episode and the subtitle " A New Hope " was not in the original version of the film . They were added later when re- release of the film to indicate the sequence between the first «Star Wars» and «Empire Strikes Back, The» ( 1980).

12. One of the songs sung by the Ewoks , sounds like «Det luktar flingor har». Swedish means " smell , then smell of porridge ."

13. " Padme " translated from Sanskrit as "Lotus" .

14. Lucas at the first press conference on Star Wars said, " Lord , I am well aware that that the vacuum can not hear explosions and gunfire , and now ask your questions "

15. Device meeting Qui-Gon Jinn Comlink was " sketched " with female razor Gillete Sensor Excel.
16. Character Luke Skywalker has undergone many changes , before he became the way he is. First, George Lucas wanted to make him a girl. Then he thought about that Luke was a dwarf . According to another embodiment directed Skywalker could be 60 -year-old general.

17. Peter Mayhew , who worked as an orderly in a hospital , got the role of Chewbacca, thanks to its huge growth - 2 m 18 cm on the creation of an image of Chewbacca from "Star Wars " George Lucas inspired his dog sitting in the front seat of the car. And the very name of Chewbacca was invented based on the Russian word " dog."
18. Nearly 22 years had to wait Peter Mayhew ( who plays Chewbacca ) his return to the wide screen . That's how much time separates the last part of the trilogy (" Revenge of the Sith " and " Return of the Jedi ) .

19. To hide a shocking ending in the fifth episode , Lucas said the actor , who went in costume Darth Vader - David Prowse , so he said " Obi-Wan Kenobi - killed your father ! " But only at the stage of finalizing the film , this place was duplicated actor who spoke for Vader - James Earl Jones, and changed to " I am your father ! ".

20. And the sound of the door opening shuttle Darth Vader - clang lattice camera Alcatraz .

21. Costume Darth Vader really is Hayden Christensen , not some abstract understudy . At the request of Darth Vader costume Christensen was prepared again considering the structural features of the actor's body .
22. The name " Jar Jar " invented son Lucas.

23. Most scenes with Harrison Ford Carrie Fisher is on a special stand to not be so noticeable was the difference in the growth of Kerry by about thirty centimeters below the Ford , which would make them funny kisses.

24. Character Han Solo Uncle Lucas " copied " from his friend - directed by Francis Ford Coppola , Lucas 's original idea Han Solo was supposed to be a green alien monster with no nose and gills .

25. Many frames "Star Wars" you can meet 1138 figures , a reference to the movie «THX 1138 " (1970), was staged by George Lucas .
26. Asteroid scene in episode 5 one asteroid was actually boot. According to rumors, George Lucas made ​​specialists effects alter this scene so many times that they become angry and added there shoes.

27. The scene where Han Solo frozen Imperial stormtroopers , was very long and complex , and shoot it took a lot of times in a row . Near the end of Han , Leia says "I love you." Harrison Ford heard this phrase so many times that he has changed the scenario given replica "I love you, too " to " I know ." Lucas did not want to reshoot the scene , rightly judging that even so much better.
28. Up artist Stuart Freeborn created images of all the characters in the original trilogy of "Star Wars ." For simulation doll Master Yoda Freeborn crossed two faces, using as a basis its appearance , he added to it the characteristic wrinkles of Albert Einstein .

29. " The Phantom Menace " - the only film "Star Wars" , which presents a unique ability to accelerate the Jedi .
30. After scrolling through all the titles at the end of the movie heard ominous Darth Vader breathing . ( The Phantom Menace ) .