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Why are Russian troops in Syria

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 сен 2015, 17:57
There is so much talk about the Russian troops in Syria, as if they can do it any weather. I am sure that some Western politicians (including warning Russia against interfering in the conflict), even in secret to this hope: that the unexplained seemingly moving Russian troops and equipment on Syria is part of a cunning plan, the implementation of which is to something there is a definite lead. Well, at least to victory Assad - after which he will be the only belligerent, as it was in the beginning of the dust-in the first half of 2011.

Unfortunately, there are no miracles and no foreign intervention in Syria, the current problems are not allowed. Thus absolutely it does not matter whose troops to throw (Russian, American, Israeli, Turkish - Chinese though), and on whose side they're going to fight. Because Syria as of mid September 2015 looks like this:
In simple terms, it has long been no Syria. There is a patchwork of territories controlled by different armed groups: the Islamic State (60%), the Assad government (30%), local insurgents and the Kurds (the remaining 10%). Common sense dictates that the boundaries of any of these areas are not determined by the outcome of the battle for every single village, altitude or lowland, and the support that participants receive from the civil war of the local population in the area. That is, the defeat and the demilitarization of any one of the warring parties will be highly likely to mean a massacre of residents 'serene' territory. To demilitarize Syria and prevent genocide, need to disarm all at once, so there was no one to organize the massacre. Disarm turns out there nobody is ready, because they - the followers of the Prophet, and he commanded: Let all unarmed cut the throats of their good so be divided and their women and children be turned into slaves.

Obviously, if there exists the problem and a solution, then it consists in the fact that Syria sawn into four parts, in accordance with the present front lines. And then the three parts of the fourth attack (one that is controlled by the Islamic State) and ugandoshit its troops, backed by an international coalition air. From a military point of view is 100% real, no supernatural powers as the fighters of the Islamic States do not have, and when they drop the bomb on top, then from any of them remains the same wet spot as from any other action movie in a similar situation. But in order to realize this scenario, three other forces involved in the Syrian civil war, should agree among themselves. Can they do it in principle, I very much doubt. But without an agreement between the warring parties no power, foreign or homegrown, the civil war in Syria will not stop. You can throw any number of Tartus Russian soldiers and put Assad's troops any number of armored cars, planes and anti-aircraft guns - the Syrian Government has been, and remains only one of the four warring parties there.

PS. In it really Russian authorities to send troops to Syria and technology? Yahoo knows. No insider information on this subject I have not. Based on the experience of the last year and a half, I have the impression that we find the same damn where to send troops - a very accurate description of the current geopolitical doctrine.