APPLE screwed up

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APPLE screwed up

Сообщение DARPA » 10 сен 2015, 19:52

Have you looked carefully for the presentation of new products from Apple? It is strange to read this from me, but the first time they did not just not impressed, but on the contrary, convinced in any case not to buy these new items.

We were shown a little updated phone, another unnecessary set-top box and gold watch. People, Well this is bullshit! Look carefully and you'll understand what's going on.

All five of the past years, I was conducted on the "magic" and bought fresh iPhones. I have 3G, 4, 4s, 5,5s and 6. As you can see, no one model is not missed. And I did not have tears with this needle if it was not necessary to change the current screen on the phone five times.

In the summer I dropped the phone and broke the glass. It happens to everyone, I thought, and rang the Apple office to find out where they are repairing. And I learned that iPhones do not change the glass, but simply give the new device to replace the broken. At a reduced price of 25 thousand rubles. It seemed to me that the glass is too, but since there is no formal glasses, had to resort to the market and Savyelovskiy "kitayschine." There I changed glass 6 thousand, fell like a native. A day later peel off and move away from the phone body.

Povёz ago. System, not a peep. It took another two days - the same problem. I already went to the master home and asked simply "put" glass on superglue. So it was kept. While the phone again fell. Then, not only broke the glass, but the screen itself. Chinese quality, fuck. I cursed the "apple" of greed, because the spare parts they too could earn. A month went to the old iPhones and then decided to go to a more solid support: say, the Chinese screens are also different in quality.

There I put the screen, ensuring that nothing is peeled off (already over 9 thousand), and I go to the phone so far. At the same time, and I changed the cover to avoid slipping. But this screen, in fact, defective: there in the corner either dead pixels, or even a defect, but the picture is not affected greatly, and I will not go into service again, because well, how can.

So, together with the glass iPhone, broke the magic technology Apple. And I saw them - just greedy asshole. Then he began to notice other annoying defects: for example, on my MacBook Pro Retina exfoliate antiglare screen (and Apple is also not repairs). But from the laptop, I do not intend to give up, they have different OSes and a good iron. IPhones also continue to use.

Here are just a new - not buy. For a couple of added features spread over nearly a thousand dollars? Well, to hell, it is better to spend the journey.

And yet, I bought myself a smart watch. Here they are, on the main picture. I thought about Apple Watch, understandable. 27 thousand for the most simple model with a rubber strap. And if they scratched the screen - also a new device to buy? I thought and thought, and bought Moto 360, which cost exactly twice as cheaper, and are able to the same thing.
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