Two true way to lose weight as soon as possible

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Two true way to lose weight as soon as possible

Сообщение DARPA » 28 июн 2015, 18:45

It is an eternal theme, we can talk about it endlessly.
Comfortable to compromise "and I do this to eat and not get fat" - does not happen!

Today I received a lot of compliments on its orderliness, good heredity and blah blah blah ...
And somehow boiling, I want to tell you something. (By the way the pants - the ones
How to come from Transcarpathia - almost do not eat :)) (there had to eat for three Well, that's crept into his pants. I write to Learn about food again :)

If you do not like your body, and the reason for it - excess weight, and friability, then there are two options. Two and no more.

Option one: strongly reconsider the power is not enough, there is little, there is a simple meal and engage in structured physical attack activity at least three times a week.
Option Two: to plow in training to give way feet, revise food, but then gradually there is horrible, because entering into the rhythm of grueling workouts really can eat everything, even pizza, McDonald's, marshmallows, buns, fat baked milk, Coca-Cola, mayonnaise, pasta ... well almost everything.

That's why something everyone who wants to lose weight, aim at it in the second option, that part, "there can be almost all" and somehow lose sight of the first part with the words "killer workout."

I'll tell more about why.

Option 1. Eat small, moderately engaged.
Well, here everything seems obvious
What is the difficulty: in fact it is a very tricky method. After all, the concept of "there is little" and "to engage in a structured way," everyone has their own, each believes that he is right :) And when that correctness is questioned - agressuha begins.
We all come from childhood, where lunch "first or second, side dish, salad + fruit compote" is a benchmark, irrefutable norm, some original prime meridian from which you can dance to the understanding of "eat a lot" and "a little there." And with a clear conscience Borschik ate a slice of bread, mashed potatoes and a steam cutlet and, of course, vitamin salad - a man in his life that he does not agree to eat a lot. Like it a lot - when steam cutlet and even salad, vegetable oil and with the same ?! :)
And the same person for a snack deservedly allows himself to "bite something sweetly," it could be "quite a bit" - that here, they say, this - one candy as well! And he eats "healthy, nutritious" breakfast of oatmeal with dried milk, slices of cheese and a couple of eggs with vegetable salad.

The problem is that people do eat normal foods diet, but too much! That is a very good diet steam cutlet dinner and salads with vegetable oil - but apart from these dishes in the same place there is! Do not be fooled - "healthy, simple food" is not "and salad", but simply stupid, terrible, so it - ONE salad.

Often, a person gains a lot of things on my desk (and then to the stomach) and says "I eat only good, not bad food and still not losing weight" - but if you take and mix all that good and not bad food, he eats for one meal, such as lunch - you get a hell of a mixture of some

That is, I am for separate, split meals as possible.
My scheme:
1 meal = 1 meal.
And when those who want to lose weight ask what I eat, it seems that I do not eat
Because breakfast I usually have one thing from what others are eating as part of the breakfast. Well, with lunch and dinner about the same
The truth is I eat often - every 5 or 6 a day. But it is important to understand that this format without dinner "first + second + garnish + salad + fruit compote," and then to catch up with fruit and cookies during breaks.
That is, breakfast is porridge, OR, or a glass of milk and bread with cheese, egg and cucumber, for example.
A lunch is or soup + piece of bread or a side dish or salad + "second"

With regard to training.
They must be regular and be noticeable. That is, it does not shake the press 50 once or three times a week. It is three to four times a week for half an hour of running, swimming, dancing, yoga and so on. And is that then delayed onset muscle soreness at first was. It - it called "average load". It is not a compromise in the living room watching TV. This is not to climb the stairs to walk home at night and 400 meters walk from the bus stop. This is not a hula hoop 15 minutes on the balcony, not the "disk health" under the bed and not even a treadmill for 20 minutes on Friday evening. These are: structured, regular load. Preferably with a trainer.

Option 2 takes a lot, eat everything

I'll be honest - it's actually my favorite version
How it works.
Imagine a small campfire at your summer residence. You can burn it on a fire of damp old chair? so in one fell swoop, the entire here then and only rivet left?
Well, hardly ...
That's exactly and with food.
The furnace need raskochegarit. Bring the heat to the point where everything that is not to let down - burn as pretty.
As raskochegarivaem - by first increasing the load and nat (attention!) And meals. Because if there is not enough, it really does not get much to deal with. That is, there should be enough to suffice for quality training. But first you need to get to the fit of conditions to quality training! Because without the first method the second method will not work in any way. Metabolism can "disperse", but imagine now the train. That he may place jerk? no. He rolled slowly. Gradually. So are we. We must begin to tame yourself to eat moderately, engage in regularly and gradually increase the load.
If unprepared Ofigevshy body cast in this mode - well ... nothing. It did not work out as it should (not stupidly forces) and will devour the whole pizza hips (or wherever one ...).
A body in sports toned, raskochegarennoe everyday stresses quality as the locomotive rolling - is in a very different mode. In the furnace that has not abandoned - everything will burn.

Well, about the occupation. Lethal classes is such that the legs tremble and sweat to be. The amount of sweat on the shirt can characterize the quality of your load.

Yet it is important to understand that the "insert" not run for half an hour. That is sweating need at least an hour and a half better. And it's a half hour out of the stern of your comfort zone. Just kapets of harsh.

Are there other options?
I dont know.
"No supper," for example, a very stupid choice. It is better to break the last meal into several stages. What will the large gap of time between bad hearty lunch and breakfast dense hysterical?
"Hungry" - too silly. Especially if we are talking about is not entirely healthy large body - it is not what to do, it can not live. The larger body - the softer and smoother decline should be eaten. Hunger strikes can only aggravate the sores and take away the power of life. Hunger strike - the inheritance of a healthy and strong :)
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