Why Channel One - such filth? !!

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Why Channel One - such filth? !!

Сообщение DARPA » 17 фев 2015, 14:46

Today the citizens of this fashion was got - First Channel curse. Like, Guzeeva stout and crude and news anchors have not changed for a hundred years, but from the stories about the DNA test and did already toshnit.Nu who is looking ??? What kind of morons? The most interesting is that the people who speak it themselves regularly watch TV. Otherwise, where did the First Channel multimillion audience, covering 98% of the population?

Oh, you want to argue? Raise your hand those that never in my life seen Larissa Guzeeva in a very intelligent and talented program "Let's get married!" ... Now, those who watched "House-2" ... And those who do not know what ended DNA test in program "Let them talk." Such is? Well, I just knew. And there, to swear. See also ...

In general, the situation is, ladies and gentlemen. We criticize, but look. Look, but also criticize. And rightly criticize. Transmission really vulgar, rather flat and monotonous. Many stories are repeated over the years, plus they also copied by other channels. Skukota, and only. However, hackneyed schemes operate. Moreover, once they are working. And let me throw a stone one who looks the channel "Culture". Another question - why is this happening. Moreover, not only in the telecom, but in the entire media space. Let's analyze vmeste.Ya tell you what I think about this, and you - what you think!

The first thing that works any information resource, it's reach. To paraphrase even easier, the traf who is right. Traf paid! A channel is you do not hospice! The first channel does not need gold to 5 or 10% of the Russian population. He needed the entire population of the country, except for the astronauts, sectarians and patients reanimatsii.Eti also needed, but a little later. If you could translate the "Let Them Talk" in hell, I swear, they would all wear out there.

You can not miss anyone - neither the grandmothers on the bench (and there are, if you look at the statistics, will be the vast majority), no stupid housewives, or drink too much population in the nearby collective farm. Is to forget someone deprive - channel and suddenly will lose their positions. In other words, get someone to watch something is impossible. It threatens the elimination of the channel. This was already in 1995. Therefore, the focus should be on all, or even better - cause ownership. To problems that are covered, and the people who cover them, were neighbors and relatives. Well, can not be gentle rose and sexy as in this photo - otherwise we will lose retired. They do not need a stranger and cold Rose and need sprightly, hamovataya, my own way, as a neighbor to the left, you know? Well, can not talk about spiritual Malakhov - we lose tired of the hard workers at the screen. They wanted to trash. Poor, poor lead. Many govnische poured on them. But they can not be different. They - our order! They - we averaged it.

I swear to you, gentlemen, that television, newspapers, radio, top LJ - is our mirror! This is our portrait, my dear readers. No we did not make - have chosen themselves eaten! No we are not captive - a huge staff of analysts, after serious consideration, we reflect our vkusy.Eto, cursing, look at all this, quietly, as the girls eat potato chips - they know what is harmful, but because you want!

And necha a mirror Pingyao, if mug came out. Read today one blogger laments that few people read about his new warm Dzhuysi frutovye floors. Like, disable trash in the top. But I tell you what. There is only one way to make information environment around them cleaner, wiser and kinder. This method - constant work on themselves to circle your interests changed. To change we, whole layers, families, generations. Let it be a drop in the sea, but in the end it will bear fruit. Leave trash pregnancy tests and paternity perish stories about married - disappear like crimson jackets disappeared. Yes, it's a long, tedious and labor-intensive. But no other way. Nobody will bring us a smart, kind and form TV, newspapers and magazines on a platter. Just because it is not profitable to anyone. Nobody ordered ...

Do you agree with me that we get exactly what we want to watch? Or do you think, you just slip untalented made info-products?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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