Simple method to get rich quickly

Модератор: zlata

Simple method to get rich quickly

Сообщение! » 03 июн 2014, 16:36

Yesterday we discovered a simple way to increase the cash twice.
Once again, literally - we know how to almost instantly increase your available cash twice .
Maybe more .
Without effort and risk .
Tell .

Last night we walked around the neighborhood, talking about something about ce .
Happened to be near the railroad .
And I remembered how all the guys we were running on a piece of metal that would be put on the rails of a coin or a nail.
- For what? - Asked shket .
I sighed and said.
- Long story . Show necessary.
- Show . - Shket said .

We porylis in his pockets , found there a couple of coins in the ruble , and put on a rail .

Train passed .
I immediately warned - not the fact that the coins can find.
But they lay neatly on a sleeper near the place where we left them.
Completely new gleaming in the evening sun .
Two flat metal washers size twice those whom they were a minute ago.
- Wow ! - Shket said .
His joy at my inner scale , was about the same size as from a large Lego bought the day before at the graduation.
Coin denominated in rubles , and the designer will not even cost much to call .
And the joy is the same. From coin even brighter.

We went further, shket something fun chatting , and I was sad . Sad, and in somehow a little awkward.
What we have in childhood and adult thrashed pulled her ears , now I have to show the child himself. It's embarrassing and nepedagogichno .
What to do? Communication is lost generations. Nope those "big boys" who from generation to generation younger passed secrets of Pugachev and dymovuhu .
When I watch an episode from the movie " Brother 2 " , where Daniel mastyrit samopal night , (we talked - ignition ) , every time I think - but how many kids today understands just do what he does? But Balabanov chotko all showed a sense of rightness school .

Well .
Method of increasing the cash. You also have to know?
We walked , walked , I thought about his and shket chatted about the fact that the ruble has now become like two .
And if you put two , it will be like five. And if ten ...
He was about to count the contents of his piggy bank , but I am skeptical noticed - because that coin became bigger size, and their purchasing power is not uvilichit .
Shket missed my remark pass.

Then we went back into the yard.
I sat down on a bench to smoke, and surrounded the backyard SHKET kids between the ages of diapers and above.
And here kinda happened .
For flattened ruble in stride and offered two , five and ten.
Certainly sell anything to anyone , he did not. Presented flattened coins Petka .

But the main thing - you understand?
Method something - works!!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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