Stupid ways to die

Модератор: zlata

Stupid ways to die

Сообщение! » 03 июн 2014, 16:34

Looking Taiwanese TV series about the supernatural , four Chinese teenagers ate melon stuffed with rat poison "to go traveling to hell." They left a note saying: " If hell is as bad as here, we'll be back ." Two were returned , the rest apparently liked it .

Veteran climber Gerard mistletoe made ​​six ascents of Everest . He died at his home , when changing a light bulb , fell down the stairs and hit his head on the sink .

80 -year-old Adelaide Magnozo pulled out of the closet folding bed and went to sleep . She died when the bed suddenly returned to its original position .

South Korean fisherman was preparing to sell their catch . Going to gut it already has brought a knife on him . However, fish that turned out alive, suddenly waved her tail, and the weapon hit him in the chest . Died on the spot .

New Yorker Julia Carson died from a heart attack . So doctors decided . Preparations were made for the funeral. Suddenly, during the funeral she came to herself , she sat in a coffin and asked what was going on here. Her daughter Julie died on the spot from shock .

Linda Goode of Stounheyma , Massachusetts, canceled a cruise to the Caribbean , as she dreamed that she dies in a car . Perhaps it would be better still to go, because a few days later she was found strangled in his car in the parking lot .

About 50 curious gathered on the bridge of the Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh City to watch the suicide of a young girl . Bridge could not resist their weight and fell into the river. Killed nine people . Woman rescued.

Farmer Vincent Karrodzhio hunted rabbits. Getting tired , he lay down on the grass to relax and put the gun close by. Running past , frightened rabbit stepped on the trigger than avenged their brethren of ruined .

In Hong Kong, 65 -year-old Chai Wan Fong decided to thank God for the fact that her daughter was able to get out of a car accident unscathed . When she was praying in the courtyard of a block of flats where he lived with his family son killed her bag of cement on top of the fallen .

George Story was born almost in one day with the magazine Life (" Life " ) . On the cover of the new edition of a photograph of a newborn George subtitled " Life Begins ." The future of Story periodically covered in the magazine - two of his marriage , fatherhood , retirement . 64 -year-old George appeared in the last issue , in May 2000 , this time under the title " Life ends " (meaning the closing of the magazine) . A few days later George Story died of a heart attack .

Amygdala Balta , 86, was found dead of starvation in his home on the Greek island of Evia . A bank belonging to her were 350,000 pounds and a collection of 150 gold sovereigns .

Ten year old boy had a fight with his father about the missing package chocolate cake . The quarrel became more emotional and desperate 38 -year-old Mr. Hurst put the knife in her son's hand to say: if you hate me so , then kick. That his son did. His father died in hospital an hour later.

Stephen Highett in '32 survived revolutionary transplant stomach, liver, almost nuts, duodenum and pancreas. Six years later, he stood on a chair to screw a light bulb . Fell, hit his head and died .

Bonn resident Peter Gruber died trying to rob the Museum of Art . Seeing the approaching guards , he panicked and tried to flee , but abruptly turned the corner , came across a sword meter statue. Exhibit called " Weapons of justice."

Joshua Thomas Burchett , 23 years old, experienced hiccups and asked my friend to hit him hard in the chest. He reluctantly complied with the request , and Joshua fell to the pavement and died. He did not realize that in their family had many cases of heart disease.

Government worker Egypt Adel Nazim Dzhergez eight years waiting for a promotion. Finally seeing your name on the "advanced" , he died at the scene of a heart attack .

The driver was killed in California has wasted windshield cow. Animal in a storm came on the roadway where the impact of the car sent him flying , which ended on the hood of the car , ehavshey the oncoming lane .

Ukrainian poacher thrown into the river electric cable under tension. When the shock killed the fish surfaced , he went into the water to collect it , forgetting to turn off the crime weapon . As a result, participated own catch. According to relatives , the hapless angler fish nalovlennuyu going to fry to celebrate the first anniversary of the death of his mother in law.

Boss and his secretary were killed by lightning when making love in an inflatable boat in the middle of the lake in Germany. His widow took it as divine intervention .

Jaime DiNardo , 44, of Columbia went to Maine to meet with a woman , whom he met on the internet. Probably a woman with a live communication did not like it , she refused to meet him. After a while he came back to her house for evidence of love cut his throat with a chainsaw. Died in hospital .

Circus dwarf , nicknamed Od died at the circus in northern Thailand . Jumping on the trampoline, he flew away and was swallowed zevnuvshey gippopotamihoy , wait for its release into the arena. As explained by veterinarians at Hilda was developed reflex to large objects in the mouth, and why she swallowed the artist.

We visitor beer in Hamburg had a mobile phone on which constantly rang with a very unpleasant sound. Other customers have repeatedly asked him to turn off the machine , but he did not respond to requests . Finally the most nervous of visitors killed stubborn beer bottle and surrendered to police .

Young gymnast jumping on the couch during a party on the occasion of his seventeenth birthday . Going into the excitement out the window from the sixth floor .

34 - year-old man was found dead in his basement . He dressed , to put it mildly , strange skirt crease , white bra, leather shoes and women's wig. Was wearing a mask, hose connected to the anus , which caused suffocation.

Young French lost control of the car and crashed into a tree . The passenger was seriously damaged , voditelnitsa died. Her attention was diverted Keychain Tamagotchi who suddenly beeped , demanding food. Pressing the right buttons , lady saved the life of the toy , but broke up with his own .

Santiago Alvarado trying to rob a small bike shop . Because it was dark, and he hands helped himself to wade through the roof had to hold a flashlight long in the mouth. This lighting fixture and caused death when awkward robber fell on his face .

Seven year old boy fell from a 300 - meter cliff , losing his balance , he rocked on the cross that marks the place where 10 years ago killed another man .

Somehow people celebrated a wedding and got drunk to the point that one man fell from seventh floor balcony .. the most interesting that he was still alive , he got up, dusted himself off and shouted zonked people on the seventh : " See that ? Throw you I 'll play the accordion ! " .. the poor man killed accordion ...

A guy once rode a motorcycle and that he was not wearing a leather jacket blown backwards. but on the way he had an accident and lost consciousness. one passer-by saw his jacket and decided that he broke his neck , wanted to save him and twisted his head around 180 degrees ( approx. if someone broke his neck , there is a chance to save the man turned his head sharply to the place ) , and thereby turned his neck and why motorcyclist died ...

Jakob oylig tried to commit his suicide. when he set himself on fire , he suddenly thought that it would hurt , and jumped into a nearby body of water to extinguish the fire . but he forgot that he could not swim and drowned ...

Woman haunted rat with paper roll on fire accidentally singe your bed and smothered in smoke-filled apartment. Rat saved .

Some of the "lucky" ranivshih and killed himself during a hunting season for deer in Michigan and got a resident of Bay City . He shot himself in the leg when he tried not letting the gun, to photograph your dog.

37 -year-old Robert is often exasperated wife complained that she did not feel safe with his collection of weapons from more than seventy trunks. Then he said, trying to show my wife how safe weapon in his house , put a gun .45 to his chin and pulled the trigger . Widow of Robert now no one to complain ...

Two of the most ardent activists from Animal Protection Society decided to save the pigs from the slaughterhouse . I suddenly felt free two thousand pigs Rushed through an open gate and trampled the poor guy to death.

In September of 1996, a certain employee was crushed to death slid down the stairs of a tall building 250 -pound safe. He moved the safe DOWN in front of him , that is, below the stairs ...

In San Jose , California, German , temperamental hunter during an argument with his girlfriend used the butt of his shotgun to clear the windshield of her car . However, a loaded gun from hitting shot him in the stomach , killing him instantly , and putting an end to the dispute.

Iraqi terrorist Hey Ranadzhet not pay the required amount for the postal bomb. She returned to the sender ... As you guessed, he opened the letter and exploded himself .

32- year-old American behaved violently in a store in St. Louis . When an employee has decided to call the police , the man stuck in his mouth big hotdog and without paying , ran to the door. It was discovered near the exit of the store with no signs of life. Mouth accident stuck a 6-inch hot dog, which he choked .

Two German motorist collided head-on . During heavy fog, they rode slowly , sticking his head out the window. Both were hospitalized with serious injuries. Machines are not affected.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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