Submissive, sexy, cheap Thai wife

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Submissive, sexy, cheap Thai wife

Сообщение DARPA » 14 сен 2015, 17:52

Many of our men recently both gone mad. They are talking seriously about marrying in secret. Other travel there for erotic excursions, and they marry (Carl)! And they do not mind any language barriers or differences in mentality, or even prostitution in the third generation. The reasons for this shameful phenomenon, I decided to explore a little deeper.

Well, I quickly caught the eye of a great example of thinking nepuganye idiot. This article by Dmitry Halezova why "secretly a hundred times better than the women of the CIS" - these are the words of the author. And even after writing an article a couple of years have passed, but the main points are indicated in it so clearly, that it is necessary to analyze them. Anyway, listen, and decide for yourself whether or not to have, so to speak. All the pros and cons.

The first thing bribe exotic charmer, and the expectations of our Russian men - absolute humility. It is believed that brought up in patriarchal traditions of hard girl will kiss the feet of anyone who is ready to get her out of poverty. This myth about Asian wives attracts crowds of tourists, some of whom are not averse to take with them paradise. The fact that such behavior is often attached considerable experience as a prostitute, the men do not bother.

 "Even if you secretly working as a prostitute (often not a good life) on her mentality is almost no effect ... I know a lot of cases, when visiting sink to Thai prostitutes and then they got married. So, almost all Thai prostitutes, finding a husband or a lover, at once, one day cease to be "prostitutes," and become completely normal ... obedient, faithful to the women "- this is an excerpt from that article.

No, you just think - one day re-educated. Who would have thought, what a metamorphosis ... Can also writes letters of love, with requests to send money? Who do you have to be to not understand - such workers have loshka sexual front of any one or two, I do not understand.

By the way, do you remember that at the dawn of perestroika, foreigners also talked about Russian wives - they say, submissive, quiet? However, then Slavic wife discredited. Out of poverty and getting to his feet, such women are often rigidly threw their husbands, having won in Europe into disrepute.

I am afraid that many lovers of Thai obedience waiting even more disappointing. Because nothing in this life is not free then. For all have to pay. This forgotten victims of sexual paradise, regularly getting on the same hook - legendary humility, which, as it has just entered the standard of sexual services.

Yes, for some time, of any age, drunken, ugly and poor by the standards of their country peasant can feel like a king here. Having bought a Sun-take out-yan on mesyatsok wholesale, he will feel it for yourself interested gaze. Yes, she would look into his mouth. Yes, she never refuses him sex. And yes, everyone has the right to have fun as he likes, unless prohibited by law. But the trouble is that illiquid market on the concepts of our men believe that the country's poverty makes them automatically supermen, and all feelings are sincere passion. But the local boy with whom she was constantly talking and to whom he gives money - her brother ...

By the way, the sexual component. Behind her, in fact, going to all men. The author admires very feminine and elegant clothes Taek, their long hair and cleanliness. Although for me, so they have quite an amateur appearance. That at least those adult women, which I had seen in the salons, I was quite impressed. They were a head shorter than me. Bowlegged, clubfoot and moon-faced. But then, apparently, obedience is still important.

"If Taikoo beat, she had never run to the cops. At the very least, if we really overdo it - just run away to her parents. And so - if you will beat for the cause, simply take for granted ... "- writes our enchanted sly wanderer. He probably does not know that secretly equally restrained, and as vindictive. Several times read that for such tricks you can even lose their manhood. True or not - I can not say.

Finally, the last component, the last hook, which gets our man - is cheapness. Rather, by the way, a relative. Buy a prostitute for the price of cigarettes, the man does not understand that to marry her much more expensive. First of all, have to pay a ransom to her relatives. Secondly, children are obliged to maintain their parents. That is, on the shoulders of a hero vozlyazhet also taking care of the family of his wife.

Experienced people say - sex tourism is sex tourism, but it's easier to find someone who has won a million in the lottery than the one that has successfully married in secret.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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