Secrets "garbage king"

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Secrets "garbage king"

Сообщение DARPA » 09 сен 2015, 18:46

When the Roman emperor Vespasian ordered taxed public toilets, one of the councilors tried to carefully argued it was wrong to replenish the imperial treasury by latrines. Vespasian said: "Money does not smell!" Since then, the phrase serves as an excuse for those who extract profits, paying no attention to anything. Among contemporary examples of a good illustration of this aphorism is the "King of the trash" from Nizhny Novgorod Vadim Agafonov.

1Agafonov is chairman of the board of directors of "The Union AGZHO", which specializes in the transport and disposal of garbage in the Volga Federal District. AGZHO - an abbreviation of the names of the owners of the company Vadim Oleg Agafonov and Zhokhova. Not too euphonic name, but until recently, the entrepreneurs were going well. What is the secret of the success of businessmen who became rich on garbage?

FIRST SECRET: Caring for people

As is known, the removal and disposal of garbage - it is a business that depends critically on the relationships with officials. To the company received lucrative contracts for the maintenance of urban institutions, need to know the "ins and outs" in the corridors of the local authorities. Therefore, the most defensible way - to go to power. What did Vadim Agafonov, who is today the deputy of the City Duma of Nizhny Novgorod from the "United Russia". By happy coincidence, he oversees the transportation and utility services. Just by chance the firm's Board of Directors which he chairs, receives lucrative contracts for garbage disposal.

Agafonov himself wrote on his page on the Internet deputy: "I am convinced that the attention and care about the people, especially of the disadvantaged, is very important in the work of the deputy." Quite remarkable disclaimer. The fact that "concern for people" is not just important for any MP. This is his main duty. And Vadim Agafonov is trying to present the case as if it were his personal initiative and impulse of the soul.

To reconcile the status of deputy entrepreneurship majority of Russians are negative. In 2012, Gennady Gudkov was deprived of the status of the deputy of the State Duma, as it turned out, he was engaged in parallel and commercial activities. Russian opinion polls were conducted and it was found that 74% of respondents were in favor of sanctions similar to the rest of the deputies who work in Parliament combined with business. The ban on the combination of parliamentary activities and business support about 80% of small and medium towns.

The problem is that at the federal level, there is now such a ban, and in the regions members can continue to do business, if the number of deputies to the "unprofessional" or "neosvobozhdaemoy" basis. However, they do not receive a salary from the state. But why goszarplata deputies like Agafonov? Maintain a successful business, which greatly contributes to the rank of a deputy, it brings such profits that parliamentary salary just a drop in the sea!

Meanwhile, about what the views of the citizens "care" by Agafonov, you know, talking to residents or read the forums on the Internet. The burden of these reviews utility tariffs (responsibilities Agafonov) grow; unauthorized landfills (for example, near the gardening association "Spring") continue to poison the environment; the state of public transport - the deplorable; Accomplishment of territory remains a slogan, and so on. d., and so on. n.

Given the economic crisis, we can safely assume that, spend today sociologists survey on the attitude of citizens to reconcile the legitimate parliamentary activities and business, not opposed by 80% of respondents, and much more. It remains a mystery: why the "United Russia" a negative influence on the rating of the party parliamentary candidate?

SECRET SECOND: The main thing that suit sitting

We all have favorite movies and scenes of them that stick in the memory for a long time. For me such in the film "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" are the ones where the hero Michael Caine successfully impersonating nobles, vymanivaya from gullible people large sums of money. Another hero, crook, played by Steve Martin, asking him to teach this technique. And an experienced adventurer willing shows his student how to impress people the grand manner, references to non-existent due to the "powers that be" fictitious ancestry and so on. D.

Perhaps this film at one time made a strong impression on Vadim Agafonov. It is rumored to be plying in the business circles of Nizhny Novgorod, quite respectable deputy casually able to screw in a conversation with the right people information about their links "at the top". Ostensibly it protects almost the head of the "Russian Technologies" Chemezov.

Our interlocutors claim that until recently it worked. Through the "word of mouth", "information" is usually spreads quickly through the city, and before Agafonov began to open the door to the offices of influential people.

However, this "hero" should be able not only to present themselves nicely. He should possess impeccable technique of running a successful business. Let's see how that turns out at Mr. Agafonov.


Anyone familiar literary character - zits-chairman Pound, whose job was to formally lead the company of the "Barnyard", and then to serve a prison sentence instead of the real owners. The most common current "successful" entrepreneurs to "make money" using different chain affiliated with each other firms.

The competent authorities, knowing such schemes, interested and of "caretakers company Prioksky area." And that's what it became. The company was registered December 30, 2005. According to the register, the Director is a Seliverstov OA and 100% owner - Administration of Nizhny Novgorod (by LLC "Nizhny Novgorod Utility Company").

But not so simple in our Palestine. According to the agency "Interfax", 75% of the company of "caretakers company Prioksky district" owns Ltd. "The combined utilities' (ACS), and 25% belong to the Committee on City Property Management and Land Resources Administration of Nizhny Novgorod.

And who owns the company "ACS"? A company called OOO "NIC NEP." In turn, the 100% owner of "NIC NEP" is the City Duma deputy Vadim Agafonov. Thus, he is the ultimate "beneficiary" of "caretakers company Prioksky area." It is not surprising that among the contractors of the company, providing activities for the maintenance and operation of housing stock, the company turned out to be affiliated with the "SK AGZHO." Namely, LLC "SCS-NN", LLC "SCS", LLC "ARS Prioksky area", LLC "PKC-NN", LLC "PKS".

Next trick. If you believe the source in the operational structure through contractors of "caretakers company Prioksky region", the group of companies "SK AGZHO" and OOO "NIC NEP" money can be output to the accounts of front companies for fictitious documents. Too often in companies used in the scheme, changing the names of the beneficial owners, including those referred to in that close to the deputy businesswomen Roslyakova and Bolshuhinu "zitspredsedateley", as well as places of business registration.

In particular, the regulatory structures supposedly cast doubt companies such as "Autotrans-Oil", "project-NN", "Volga Trade and Transport Company", "Trade and Transport Company", "PKSistem", "Grand Story", " TEFIS "," ASCON "," Petrel "," Global Trade "," Avtoremservis. " Here is a "concern for people."

Instead of an epilogue: Cherche la femme

Now "garbage empire" Vadim Agafonov going through hard times. After the divorce with his wife, which had, as they say, family ties with some representatives of the companies included in the "Rostec" thread with them was broken. The image of a man with links "at the top" has vanished like smoke. But this image of all and build. Now begin to turn away from Agafonov his former partners.

Doors that were previously magically before him widen now, as noted by detractors as magically slammed shut in his face. In addition to all of its interest in the company from the regulatory authorities is gaining momentum - about this in the next story. Therefore, it is imperative the elected deputies of the "United Russia" in the upcoming elections.

But gone are the days when the deputy "crust" guaranteed saved the attention of law enforcement. The fight against corruption in Russia is carried out systematically and rapidly evolving. And only in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of "United Russia" obstinately pretend that nothing is happening. It seems really relevant saying: while the thunder breaks ...
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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