Why diets do not work?

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Why diets do not work?

Сообщение DARPA » 22 авг 2015, 18:45

If all diets aimed at weight loss are "working" on the simple principle of creating a caloric deficit - that is why they so often "do not work"? Why people can not lose weight for years why back the lost weight?

CAUSES physiological and psychological

Physiological causes rather overrated, especially when criticized for "hormones, slow metabolism and other diseases." A very small percentage of people actually has a hormonal problem or a genetic predisposition to gain weight so pronounced that it becomes painful to lose weight problem. Even when nature is against the law of conservation of energy work, and these people manage to reduce the weight of the different restrictions or medical correction.

In most cases, the belief in hormonal and other physiological reasons is wrong. Significantly study, which compared the group of people who were convinced of their inability to lose weight due to hormones and genetics, and people who had no such complaints.

No significant difference in the hormonal background, metabolic rate, or any physiological parameters between the groups were found. However, the first group is 1.5-2 times underestimated the calorie content of your diet, and about the same 1.5-2 overestimate their motor activity. Ie they eat more and move less than thought. In the control group the costs and expenses were much closer to reality.

It's time to move on to psychology, but still mention a couple of significant physiological aspects that can make life difficult for losing weight.

First, millions of years of evolution, all living creatures on earth lived from hand to mouth, and the whole evolution - are fighting for food. The man won. But its nature has not changed in 100 years of plenty, the same millions of years of evolution are at work every cell of our body. And they know how to live from hand to mouth and store at every opportunity.

The human population on the basis of uniform. Some people have a good regulation of the constancy of body weight, another part even has a bias towards low mass. These people have a moderate appetite, high physical activity, high energy - about such talk "awl in one place." If they overeat, the appetite is reduced for several days, and the natural activity allows you to quickly spend the extra calories.

But the remaining people have asymmetric regulation to the other side - they are well stock up, and are very reluctant to spend energy, and therefore, it is easier to gain weight.

It's a shame? Sure! Advantageous from an evolutionary perspective property turned against us. One thing - plenty enough for everyone, and people do not have problems with excess weight or excess fat less, look at the statistics the prevalence of obesity.

Secondly, nobody really knows what it is - a rational balanced diet. I do not know how to rationally plan weight loss that the calorie deficit did not suffer health, weight is not jumping and lost weight did not come back a week later after the execution. Diet, created without this information are doomed to failure - they will be hungry, they will harm the health, slows metabolism, push to breakdowns.

You know how much protein you need to eat for weight loss, for a balanced diet? How much fat should be consumed each day? Which fats are required to be included in the diet and in what quantity? If you answered "no" At least one question - should tighten their knowledge of healthy eating, and then to lose weight!


You probably already knew that the whole point of losing weight itself in the field of psychology and lives. That is why so many psychotherapists deal with problems of excess weight, even better to say the wrong eating behavior, and the most popular "pop" diets are designed on the principle of psychology textbooks, often with complete disregard for textbooks Nutrition and Dietetics.

With reinforced concrete motivation, the will or whatever creates in people the right attitude to win at any cost, you can lose weight on any diet. The main thing - remember that price.

95% of the lost weight worldwide gaining weight again. Why is that? They miscalculated their strength and sent them to insignificant moments or improperly distributed substantial.

To bet on the psychology and physiology forget to nutritionists - failure. Threw all their forces to nutritionists and arrogantly ignore the psychology of - failure. I do not know the basics of healthy eating and your diet Slimming is different from the usual eating habits of nuns as a routine weekend compulsive gamblers in the casino - a failure. It's a minefield takes a small percentage of people who want to lose weight and only 5% do so deliberately and with an understanding of how to beat a path between traps.


Is it difficult to lose weight? No, it is not difficult. It is difficult to keep the weight? With the right approach is not too. You just need to do the right steps and have patience. A balanced diet, exercise, in some cases, a psychologist - in the age of abundance is almost as important for a good self-awareness, and even survival, like brushing your teeth or washing your hands. These simple procedures have saved countless lives and prevent many diseases. If all brushed their teeth or wash their hands once a year before the beach season - it would not have worked!
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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