As the ruble pegged to the dollar and why the Central Bank can not rein in speculators?

Модератор: zlata

As the ruble pegged to the dollar and why the Central Bank can not rein in speculators?

Сообщение DARPA » 07 янв 2015, 02:01

The main goal of the Fed - the salvation of the world hegemony of the dollar and preserve the last vestiges of faith in the power of the dollar and the US economy painted

The main goal of the Fed - the salvation of the world hegemony of the dollar and preserve in the minds of the world community the last vestiges of faith in the power of the dollar and the US economy painted.

The world wonders who and what brought down the price of oil. The world's media offer two main versions, due to a fall in oil prices. Let us briefly describe each of them.

- Version One: Oil prices dropped US, in order to punish the people of Russia. Punished for what the Russian people, democratically chooses their national leader, without taking into account the interests of Washington.

- Version Two: Saudi Arabia arranged price dumping oil in order to bury the so-called shale gas revolution in the US. Since oil and gas by hydraulic fracturing, has a higher cost and with oil prices below $ 70 a barrel, it becomes unprofitable. And at the same time to take revenge on Russia for its support of Iran and Syria.

Why are both of these versions have a right to exist?

The first version has the right to exist on the following grounds:

In Washington, know and understand that Putin - is the democratic choice of the Russian people. This follows from Putin's rating, which regularly publishes the leading Western media. Punishing the people of Russia decline in living standards, Washington seems to be saying to the people of Russia: "You can have our democracy, but not yours." American-style democracy - it is a choice between two candidates, each of which is a puppet and a puppet of Washington. For example, the democratic choice between Navalny and Kasparov.

Russian people heed Washington, puts his hand in his pocket and empty forms where a combination of three fingers. And the thumb in this combination, as well as all of this combination as a whole, are not addressed to its own democratic choice of the Russian population, not your future and the future of their children, namely Washington.

In the west, trying to understand it and how to explain. But can not, because of the different mentality. Russia has historically been a bridge between East and West, not only geographically, but also mentally. We are not as categorical and authoritarian, as people living in the East. But we are not as tolerant and democratic how people living in the West. We mentally represent a cross between people living in the West and the people living in the East. That, given the multi-ethnic population and geographical position of Russia, it is not surprising. For us it is unacceptable public executions with amputation of the head, as it regularly occurs in some oil-rich Arab countries. But at the same time, for us is unacceptable lawns dotted with syringes and drug addicts - as in the Netherlands or children's advocacy of homosexual relations, which has become the norm in many Western countries.

It is due to our centric mentality, we have long understood what until now and can not understand in Europe. We understand the difference between the concepts of "democracy" and "American democracy."

We know exactly what "democracy". From the ancient Greek: Demos (people) and Krat (Power) - this is literally "Democracy" or "People Power". But the Greeks never implied power of the American people over other nations. They had in mind the power of the people inhabiting a particular state. After all, what is appropriate and acceptable for one people may be immoral, offensive and unacceptable to other people. Therefore, we know that no single measure or universal for all peoples standards of democracy and there is, in principle, can not be.

Every nation has the right to self-determination in all - in laws, morality, culture, native language, religion, political beliefs, in their traditions and so on. And of course, every nation has its sovereign right to choose their national leader. Therefore, democracy itself can not in principle be non-sovereign, as there can be no sovereign will of the people.

If Democracy - a government of the people, the so-called American democracy outside the United States - is the power of the American people over other nations. Or rather it is the power over other nations who had usurped the US the right to speak and act on behalf of the American people and against the will of the American people. Spreading American democracy around the world, the United States actually oligarchic clans spread their power over other nations of the world. Oligarchic clans US invented their own and some extremely comfortable for themselves democratic standards that are now imposed on different countries and peoples as stencils, mandatory adoption and execution for all peoples of the world. And all those countries whose peoples for some reason do not want to live according to American standards of democracy (read under the power of oligarchic clans USA), subject to enslavement by a political, economic and military power the United States. Or destruction.

After dashing 90, we had our national signs, which no country in the world. For example: "If the West and he controls the world's leading media unanimously criticize someone, then it is really a very good man." (People sign).

Or: "If our leader, in the West praise, smiles at him and condescending pat on the shoulder, then again betrayed us. And that means that soon we will be very bad. "(People sign).

Unlike people in many other countries, we know that the reasons for the decline in living standards are different.

- Sometimes, people in some countries are poor because they are fighting for their freedom and independence. They defend their future and their children's future.

- In some other countries, people live in poverty forever. Because they were unable to defend their freedom and independence and became a sovereign country residents not. That is, they have become slaves living in the country of the colony. They have no future and no hope for the future. They and their children will be poor always slaves.

In most countries of the world, people always live in poverty was for a second reason. Give examples and names of countries have lost its sovereignty and become in essence externally controlled colonies does not make sense. We all know these countries and can call them mentally or aloud to yourself.

Thanks to our Western saviors and benefactors, we had a very complicated history. We are constantly trying to conquer, enslave and exterminate. When that did not work, we basely deceived all sorts of "partnership" and "cooperation". As a result, each of which Russia somehow are deceived and spit upon the West.

Now we know that:

- Lost wealth may be restored only at the cost of great effort.

- A lost independence can only be restored at the cost of bloodshed.

But at the cost of bloodshed restored independence in itself does not make anyone rich.

Because the lost wealth can only be restored at the cost of great effort.

That we did not say that we would not have promised, we already know that the loss of independence and sovereignty, will never bring anyone wealth or happiness. We have seen in many other countries, that the loss of sovereignty, makes any country in the colony. Or figuratively speaking - a slave. Slave has no right to own their money or property. Slave can possess, use and dispose only by what allowed him to possess, use and dispose of his master. Once the owner will need something from his slave property, he immediately take a slave whatever it sees fit. Slave can not do anything. Slave can not even argue just to his master. Because this very slave, is the property of its owner. Along with all his wealth and children. In fact, the West, led by Washington, put the population of Russia an ultimatum: either you fulfill our requirements - give up sovereignty and become our servants; or you will pay dearly for your refusal. Previously, just besieging the city, forcing residents or die from hunger, or to submit and surrender to the enemy invaders. Population surrendered cities, often excised and survivors enslaved.

We are politically and economically literate. We see the comparative dynamics of living standards in the EU and concludes that more or less normal people live in countries that have retained their sovereignty to a greater extent than others. We see and understand - the smaller the degree of independence of the country, the more rapidly deteriorating standard of living of its citizens.

Therefore, we should not be a problem of choice between improving the standard of living, in exchange for the loss of sovereignty. We know that it is a choice between a hard to recover the lost wealth and a lot of blood to restore the lost independence, together with all the same great difficulty - to restore the lost wealth.

We think not, as the thoughts of the people of many other countries around the world. We think differently, which resulted in our history. Therefore, persistent proposals to give their own fishing rod and sit in a cage, in exchange for promises to give us the fish on Fridays, we perceive with a laugh.

We are well aware that the United States - is hostile towards us state. We know that the task of destroying Russia, built in the USA in the level of state programs in the "Concept of National Security." What would you like politkorrekno and did not tell us on TV, we know that for the United States, any form of cooperation with Russia - this is just another form of war against Russia and the destruction of Russia. We have long understood that the US offer us "collaborate" every time when they can not achieve our desired, their usual ways - through their puppets in our government or brute military force.

We all have long understood and realized. Even if we can not articulate and express some sort of injustice, we still know about it, understand it or just feel. That's what our inner understanding of the true reality, from Washington's perspective, we should be punished. Therefore, the United States dropped the price of oil, so as to punish the population of Russia is the deterioration of living standards - for obstinacy and actually for the refusal of the Russian population, submit to Western colonization.

- The second version has the right to exist on the following grounds:

House of Saud offended by the US because of unmet geopolitical ambitions. This is especially Syria, against which the United States did not start full-scale war. Not started, despite all the calls of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, backed by promises to pay to Washington all the financial costs of this war.

And of course it is a slow convergence of the US with Iran, economic sanctions against whom Washington turns gradually, acting on the basis of an organized retreat. Moreover, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, accused the United States that Washington strongly Iran demonstrates its willingness to dialogue, through various diplomatic and covert undercover methods.

If you do not go into the details, then between the axis of Saudi Arabia - Qatar and the axis of Iran - Syria today is a struggle for leadership in the Middle East. Therefore, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, it is important to support the United States in the struggle for leadership, against the alliance of Iran and Syria.

Why are these two versions are not true causes of falling oil prices?

Both versions are very believable and well logically justified. But both of them are only a consequence of the third - the true cause of the collapse in oil prices. The fact that both of these versions do not include the real economic interests of the United States. Shale revolution in the US - is not only and not so much the technology revolution, a revolution as finance and financial instruments. On the extraction of shale oil and gas in the United States tied the huge reservoirs of employment, bank lending, market shares and financial derivatives. Collapsing industry of oil and gas by hydraulic fracturing, may entail not only the collapse of the US stock market, but the entire US banking structure as a whole. In order to economically punish the citizens of Russia, the US simply would not have been economically punish themselves.

Therefore, the first version that the US brought down the price of oil to economically punish the population of Russia - is eliminated.

It remains the second version - Saudi Arabia to increase oil production in order to bring down the US shale industry and revenge for Washington vague stance on Iran and Syria. Even sounds ridiculous, does not it? Who in their right mind can believe this? Of course, the House of Saud and Qatar authorities can express their dissatisfaction with US foreign policy. But even so they are combined together staged an attack on the US economy - it is something from the field of political fiction. Not so is very much the House of Saud to hold such public demarches against the US economy.

Note the many strong statements of Saudi Arabia that they will continue to increase oil production in defiance of OPEC, even if prices fall to $ 20 a barrel. All these public statements, the United States respond with silence. But for far less in scope Liberty, Washington organized Erdogan attempted coup color on Taksim Square, in the recent past.

What does this mean? This suggests that all loud statements and actions of all Saudi Arabia's increasing oil production, not only were agreed in advance, but were pre-orchestrated by Washington.

But then there is a rhetorical question - why? Why Washington to create a real and serious threat to the US economy, for some geopolitical ambitions of Saudi Arabia?

Trite answer is simple - obvalivaya oil prices, Washington is not acting in the interests of Saudi Arabia. Washington is trying to save a dying dollar. This was what Washington is willing to sacrifice everything, including shale industry in the US, the US stock market, and even the US banking sector. Because while maintaining faith in the dollar, all of this will be to restore and compensate. If faith in the dollar will be undermined, then it all collapses just as well, but uncontrollably and irreversibly. This will end the era of Pax Americana.

Gold - is the true cause of the collapse of oil prices, organized by the team from Washington. Everything else - it's just the phenomena and factors associated main goal. Gold - a antidollar. The price of gold - is an indicator of the dollar and faith in the dollar. Artificially low price of gold, the Fed creates a distorted perception of reality in terms of the dollar and faith in the dollar.

Oil prices have brought down for the sake of the dollar

The strength of the dollar does not stay on anything other than blind faith. Many believe that the strength of the dollar rests on the US Army. But this is only partly true. Because no army can stop an idea whose time has come. True, the real price of gold, will inevitably undermine confidence in the dollar. And as the dollar rests only on faith, undermine this belief, would mean the death of the dollar as the single global reserve currency and as a final means of preservation and accumulation of wealth. That is, the dollar would be no use to anyone. If this happens, America will not be able to live in debt. The inability to live in debt, the US equivalent to death. Salvation dollar at any price - it's actually saving any cost US from death. By death, decay is implied in the United States, individual states, due to failure of the surplus states to feed through their labor and their resources, others - subsidized states.

US can no longer keep the prices for gold the old methods - through paper-futures gambling COMEX. Too high in recent years has become a demand for physical gold from the BRICS and other countries. These countries use the US underestimated the efforts of the price of gold not to buy paper for gold futures and get back to the exact same paper at the time of expiry of futures contracts. They use the artificially low price of gold just to buy at these prices real physical metal. Countries of the world are increasing their gold reserves to create a new world monetary system (MVS), on the basis of the emerging BRICS monetary system.

What will this new MVS, today nobody knows. But today it is obvious that even the use of the gold standard as the foundation of a new world monetary system will be a much better option than the current absence of any standards it was.

With an endless source of finance, through manipulation can set any price for any asset and keep it forever. But in this case, you must provide a permanent opportunity for everyone to buy the asset at a price that you assign in this way. While the volume of purchases by such interested persons, approximately equal to the volume of sales by those wishing to sell the asset, you can keep the price of the asset is low as long as you want.

But as soon as the number of people willing to buy an asset at a low price starts to rise, and the number of people willing to sell it at a low price starts to drop, you'll have to constantly "feed" the market this asset from its stockpile. Otherwise, there will be a gap between the price of the asset on paper and the price of a real asset. That will reveal price manipulation, and make them apparent to all market participants.

Title to this topic: Why the whole world (except the US) to buy gold like crazy?

We live in a world circumscribed resources. Therefore, the amount of money in the world, also should be limited. Starting from August 15, 1971, the Fed tries to deny this obvious thesis. Printing dollars is not limited by anything except the needs of the United States. The Fed could print any amount of dollars to continue suppressing the price of gold. But the Fed can not print gold. Which should always be disposed to the market, in order to maintain the illusion that the value of gold is actually as low as it declares the Fed, in relation to its green wrappers - dollars.

What is happening in the gold market?

Indian demand for gold, after the abolition of restrictions on imports of the yellow metal rolls

"Reuters" agency publishes data that India intends to regain its lost position as a world leader in the import of gold, which now holds China.

China does not disclose their data on import of gold. Currently, China is the world leader in the import and production of gold, ahead of India on import and Australia mining. However, calculated according to some experts, gold imports into China in 2014 of 1,350 tons.

Thus, only two countries - India and China, redeem the whole world gold production during the year. From which, in fairness, it should be deducted a huge share of the spoils of China. Since China is their gold will not export. Where, then, is taken gold, which bought the rest of the world? If all countries are actively buying gold, it means that someone has it out of their reserves actively sells. But who?

Title to this topic: Turkey - gold imports in November rose to the highest level for more than six years

The suppression of the gold price in order to maintain confidence in the dollar is another interesting aspect - the massive bankruptcy of companies involved in gold mining. Which entails a reduction in the volume of world gold production, amid rapidly growing demand.

Something broke in this world for the Fed. Whereas before, all manipulations with gold prices led to sales of the yellow metal, but now these manipulations encounter stable, growing and probably well-organized demand from the BRICS and other countries. Note - a record growth in demand for gold from Turkey took place in November. That is, after a meeting with Putin Erdogan. Why would it?

Interestingly, despite all the difficulties, Russia is still continuing to increase their gold reserves.

All this seems to be clear. But where does the price of oil?

The thing is, the price of oil affect the value of other types of energy - gas and coal. With a decrease in oil prices, declining prices for gas, coal and electricity. Gold mining - the process is very, very energy-intensive, regardless of the method of extraction. Every year, this process becomes more energy-intensive, due to the annual depletion of gold rocks and alluvial deposits. To get the same ounce of gold miners are forced every year to recycle more and more tons of rock, spending more and more energy. As we discussed earlier, the cost of gold production, 60% is the cost of energy. For gold to be purchased in large quantities either diesel or electricity - depending on the method of extraction.

Due to the unprecedented global demand for gold, at some time in Washington realized that constrain the price of gold the previous methods is futile. The lower the Fed lowers the price of gold, so large amounts of physical gold moving from West to East. In order to maintain the illusion of low gold prices and saving faith in the dollar, manipulators have to constantly sell out of their physical gold reserves, to these artificially low prices. As a consequence, the gold reserves at the disposal of manipulators, is rapidly being depleted. It is obvious that sooner or later, these reserves run out, as they will be sold out in the name of maintaining illusions about the strength of the dollar. After that, comes the finale of this fascinating game of give-away against the market, mathematics, and common sense.

To avoid such a development, and at the same time prevent the increase in gold prices, the United States decided to continue the systematic suppression of the price the price of gold, the other way - by reducing the price of the energy required for the extraction of gold. That is, by the collapse of oil prices. A significant decline in oil prices, and hence on diesel fuel and electricity, allows you to stop and prevent cascading bankruptcy of companies involved in gold mining. Moreover, the miners are able to enter the profits - due to a significant reduction in cost, energy-intensive process of gold mining. At the same time, oil-producing countries BRICS deprived of the opportunity to buy gold in the previous volumes. Because they have a sharp decline in foreign exchange earnings from oil and gas sales. In such a situation, these countries are forced to spend their entire reduce foreign exchange earnings than buying gold, and they need to import goods and stabilize the exchange rate of their national currencies.

Thus, as a result of the organized collapse in oil prices, the Fed reaches of three objectives:

1. Retention of low gold prices more or less market methods, without having to throw away for this purpose on the market, the gold reserves of the United States.

2. Reduce the demand for gold from all those countries whose economies are based is energy exports. In a situation of reduction of foreign currency inflows from energy exports, these countries automatically lose the surplus of excess currency, which they could buy gold.

3. The main purpose of the Federal Reserve - the salvation of the world hegemony of the dollar and preserve in the minds of the world community, the last vestiges of faith in the power of the dollar and the US economy painted.

Does the reduction of the cost of gold production, the decline in world gold prices?

Probably not. Most likely, this will allow the Fed to keep only the price of gold from a sharp jump up. Because the possibility of exporting energy to buy gold is reduced as a result of falling oil prices exactly as much as the increased opportunity to buy gold for the energy importers.

The question now is how long the US will be able to survive in conditions of low oil prices and the consequent negative consequences for the US economy. The situation created by the Fed with the dollar, oil and gold is becoming more like a game called "Who was the first morgnёt."

Oil prices have brought down for the sake of the dollar

One of my American friend, constantly travel the world with unclear objectives, different from my other foreign friends, a wonderful sense of humor, amazing candor and surprising accuracy of forecasts. Call it conditionally David.

When we last met, I asked him:

- David, if for the sake of the dollar's dominance, the Fed is forced to constantly sell gold, it means that they have some "game plan". This means that the Fed pays gold to buy themselves time they need to implement the plan. What do you think, what is the plan?

David swirled the ice in a glass of bourbon and said:

- We will face India in the war with China. They are now the world's major gold reserves. We will take the position of superior judges and will help them in the war against each other. In exchange for gold. When this war is over, these two countries will be weakened beyond recognition. And all the gold in each of these countries, we will. And the cycle begins anew.

- But in India and China today there is no reason for the war - I said.

David laughed, sipped from his glass and said:

- You probably know better than us in the ballet. And perhaps you have achieved more progress in rocketry. But how to develop and sharpen the contradictions between any countries, we have no equal. Contradiction is between any neighboring countries. They can always be escalated to the point that the war started, you will need only one properly organized provocation.

I was a little sad because I knew that David rights. I just had nothing to contradict him. Wanting to somehow take revenge for David that he was right, I said:

- But it is Russia that will not allow you to bomb Syria, as you previously bombed Libya! To which David replied:

- Yes, indeed, rocket duel with the Russian fleet was not in our plans. But it does not change anything. Assad is doomed, we still uberёm it is only a matter of time. We can print any number of dollars and buy those dollars for the poor around the world. These are the poor, ready to fight for a few of our dollars a day anywhere and with anyone. Even if the result of losses will be 100 to 1 in favor of the army of Assad, his soldiers run faster than the millions of the poor with the poor all over the world who are ready to fight against the army of al-Assad, for our freshly printed dollars. This is called a protracted war of attrition, by proxy. Or as we say "proxy war." Size of the army Assad quickly and steadily declining. A number of armed us beggars from all over the world, in Syria and rapidly growing steadily.

Therefore, to remove Assad and replace him with our man, we just need some time. For that, we really willing to pay in gold. But that's OK, because their gold, we will refund all the same.

As soon as we finish with Assad, we'll throw through Syria pipe with cheap Qatari gas to Europe.

Thus, we squeeze Gazprom out of Europe. Russia will be without the European market for its gas. So, Russia's budget will be left without money. After a while, in the impoverished Russian social explosion will occur. We will help you to organize it and accelerate. After that, we put in power in Russia, its people and the collapse of Russia into several parts. Just as we have previously destroyed into warring with each other now part of the former Soviet Union. Then it turned out we almost bloodless. At this time, for the collapse of Russia, we be faced in the war with Muslims, Christians.

Everything you accumulate gold, become our - we immediately removed. We are always one way or another, export to itself in the United States, the gold from all our new colonies. Continue to accumulate for us our gold, with the same zeal.

The population of the newly formed countries formerly part of the former Russian, will experience a sharp envy of the standard of living of the population of Romania and Ukraine. But it is not because we will raise the standard of living in Romania and Ukraine. Just your standard of living is much lower. You too much. We will not allow you to consume resources belonging to us simply so that you can live with. It is economically meaningless.

We have extensive experience of working with such oil-rich African countries. The population of these countries are constantly at war with each other. We help them to find an excuse for them to kill each other without unnecessary pauses. However, none of the warring parties, never touches our oilfields - is taboo. Papuans can kill each other as much as they like. But they have no right to hurt our oilfields and somehow interfere with the operation of our business in these our colonies. This state of affairs creates for us a very favorable conditions. Therefore, we need universally prevailing poverty in these colonies, blood and chaos. This allows us to recruit the best of the natives for a penny, and on a competitive basis. Under normal conditions and a higher standard of living in the colonies, we would have to pay much more for Aboriginal high salaries for their work on our oil fields. But it is not profitable. Maintain a constant chaos and internecine wars among the natives, much cheaper than paying them high salaries.

The resource base of the former Russian will be transferred under the control of the leading Western corporations. All the resources of the former Russian, will be used for our purposes, and at our discretion. This will allow us to completely cut off China from all Russian natural resources. After that, we will organize a social explosion and the change of power in the impoverished without the resources of China.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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