The first day in summer camp

Модератор: zlata

The first day in summer camp

Сообщение DARPA » 29 дек 2014, 16:36

That's how the whole year is ready, willing. Title squad invent area there are different numbers. And then comes the SPV (senior leader) and says, you do not stand on the big and small on. And half of ideas goes directly in the income statement. And then comes the Methodist and says do not change the theme: A Space Odyssey and the Renaissance. And half of the ideas together is in the income statement. And then comes a change in the camp, which has no props, and did not take her - and the third half of the ideas is also in the income statement.

And then comes the day X, the children come and we start to write them down. Registration of children is such tsyrk with horses. This occurs in a special collection point. It is worth a few tables on the number of units, and behind them sit with magazines such counselors. On the table a plate with the number and age of the squad. Diluting runs between the tables, deftly directing arrivals to the correct table. To the table is growing all of the moms, dads, grandparents, chumadanov, and somewhere between the two lost children.

As in any queue, not equipped skotoprogonnikami or fences, begins crush - forward climb typical passengers from the category "I only ask," "I majeure", "I icebreaker Lenin." Counselor patiently checks at the newcomer and ticket medspravka that he be buried with him in the camp of some influenza virus strain Kindergarten or there ospodi forbid, something venereal. Pediculosis again. This is all kinds of lice, nits there, fleas and other mandavoshki. Then the counselor writes data to the magazine - serial number, name of parents, contacts, amount of money in the photo, and notes.

The notes are usually specified features of the content of each individual child. For example, "to write for themselves at night," "not to load physically," "afraid of ghosts", "throws at people with a knife." Wrap the passenger can not - once approved doctors, worry counselor. Poi child three times a day, soothing, selects knives, axes and pitchforks.

Who signed, say goodbye to my parents and hang out around the room, making it difficult to rest. An experienced leader in the eyes of the child can determine which time he went to the camp. The palette of expression varies from hunted, frightened at pervohodov indifferent to miss u repeat offenders. Especially nice when some Shmakodyavka has over ten years' shifts more than you have leaders, and better than you know all the articles of the Criminal Code, Civil Code and the Family Code relating to the rights of the child. And yes, you are constantly quoted them on any occasion and without.

And now, all recorded. Diluting gives the go-ahead, and counselors gather his troops. Sounds command "on the bus" !!! (for horses, damn. Budionny crying) and the curves of the column of children with bulging tumors on the sides of parents wander the buses, which hang behind glass plates numbered units. Immediately comes up a few grandmothers and mothers who pulled counselor all over the place and just begging to put their child on the same front seat. Because it swayed, yeah. The driver, of course, is not much in awe of such a neighborhood, but it's better than zablevali floor. In addition, this type of children usually goes quietly, entirely focused on his inner world, and the front seats are rarely gushes. And once seated behind future bullies, brawlers and other irresponsible element. Immediately we can remember them, then it will be easier.

Then for a further 15 minutes to expel from the salon mourners relatives shove the cracks impossibly children chumadany sounds in the style of the team Gagarin, and a column of buses, cars framed DPS moves off away from the city in wonderland. The first 5 minutes away from the walls and windows of the bus fall off sticking to them outside of the parents. Many children and go to the camp stuck to the windows from the inside.

Children on the bus - it's a song. And not alone. And still a lot of games. The driver, in the difficult years of his life had seen and not so quietly praying through clenched teeth mate. A leader continues to entertain children. Inside, hot, stuffy because kondeya and no windows open prohibits the transportation of children TB. A hatches open forbid heart-rending cries of older vospitok "oyskvoznyakmyzheprostynemsukanahuyzakroyschazzhe !!!" (vospitki if available). Death by suffocation, zahleb blyuvotinoy and thermal shock is preferable to death by collision protruding from the window of his head against the pole at a speed of 60 km / h. Though it is much more likely. By the end of singing and playing is somehow do not want to, and the kids, if you're lucky, talk peacefully with each other. Acquainted.

Here we stopped in a dark forest. Gnarled branches, knocking on the window of the bus, step aside, revealing a wonderful meadow, sunlit. Or rain, the weather. Standing in a clearing gate with the inscription of "DALE Flower lawn them. Ilyich" and "you're welcome". Buries his column in the gate and begins unloading organized children. It is pleasant to look at the six- and seven-year kids that caring mom stuffed with two 80-liter chumadana belongings. Children themselves, clear donut their belongings to raise unable, so they are usually drags someone? That's right, counselor. I see you have a chip chop. Especially lucky in this business counselor youngest squads. Because the smaller the child, the more he chumadan. Girls are not considered, they always chumadany large, heavy and plentiful. Particularly for girls-leaders.

Entrance to the camp. If lucky, the counselors were already there - worked before or come on Saturday. Then everything goes clear. Everyone knows who lives where. If not, Diluting (usually - SPV or zamdira) all sent to the address. Starts settling.

If the leader is not enough smart or worn out in the bus, nimble enough to climb the children themselves Chamber occupy the best seats. At the window overlooking the sea. In short chaos and anarchy. It is better to determine in advance where they will live guys, where girls and settle in accordance with the age and other circumstances.

Further, about half an hour all selflessly unpacked chumadany and render habitable new location. Leader stands out that there was no fighting on the subject of seats, lockers and cabinets, and another counselor is to get the laundry. If all goes quickly move into vozhatskuyu counselors can only closer to the night. If you are very lucky. And if you do not carry, in vozhatskuyu children inhabit, maybe 140 people gathered in the 80-bed camp. Then the counselor will live somewhere in a tent, destroyed buildings, utility room or hallway. And yes, the rule to be constantly at children has not been canceled!

Then the first dinner in the camp. Immediately accustom children to march in formation. Or his likeness. At least a handful. Not to lose and not to wait any opazdunov. Sonchas dedicated to restore discipline in the form of individually selected depending on the unit. If you are lucky and immediately became a leader authority - no problem.

Then the game to explore. Excursion in the territory. Obschelagernye first event, running and dating. It is important to set the mood, drive and courage, but within a reasonable discipline. Beginners counselors rush to extremes of familiarity to tyranny. Experienced counselors entirely in control, confidently guiding a detachment in the right direction.

The evening still kakoe- something razvlekalovo songs out there or something. Communication, friendship. Will have twenty days to live together, one team, and only depends on the counselor, how will this team. So let's wish him luck, patience, inspiration, and so did not want to sleep!
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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