US is losing the war against the Russian oil

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US is losing the war against the Russian oil

Сообщение DARPA » 25 дек 2014, 19:33

How much mistaken who naively think that the US and the West unleashed economic aggression and Sanctions war against Russia because of its position on Ukraine. In fact, it was conceived somewhat earlier - about a year ago, when the closed meeting was held between senior representatives of the US and Saudi Arabia. And so closed that it was not even allowed Prince Bandar, who at the time headed the intelligence service of CSA and was secretary of the National Security Council of the kingdom.

So that the absence of the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi heads of the leading Western countries, including Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Hollande, was quite natural: they already knew that they would soon have to do against Moscow. Apparently, the remnants of conscience played a role, although it is now hard to believe.

At that meeting, the United States with the Saudis put one question to drastically reduce the price of oil down to $ 50. Per barrel, which supposedly will allow Iran to make serious concessions on its nuclear program and to undermine his power, what they wanted in Riyadh. "Russian aspect" while Americans are not particularly stressed that, although still there after the crisis began in Ukraine, in particular during the visit of President Obama's kingdom. The Saudis have shown persistence, noting that the decline in oil prices hit hard on the implementation of social programs budgeted KSA, the negative effects of domestic plan. In these circumstances, the Americans went to blackmail the Saudis actually intimidated by the fact that they have incriminating evidence on many members of the royal family, including gross violations of human rights, morality, financial abuse, etc. which may, in the case of legends facts publicized in the international media, serve as a basis for initiating against Al Saud criminal cases. In addition, the United States provided data on the presence in the Shiite-populated Eastern Province of the Kingdom a significant amount of "sleeping cells", numbering tens of thousands of supporters of Hezbollah ideology focused on Iran, which could at any moment to take up arms and oppose Wahhabi regime. And it worked, although the starting date of the plan by the sharp decline in oil prices have not been determined specifically.

US had to wait for the Ukrainian crisis to drop in oil prices coincided with the financial and economic sanctions of the West. And it is with Jan. Washington has engaged a plan to sharply destabilize the situation in Ukraine, including the force scenario using the capabilities of oligarchs such Kolomoiskiy. I must admit that the overthrow of Yanukovych and a coup d'etat took place in Kiev smoothly enough for Washington, but few expected that Moscow will take a tough stance on Crimea, and the south-eastern Ukraine flare powerful center of resistance to the forces in Kiev, which took power illegally building on open and hidden moral military support of the West.

Under these conditions, in Riyadh suspected US not only playing a double game on Iran, but also the desire to use oil "weapon" Saudi Arabia primarily against Russia and for the overthrow of the anti-American regime in Venezuela - the third largest oil exporter. After all, the Americans without any problems extended interim agreement with Tehran on the Iranian nuclear program, while mitigating the financial and economic sanctions against Iran. And here at the Al Saud originated suspicions that the CSA has simply become a bargaining chip in someone else's game, but still it had to pay all the costs of it.

The fall in oil prices was due to begin in June, but then came the problem with LIH, which demanded and the United States, and from CSA urgent measures to prevent the collapse of the Middle East by turning it into an Islamic caliphate radical type. And Riyadh took time out to "oil", especially because he needed the money for what is to stop the advance of the IG to the south - in the direction of Saudi Arabia itself. At that point, Washington could not demand from Riyadh to sacrifice for the sake of its survival to the destruction of the Russian economy, weakening Iran and the overthrow of the legitimate government of Venezuela.

But in August, when the situation with the IG significantly stabilized, returned to the US pressure on Saudi Arabia. And she went in the autumn of this year, the sharp decline in oil prices. First went the increase in oil production and exports of the Kingdom, and then began a dirty game at all - selling Saudi oil at a price lower than the market. It then began a daily price collapse. By joining KSA Kuwait - one more dependent on Washington principality Gulf. A US parallel screamed its readiness to fill the whole world with its shale oil. Although there have been involved falsification of information tools: the Americans to convince the world of its huge reserves of shale oil, which is actually 2 times less than was announced. Saudis played along with the Americans, saying that an increase in oil exports, they do not play against Russia, but for the sake of markets in the face of the onset of the US shale oil. And many, even serious oil experts, succumbed to this by creating their negative forecasts panic. There was talk that the oil price could fall as much as $ 40. Per barrel.

It must be admitted that the Russian economic experts and financial departments panicked. Hence - "Black Monday and Tuesday," when it seemed that the ruble is about to crumble. The more that the Saudis continued to reduce the price of oil below the world. But then intervened objective factors. The first could not stand United Kingdom, who participated in the "conspiracy" against the United States and Russia KSA. After all, the cost of oil production in the North Sea was only 1.5-2 dollar below its purchase price. "British Petroleum" has sounded the alarm bells at all, in fact, recognize that we are on the verge of stopping oil production. And there's still and Norway, which also operates in the North Sea. European allies have fallen away the desire to pay for his political ambitions through Washington against Moscow. But what is very important - disintegrated the Saudi kingdom. In the Eastern Province, an outbreak of terrorism, and at the level of Sunni-Shiite conflict. Excitement swept through all the cities of the region. Come in the category of the ruling elite, who abruptly lost revenues. A reduction in social programs has caused unrest among the common people CSA. And this background that the LIH Saudi Arabia announced a zone of its action, and in the south-west of the Kingdom of Yemen husisty not just seized power, but also entrenched there, and obviously for a long time. And here in Riyadh finally learned that the US is waging secret contacts with Iran for signing an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program in February-March 2015. And then - good-bye sanctions against Iran! So - goodbye place KSA as a key partner of Washington in the Middle East.

It is time for Saudi Arabia "reply" liars from the US. And now, from December 20 barrel of oil began to rise in price in trading on the stock exchanges in London and New York. It happened after Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi December 19 issued a statement on the restoration of cooperation between OPEC mills. According to him, oil prices will go up, and the market of "black gold" will be restored. According to Ali al-Naimi, oil in the coming decades will be the main source of energy. However, Washington immediately stepped in and was able to once again put Riyadh known position when it comes to doing what has you well. Americans once again responded quickly. And now, the Saudi minister regains ago, and sharply: "Wherever there were price reductions of production is not in the interests of OPEC producers - he said on December 23. - If it drops to $ 20, $ 40, $ 50 or $ 60, it's irrelevant. "According to the minister, the world may never see oil at $ 100 a barrel. "If Saudi Arabia will lower production, prices will go up, and Russian, Brazilian and shale developers in the United States will take away our market share," - said al-Naimi. He estimated that the budgets of the Gulf countries are able to withstand a long period of declining prices, as the cost of production in the region of $ 4-5 per barrel. First, according to the Minister, the affected offshore projects in Brazil, West Africa and the Arctic. "So sooner or later, no matter how much they may be stretched in the end of their financial capabilities make them to cut production," - he predicts. "We want to tell the world that only countries with a high efficiency oil deserve market share", - concluded the oil minister of Saudi Arabia. As they say, that they should not say. Masks reset. Saud publicly announced their intentions with regard to Russia.

But Washington this time still lost. The Russian economy has withstood, Obama and now there is nothing left to do but watch the restoration of the ruble and economic stabilization in Russia. Of course, Moscow and all Russians have paid a heavy price for dependence on oil and gas needle. But now in Moscow no longer have any illusions about the US and its European allies, and certainly with respect to Saudi Arabia. It is also clear that an urgent need to build a different type of economy, the least tied to the West. And Saudi Arabia to do the main conclusion: it is not necessary to pay for the other games against Russia. And then we can fail, especially when the King and the Crown Prince on its last legs breathe, and breathe in the back of Saud Iran and LIH. Now, it is obviously on a path that will end the collapse of the ruling regime there. America is ready to sacrifice it for the sake of his struggle with Russia, aimed at the total collapse of its economy.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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