US attacks EAEC in all directions

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US attacks EAEC in all directions

Сообщение DARPA » 24 дек 2014, 19:50

On January 1, 2015 takes effect Eurasian Union, which replaced the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. In this case, to the three states to join Armenia and Kyrgyzstan plans to join. Accession to the Union is considered Tajikistan.

It would seem a matter of politics Ocean to the processes taking place in the heart of Eurasia? However, the new interstate association met with fierce opposition from the US. In late 2012, the then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said bluntly: "We know what is the aim, and we are trying to develop effective ways of how to slow it down or prevent it."
The direction of the main attack

Whatever was formed in the post-configuration of economic and political integration unions, its core is the Russian Federation, surely regaining superpower status after geopolitical catastrophe of the 1990s. It was the Russian economy is a guarantee of further growth of these unions, including Eurasia. And her undermining automatically reduce the attractiveness of Russia in the eyes of the post-Soviet states.

Of course, the Russian Federation could not be the main "victim" of the US on counter Eurasian integration. A battering ram to attack the Russian economy was elected Ukraine, which tried to break away from the integration process of concluding an association agreement with the EU, the economic part of which included the creation of conditions to break trade relations with Russia. Nevertheless, the signing of this agreement was frustrated. Then States decided to organize a coup, in which power in Ukraine came to the pro-American forces ready to ensure implementation of the set in Washington, DC plans.

One of the first political decisions of the Kiev coup began a policy of complete rupture of trade relations with Russia, is about a third of Ukrainian exports. But since the consequences of such a move seriously aggravate the situation of Ukraine, located in a deep economic crisis and its consequences for Russia were not so critical, parallel process was started demonizing Russia as the "aggressor" in connection with the return of the Crimea and the anti-Nazi uprising in the New Russia. The US and its allies in Europe against Russia unleashed a sanctions war.

Since none of the almost weekly accusations against the Kremlin's military incursion into the territory of Ukraine and has not been confirmed, and all attempts to provoke such an invasion of Russian genocide of civilians breakaway regions and even shelling Russian territory failed to unleash a devastating war with Russia not failed. The next step was followed by an attempt to undermine the economic situation of the Russian Federation to lower oil prices. Neither this measure nor sanctions not only did not give the desired result, but even undermined a number of European sectors of the economy and put them on the brink of survival of American shale oil.

Almost simultaneously with the oil crisis with the assistance of a number of American funds and currency speculators began an operation to destabilize the Russian financial system. As a result, artificial, according to the American political scientist Paul Craig Roberts, a fall of the Russian ruble, not substantiated by any economic indicators (2), the eve of the start of the Eurasian Union was more than 50%. One of the goals of the collapse of the ruble was undermining confidence in Russia by future members of the Union.

crafty brother

Once called neither the United States and its allies of the first Belarusian president, but the most striking label glued to it, was the "last dictator in Europe." Belarus much earlier Russia was faced with US and European sanctions and thus survived largely due to a rapprochement with Russia. But in those years the fraternal relations between the two peoples is often overshadowed by economic contradictions, as Alexander Lukashenko, defending the interests of Minsk, usually guided not only by political categories, but also rigid rationalism. Although the political support of the Kremlin during the confrontation with the West did not disdain, as in Moscow and Washington and Brussels Belarus clearly felt closest Russian post-Soviet countries.

Nevertheless, the US plans to prevent the unification of the states in the Eurasian Union included a serious impact on the Belarusian politics on the part of Ukraine. And not only in terms of support for the Belarusian opposition, than, for example, on the instructions of the US Embassy doing number 3 in the electoral list of Ukrainian Party of Regions, Taras Chornovil, using his diplomatic passport. After the coup, playing on the interests of Lukashenko to promote Belarusian products to Ukraine, these leaders do and Kiev junta very favorably received Belarusian president. Moreover, they are actually made from Lukashenko approved punitive action against the New Russia.

Therefore, to closely follow the Belarusian politicians were not sensational or supplies to Russia banned sanctions European products under the guise of Belarus (3) nor the resumption of customs checkpoints at the Belarusian-Russian border (4) nor the requirement of the Belarusian head of state to go to Russia for paying with dollars and the euro instead of national currencies, no calls instead of supplying Belarusian goods in Russia to stop and pray for her to turn to the United States. (5) The sensation was the only references to Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus, the possibility of using military force in the context of the Belarusian-Russian economic and political contradictions. (6)

All of these signals and actions have not gone unnoticed State Department. December 17 Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland said the United States is now ready for a dialogue with Belarus. "We are still open to improvement and warming of our relations with Belarus ... We managed to make a few small joint steps: we are now once again give out visas there on a reciprocal basis." (7) Such a drastic change in Washington's attitude toward the "last dictatorship in Europe" has allowed the head of Russian State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Alexei Pushkov conclude that the United States set out to overthrow a president of Belarus, or deploy it against Moscow. (8)

But let's not jump to conclusions. While we can say with certainty is that the attempt to embroil Belarus and Russia on the eve of the start of the Eurasian Union was made by Americans and now Moscow and Minsk will have to work together to neutralize its effects.

The Central node

Of the heads of states, formed the backbone of the Eurasian Union, Nursultan Nazarbayev - the oldest. And, as it should be the oldest, not sprayed on the loud statements, but calmly and purposefully goes on a pre-planned way. In spite of the complexity of the vast country, any attention to it from overseas enemies of Eurasian integration.

Attention to Central Asia, the United States show for many years, by any means trying to drive a wedge between Kazakhstan and its northern neighbor. Because of the weighted domestic and foreign policy Nazarbayev Americans still have not managed to destabilize the country, although attempts were made to do this both by nationalist forces and pro-American liberals and "human rights", trying to exploit, such as riots Ozen in Jany in 2011. at the same time States actively used to penetrate into the region as the economic interests and political rivalry game on Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, vying for "title" leader of the region.

Back in the early 2000s, the United States, to achieve the weakening of Russia's role in the supply of energy to Europe, tried to draw Kazakhstan to the project construction lobbied Washington Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. The fact that the volume of Azerbaijani oil pumped to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey on the line, not enough to ensure its profitability. Only the beginning of the development of the Kazakh offshore Kashagan field and bringing to supply through this "pipe" Turkmen oil allowed to avoid chronic losses. But even in this matter the Kazakh leadership wisely allocating oil produced in the Caspian shelf between the Russian oil transportation system, the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey pipeline and oil pipeline to China.

One of the goals coming to Kazakhstan, the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at the beginning of December this year it was the activation of the Kazakh nationalist opposition to the further integration with Russia. It is to her words were addressed Albright of the "Russian threat": "It is clear that the region is concerned, what is the next step will make Putin. Russian revisionism can spread to any of the Central Asian country, where there are Russian-speaking minority. "(9) stated that "the United States does not play any games in Central Asia", the ex-Secretary of State explained: "But because of the geographical location of the country, because of its role in the region, our interest in Kazakhstan will be permanent." According to her, the US for the sake of "interest" even ready to defend Kazakhstan from Russia. And as an alternative to cooperation with the Russian Federation, Americans are ready to assist in lobbied their project "New Silk Road", bypassing Russia. (10)

Cultivation of distrust towards Moscow to Washington is vital, since the position of N. Nazarbayev to the waiver of the dollar in mutual settlements with trading partners fully coincides with the position of Vladimir Putin. Not only is it the Kazakh president has initiated the transition to calculations in national currencies between the SCO states. (11) By the way, the President of Kazakhstan, as well as the Americans, is a big proponent of the "New Silk Road", but in his view the project should not bypass Russian territory, and link together China, Russia and Europe through Central Asia. Moreover, he has managed to obtain the consent of Beijing's multibillion-dollar investment in necessary infrastructure. (12)

In short, Astana, despite the impact on its economy, while holding an American strike against the Russian ruble, the purpose of which is the failure to create a Eurasian Union.


Before the start of interstate union, uniting Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, it remains less than two weeks. But this does not guarantee that the United States, so fiercely opposing the emergence of a Eurasian Union, do not take these days of new attempts to disrupt the agreement on its establishment. And to all their attempts were in vain, we need wisdom, resilience and mutual support from the leaders of all states without exception, involved in the construction of the EAEC.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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