Finns refused the NATO in favor of Russia

Модератор: zlata

Finns refused the NATO in favor of Russia

Сообщение DARPA » 11 дек 2014, 01:14

Finnish citizens in social networks organized to collect signatures on a petition to Vladimir Putin. They do not agree with the position of the Finnish authorities with regard to Russia and in favor of preserving the country's neutrality on the issue of the crisis in Ukraine.

More than 1,700 people signed a petition in support of good-neighborliness with Russia. In an accompanying letter explained the motives of treatment activists, stressing that oppose the entry of Finland into NATO and the destruction of good neighborly relations and trade with Russia due to EU sanctions.

"We have repeatedly complained to the government about the media incitement of hatred towards Russia and the illegal agreement to support the host country with NATO, but the current government does not want to hear us," - the Finnish activists. "We do not want to enter into conflict with Russia," - they say. Finns also do not support anti-Russian and diplomatically incorrect statements of the country and are ashamed of the behavior of the country's leadership in the response to the crisis in Ukraine.

Apart from the fact that the citizens of Finland against joining NATO, they refuse to take part in the hostilities on the side of the alliance and the EU. They call on the government to remain neutral country, regardless of international alliances. In addition, the Finns do not consider Russia a threat as it attempts to provide guidance in their country.

"We believe it is important to maintain good relations with Russia in the area of policy and trade," - says the petition. "We respect the Treaty of Friendship, although the country's leadership is trying to neutralize it against the wishes of the people. We, the Finnish people, while remaining neutral, we hope that this message will reach the leadership of Russia. It is the sincere greetings on behalf of the independent Finnish people", - concluded the activists.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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