Who will stop the rise in prices in Russia?

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Who will stop the rise in prices in Russia?

Сообщение DARPA » 07 дек 2014, 13:03

Expensive Gadgets better than buckwheat. On average, consumer electronics today asking 15% more than at the beginning of November. And this is just the beginning - in front of Christmas boom. Who is to blame and what to do?

On the first question is not so simple: there are some blame sanctions, other - the dollar, the third - jerks sellers. It is fair to say that really the price of many components (if not all) depends on the exchange rate - buy something for their "green". Hence, a clear increase in the price of the gadgets themselves, especially if they are wholly produced "over the hill".
At the same time, representatives of large retail chains such as "M-Video" or "The Messenger" say it is trying to restrain prices. So the question is - how long will they last? So there is every chance that the 40 thousand rubles for iPhone 6 - this is not the limit. Namely American gadgets, again, according to experts, and make the weather in the market - for them "catching up" and "Koreans" and even "Chinese".

However, the yield can be found. And not even one. The simplest solution that comes to mind - to order the smartphone from abroad, with no extra charge. But the main thing to calculate everything: for the purchase of more than 1,000 euros will have to pay a fee - even 30% of the value of the goods. Plus shipping, plus the expectation and, of course, risks.
Another option - to look at the domestic smartphone models and the so-called «B-brands." Latest gadgets released today is not much worse than the flagship. And sometimes - even more interesting. And the rise in price of a smartphone, for example, the price of 5-7 thousand a 15% not so noticeable. With Russian gadgets and that is easier - no customs duties, there is no reference to the exchange rate, there is no permanent price increase. Do not take into account the new-fangled "yotafony" for 33 thousand - it's something out of the field of development of Skolkovo (expensive and do not know why). The same Highscreen, the teeth on edge regulars you'll ever need, regularly produces new models, while not raising his prices, but on the contrary. And boring these smartphones will not name one of the latter, for example, Highscreen Omega Prime S, equipped with as many as four interchangeable color covers. And at the same time - a quite adequate modern features and price. And it is - is not the only example, you only need to rummage around on the shelves of stores.

Agree, there is an alternative. And while we're looking for the untwisted gadgets and are conducting advertising, and we will be ripped off. So, it turns out to stop the rise in prices can not guy-seller and even uncle, MP, and only you and me. Laws of the market after all!
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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