Grozny was attacked by Syrian rebels

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Grozny was attacked by Syrian rebels

Сообщение DARPA » 05 дек 2014, 19:11

December 4 about 16 hours of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee issued a statement that the active phase of the special operation in Grozny completed.

"All the militants neutralized. In the House of the press and the school N20, where bandits armed resistance, found firearms, grenades, ammunition, 24 ready to use improvised explosive devices ", - stated in the NAC.

As we reported, the night terrorists attacked the police officers on duty in Grozny. Killing several security forces, militants have taken refuge in the Press House in the city center. There they were blocked. According to the NAC, the terrorists moved to three cars

In the city center was introduced counter-terrorist operation. According to recent reports, during a clash with terrorists, bandits killed nine, 10 security officials. 28 employees were injured law enforcement.

"Held identification neutralized bandits, checked their possible involvement in other terrorist crimes, carried out further investigative measures and investigations", - the report says NAC.

As you can see, from official sources, while little is known. However, it is logical to assume that the attack on Grozny not coincidentally with the speech of Vladimir Putin. Who was behind this action and what are their goals?

- We are seeing increased pressure on Russia and Vladimir Putin personally from the United States - said the director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Valery Korovin. - What happened in Grozny - signal: Sanctions, which, according to the West, should undermine the economic sovereignty of Russia, followed by more stringent measures. An example of what has become and terrorist attacks in Grozny. Terrorism in the world today is predominantly controlled character.

It is easy to build a logical chain and to understand who is the initiator of today's attack on Grozny, and who is trying to show Putin that the methods of exposure can be very different. In fact, the fighting in Grozny - a blow to Putin's stability, which he considers the most important of his achievement.

In today's global world, any country that seriously declares its sovereignty, should be ready for war with the West, from the cold of its forms and ending direct military strikes.

Therefore, the attack on Grozny - a blow far more serious than just an attempt to create some trouble Putin on the day of his speech to the Federal Assembly. This system call, which aims eventually to deprive Russia of sovereignty.

- Were you able to achieve their goals organizers of the action? She had a great response in the media, the web spread speculation about hundreds of militants entered the Terrible.

- The main purpose was not really to capture some of the building and to get media effect, aggravate the situation in the North Caucasus, etc. This, in general, local action just made sense at the possibilities of modern Western influence on the mind of the average Russian citizen.

- The chronological coincidence of the President's speech and the incident is likely not a coincidence - I agree Director of Research Centre "Middle East, the Caucasus," Stanislav Tarasov. - Russian President even hinted at it, referring to the Federal Assembly of the attack on Grozny.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that recently Vladimir Putin visited Turkey. Some detractors of Russia could well concerned about the energy alliance between the two countries, which has a chance to grow and closer geopolitical alliance.

Another question is who and ordered this action. There is speculation that the attackers were from the Dagestani bandit underground. This could be the inhabitants of the Caucasus, who fought in the ranks of the Syrian opposition, and even the Taliban. I do not exclude that in this action are the United States, have an impact on the Syrian opposition. A kind of "warm greetings to the West to Putin." Again, no accident, Russian President today recalled the events in Chechnya in the nineties. Then Chechen terrorists called rebels and taken to the high offices of the West. While we do not have a specific texture, but the scheme scripted everything fits together - the action was organized at the behest of geopolitical enemies of Russia.

- I'm not sure that this action was timed specifically to Putin's speech - said the head of the analytical Office «AlteetCerte», kavkazoved Andrew Epifantsev. - Yes, in Grozny in recent years virtually no attacks. Printing House does not accidentally become the object of attack. I think that those who are behind this action, like publicity, and they have achieved it. From a military point of view, to break into the city was completely pointless. It would be logical to arrange an attack on a military convoy or undermine warehouse.

Yes, the organizers of this event in a sense, have reached their goal - they made us doubt that the peaceful life in Chechnya adjusted and stable.

- Can we assume that the attack realized that Caucasians who fought in the ranks of the Syrian opposition? And is not there US involvement, which this opposition have some influence?

- I would not say that this should be the United States. But the fact that this action has a Middle Eastern tinge - is possible. We know that some leaders of the Islamic State has promised to come and "liberate" Chechnya and Dagestan.

Full-scale war against Russian fighters IG news, of course, are not capable, but to strengthen terrorist activity in the Caucasus, they may, if desired.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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