About the insignificance of female essence

Модератор: zlata

About the insignificance of female essence

Сообщение DARPA » 11 ноя 2014, 20:51

Against women can not be in the strict sense to use the word "deception". They adapt to the circumstances, like animals. I forbid the cat claws furniture - he claws when I'm not in the room. He deceives me? The same women.

I'm not sure that the cat and the woman thinks. Both emotions in the first place - is known for certain. Both in their actions not too guided thinking. However, not wishing to be recommended to have a wife, start with the cat. I do not think it will help much - in contrast to the cat, the woman perfectly mimics a thinking being. It is much more quirky and smart-ass.

In principle, the presence of the cat contributes to the development of care in a man - if you know how to take care of the cat will take care of his wife - no small thing in a marriage. Women are well aware of this, and willingly take a husband cat owner, and sometimes the dog lover. That is where the cat owner more likely to be caught and ringed.

How many times have drawn attention to the characteristic thoughtfulness that appears on the face of the woman at the news that a person living at home cats. She does not think - there just starting to go unconscious process Pretending to what will happen to this man in marriage. And what will the children from him. I repeat: it all on a deep intuitive level, and if a woman at this point to ask what she was thinking, he can not answer. She truly does not know about. All of these processes are in addition to her will - because female nature sharpened by childbearing.

This is a very advanced system, worked out by millions of years of evolution. It not only allows you to comprehensively evaluate the object by seemingly minor signs - the presence of cats, clean shoes ... It is also important that these processes are triggered unconsciously and spontaneously, releasing higher floors of mind to solve any other problems. It seems when the computer run multiple programs.
At the output of the woman receives a complete package ready solutions - but implements them again directly, bypassing the mind. The result emerges in it not as ideas, wording or mental images as we do. But it is quite different - the desire for something to do. Desire often inexplicable. "I wanted to, and everything." Actually, the same thing we see in animals. In most cases, and they both do not make mistakes. The only difference is that a woman wants to be wrong sometimes. This is what happens to those who are motivated by life and not logic.

As a result, the woman instantly entangles got to sacrifice her tentacles of this comprehensive analysis, finds almost all the weak points, and purposeful influence on them. What can oppose this spontaneous power of its limited rational man?

We have nothing like this at all. Bolschinstvo men able to focus on just one. They all need to verbalize, navigate through consciousness comprehend yeah understand. And sometimes - and tell a friend (and what I'm actually doing) Woman poses girlfriend not rational content, being confused as we are, in precise terms, and emotional, which allows her to build a precise interlocutor "emotional picture" of the situation, and feel about yourself the ways in which it would operate. Conceptualize need nothing: the experience is translated directly, bypassing the conscious psyche floors. And you say, "empty chatter babsky" ...

A similar female vysokointuitivnoe cognition occurs in units, the highest level of intellectual development, only creative individuals. Try to create a unique context, which will give your community a male view of the world! But such a man loses the woman - as it almost certainly formed the high principles of life. And man will firmly follow them, and women often do not have those. Only emotions and interests, interests yes emotions. Well, and more confidence in the future (to condemn the way, Jesus Christ in the Bible), the desire to get well, to find a cozy burrow, where it will be grown children. And the woman will be flexible to change the rules of the game in accordance with all of this. The mood has changed - and wanted to change any of the rules of life. Girlfriend or something unpleasant told. Or got on the wrong foot.

The man in any case lose the fight with a woman - unless put it in place from the outset. As stated in the XIX century, "give her shortened." This procedure is to "shorten" the woman always puncture the traditional culture, but we forgot about it, corrupted by liberalism. Blinded by the idea that a woman is exactly the same person. What do all the same. Equality is not, nor does not exist, and freedom. Neto and brotherhood. There is only justice that is only higher, and no other. "Everyone will be rewarded according to his works." The fate of individuals and peoples depends entirely on their faith.

The woman was initially imprisoned at manipulating men to take it over. So it is, again, it will always feel out on the slack. Women really scary and dangerous creatures. One should never forget that it was Eve crawled biblical serpent. She sinned first, and then gave the forbidden fruit to Adam. And, driving from Eden, God speaks specifically to Eve: "the husband shall rule over you." Knew in advance that this will be a problem. Otherwise I would not say that.

Incidentally, in Orthodoxy are well aware that such a woman. And what is its present location.
Note that in the church for communion always go first man. And in the temple stand the man put a place of honor on the right, and women - on the left. As less than perfect (spiritual) beings. The rank wedding deliberately stipulated that the wife must obey God as a man, strongly throughout, and even fear him - but husbands are obliged only to love their wives, "like its Teles." About reciprocal obedience there is nothing written !.

Risk Women particularly large due to the fact that they are not looking. This again is perfectly oiled subconscious mechanism, forcing them to strive to look blameless angels - so, lull, to attract us men. And men for thousands of years to buy it. And they did not explain.

A very smart woman once confessed: "I mean, you men are flying in the clouds. Each of you has his ideals, hobbies, your business ... you are able to develop their own world because it is free, you also know how to fly. And we, aunts, very firmly stand on the ground. Like England, we live only interests. we can also get involved in something, but it will not be the main, secondary, something can always be changed. this passion we will not give up his life.

Because our main interest, the primary task - to steal a man from heaven to earth, to make it their own. To not fly, and stood beside him. For women it - an indicator of status, confirmation of her femininity thing. She managed.

Therefore, a woman always wants a man to tame. However, achieving this will inevitably disappointing - as can admire and respect the only one who "flies". They value the only independent and strong, but not tamed, men surrendered. Women are digging their own pit themselves destroy relationships, placed under their bomb, but never this quite unaware of. Because - in this sense - the primitive and live momentary desires.

Women do not think strategically, complex speculative schemes - why they do not need any, the most correct texts. But do nothing with them can not - this is a basic instinct, to turn a man into a primitive survivor. To not have any hobbies and just sitting at home. That is why a woman would never accept any male friends or his hobbies. She is jealous possessive and wants a man to belong to her entirely. "

More often it is repeated that "we women, without exception all bitches. And I, too, bitch. We just did not think it necessary at this point to show the real character. But the woman - weak, and sooner or later it will burst anyway."
I almost forgot the most important thing: The woman tells it completely useless. The process of domestication of men talking on her unconscious level, and should find resistance only adequate actions, without any verbalization. Women do not ask before you kiss.

By understanding women (in the sense - to assess their animals) should be added and also the organic inability to repentance. Yes, for the most part they are unable to feel deep sorrow about the committed transgressions. Here is a heartfelt contrition, mental anguish, so familiar to many of us. Even after learning that made the muck only woman cry that it exposed, that is not considered good. That is not love, or can no longer love.

A brilliant actress, a woman can only portray blame on his face. She often gives exactly the reaction that from her waiting. In this sense, the woman is not independent in its spiritual manifestations. Or rather - action guided needs and instincts. Needs of the situation, for example. Way to remember the history, when a woman to commit murder still continued to consider themselves good.

Women are unable to repentance in the church. At confession woman crying not because of the fact of knowing their sins. She only regrets herself, and yet touched by the charisma of men professing her. This complex emotions and causes tears, which some believe to repent. In fact, a woman tearfully relieved from the stress hormone. And coming out of the temple refreshed, with a new supply of love for life and to yourself.

Self-pity - a kind of love and regret misdemeanor akin to hatred - again, to himself. Do you think a woman can truly hate yourself? Women's remorse comes to the surface, the verbal level, not reaching deep floors psyche. There's always a woman calm, happy, feel good and constantly equal to itself. At the event, expressed his dissatisfaction to his girlfriend, followed her reactions. She agreed, even bring apologies, but in the eyes of her will be read clearly "the fool".

Female psyche are protected from any introspection. Because it is vital not necessary. I think yes analyze, tormented self-reflection, to grow spiritually and intellectually - destiny exclusively male. Because the man - a locomotive and a woman - the trailer. And if it was the same as we are, then she would become a "locomotive", being unable to get along with a man in marriage. Always someone sun and moon someone, only one light and the other reflects. By the way, the church charter, woman putting a silver wedding ring while the man of gold.

This feminine theatricality, skill, even vital need "to work for the public", the external effect, turns to us considerable inconvenience. In particular, it is impossible to find out, we love a woman or not. Subjectively, of course, believes that he loves. And tried hard to assure that. However, you should always keep in mind the general principle, which has not been canceled, "the woman suffers from a man to a marriage of love. Man suffers marriage of love for a woman." If a man (mind here - a mature, self-aware, personal development) associated with women, then it is likely to love. If a woman contacted the man, it is not known why, and generally how to really apply to him. Maybe she just comfortable? Or the years went? Or is it, so lonely at Babskii regretted? True attitude will emerge only later, most often after a considerable time. I do not know who came up about "Sterpitcja-Sljubitsja." For the modern woman is just nonsense.

About the love of women would have to add the following. This feeling is qualitatively different from ours. If a woman admires any advantage (quality, properties) men, it means that she would like to see a future child had something similar. And this desire is not always goes to the conscious level. Woman chooses not to us, and the father his child, selects a set of high-quality genes - just as we choose the goods in a shop, wondering different ways to use.

A full, sincere, high and sacrificial love a woman may experience only for her child. Here it is, exactly, is ready to demonstrate feats of self-denial - that we men are almost always done in love. To their home, the fatherland, the beloved ... And when a woman has a child, the love of a man - and if one was - inevitably recedes into the background. The deed is done, the need for genes embodied. What did you expect from being the main purpose of which - the birth of his own kind?

Separately must be said about addiction of young girls to the "bad guys." It - nothing but love as ourselves. Here she takes such bizarre forms. Love for the "bad guys" "gives the woman a sense of uniqueness. Gives her high tragedy. Makes her deliciously miserable ..."

And gave the men, women, worried about how he would treat her - especially because now he had learned it from another animal side. "Are you ready to love me as a person and as a beast?" - As if she asks. With its genuine hand, since there is a human in an imaginary woman. As to the issues of morality, they are concerned about her already then.

Again: to understand a woman, you need to imagine her animals. And immediately all the notorious "female mystique" disappears. Actually, the main thrust of the latter lies in the fact that the woman is in fact - animal and outwardly looks quite like a man. And, subjectively, it requires an appropriate attitude. Objectively, it needs something else. Oscar Wilde put it very precisely in one of the aphorisms: "In fact, how can a woman be happy with the person who said it was a sentient being?"

For marriage only suitable girl, right from an early age are trained in the parental home. Or in a rural community when she is afraid of social stigma, causing high morality plays. By itself, a moral woman never happens. She never alone. Gogol's hero rightly noted, "a woman - that bag, it should be, then the bears."

Women often say that men stronger. In fact, they are just very tenacious. What does this mean? A woman is by nature prisposoblenka. It adapts to the principles and norms that exist in the environment at a given time. Behaves in accordance with them - because, and only because he wants to please. Woman (mind - a normal woman, it is this considered in this text) never compares himself to some abstract ideal. For her ideal - it herself. And this, is absurd from the point of view of common sense, the ideal needs constant reinforcement.

Actually, at this stage the female essence. A woman wants to please everyone and always - just like a cat wants to be constantly stroked shёrstke. For a woman, it is true that nice. Anyway, following my old aphorism: zhenshiny for truth - in happiness for the happiness of man - in truth. For a woman, it is true that it wants now. Something tasty there, or child ... Truths outside does not exist, as there is no God. Woman for himself a deity, the measure of all things. Each of them features a sort of primal, animal egocentrism.

Itself woman most often unable to develop. And she needs it? That woman passes Braudel "structures of everyday life" from the mother to her children. The value of women - not in its originality, but, on the contrary, in the standard, in conservatism. Less than the original, this is introduced, the easier it will adapt to your man and life circumstances.

Woman - primarily animal taming important here. If not house trained since childhood, basic female animal, that is, between us, shit, not being suppressed conditioned reflexes and culture, be sure to pop up. This animality laid back in prehistoric times. That is why it is so important to look at the family of her parents - to understand properly trained or not.

Women themselves, naturally, like to imagine themselves lofty, almost disembodied angels. They are very offended if you tell them something of the above written. And do not do this, because the trainer does not inspire the beast thought that he beast.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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