About China and its people

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About China and its people

Сообщение DARPA » 18 авг 2014, 16:59

As a preface, I want to say about China is always a story to tell. Just a lot of things for this five-year period (as time flies, pancake) have become so familiar that they have stopped paying attention. Yet sometimes accumulates something than like to share.

Here today is 3 stories. All of my life, I hope it will be interesting.
1 The first story - "Alex".
The Chinese, in fact - people are quite predictable. After some time living in China by examining the local better understand that behavior in life, they are not so much. They are guided by completely different from us life principles, but they have them, and from person to person do not change too much.
They have a lot of money. A lot of money. But the existence of gigantic amounts in the accounts does not mean high culture and the same high morals. In such situations, most everything quite the contrary. Suffice it to recall the "wild 90s" in Russia, with "cutlets bubble" and the people who have them. None of what morality speech and is not. Same thing here. The whole culture was eradicated "Cultural Revolution", and the loot has been eradicated, along with morality and culture. Once there was "Chinese financial miracle," hundreds of thousands of Chinese were able to very quickly (on the ability to use almost free labor of other Chinese) earn a whopping grandmother. But as "impoverished past" still firmly in mind, and no one knows how long these earnings will continue to do, we get - "Wealth in Chinese" - the ability to continue to live as a "rogue", dressed in the cheapest clothes, continuing to eat penny in the eatery, while accumulating in bank accounts ogromennye sums of money. In this regard, developed a model of behavior provided by the Chinese - to live modestly, very modestly, but if necessary (the desire to impress business partners, or something like that) to throw a fabulous sum, on an absolutely idiotic things. Buying the most expensive belongings and trinkets (in 2014 - China has become the world leader in the consumption of luxury goods), throwing loot in clubs (I have personally seen how people in the club, for a group of 8 people, celebrating DR wife bought 48 bottles of cognac Lui13, which stands at 2.5 thousand dollars per bottle, simply by the fact that his wife turned 48 years old), and another billion of the most incredible (foolishly) ways to lower the amount of the nose to the "dust in the eyes."
So. It was a very simple example of the behavior of one category of people in China. It is always predictable in its logical and quite simple. Yes, of course, time passes, and there are interesting people traveling, the students something new, but so far this emerging class of people who are not very important to the overall statistics.
So what I do all that? To that amaze me by their behavior Chinese stopped a couple of years ago. But there are examples, gets out of order. And here we meet Alex. Of course his name is quite different, but all the English-speaking Chinese, and certainly there is an English name (and I live in Russia, Russian), so that it - Alex. We met in the city of Shenzhen, a couple of weeks ago, where I had to spend the night before a trip to Hong Kong. Our company sat at adjacent tables in a wonderful bar and strelnuv them a couple of cigarettes, we got to talking. It turned out that Alex completes some cafes in the city in which I live, and will manage it, so that we may soon meet already in "my" city. The evening was great, lots of drinking (I'm kind of like stopped drinking, but there the situation was such that in another way), and have been at the club. That's where it started and strangeness. Then, whether for the sake of "risonutsya" or even why, he said that the manager of the club by his old friend, and now everything will be just on the highest level. In this case, going to the club, he ran to the dance floor, and jumped out there until we do not purchase cocktails at all, and not tired of loud music, zasobiralas home. This behavior is not typical for the Chinese, as they are usually in order to impress, ready to break into the cake. Oh well. Anything can happen. Then I went home, and after a while I get a message from him, which has about the content of "Hello OG, I'll be in Xiamen, you have to introduce me to interesting aliens, and write me a disc with the music for the cafe." I was a little taken aback, but he took it in stride. Invited person per private event, where there were a lot of interesting characters. But our relationship continued (and still continues) to be in the key of "do it for me, here, and here it is." Moreover, without a twinge of conscience. As if we know 100 years and I owe him for life. The apogee was today's message, "I will arrange for a large sofa in the VIP area you at the club" - in that the writ tone. To which I wrote to him the amount of how much it costs (there is $ 500 - minimum deposit), and received the answer "it's too expensive!" And all ... I mean do everything that night he just did not write more, but then showed up at the club, said hello (well, at least this is still a person, "condescend") and withdrew. Here's what to do with such a person, I'll never know. I'm a good life, but it has a limit. But certainly the fact remains that he was able to surprise me so that as much of him wanted to tell.
That fairy tales end.

Second story "about a show-off and a bucket."
As I wrote above, the club has a VIP area, where the Chinese, in an effort to impress one another "rush" loot. Even went so far that the club came up with this piece. A man who has spent most of the night to 2.45 large sum of money (for example last night it was 15600yuaney, iloi simple language 2.5 thousand dollars), receives a bonus of some expensive alcohol, which is pathetic bring to the luminous base, a crowd of waiters with a sign (from LED light bulbs) with the written name of the lucky winner, plus some nice club workers (someday I will write about them a lot of letters, they deserve a lot of the story), for some time dancing beside the table winner. In general, everything is done to a person's desire "pontanutsya" ascend to a new level.
For the average person, it all looks strange and even funny, but throws the "ordinary" Chinese in the heart of the club, for the cheap tables and without tables, overjoyed, mixed with envy and desire to "touch the sweet life." Actually what all wanted. So, tonight, there was an amusing incident. It lasted only a moment, but from the side it looked just hilarious. Although I think few people paid attention to it.
Somewhere in the region of 4 am, the employee toilet ... here we must digress from the topic, by the fact that I do not even know what to call his profession, as his work is mostly made up of serving of paper towels, and Helping clients reach special tank where it is possible to puke! Yes, there is in China and is! ... So this fellow came out of the toilet area in the main part of the club, with two buckets from the toilet to throw it in the trash. For some reason known only to him, he chose a route through the most expensive part of the VIP area, which at that time was filled by 70 percent and that's pushing all these "VIP customers" their buckets filled with a great blend of the stomach contents had time bust booze, dirty paper towels, and a variety of feminine hygiene products of (respectively) the female toilet, he moved to the opposite side of the club, where there is access to the rear yard. But not even this picture made ​​me marvel at, and the fact that this fellow, with its huge bucket (and it is a hefty straight), managed to stop at one of the tables filled with people in the Gucci and Armani, and stand there for a moment, just watching those people having fun. And then just with the same straight face went on about his business. It had to be seen. I'm not even described the hundredth part of the brilliance that it represents this picture. But believe me, it was funny.

What a bonus to all the above-written will still History Three. Rather not even the story as well ... something.
Write about it, I wanted to have in the process of writing the previous letters.
We denote it as "about China and dances."
We are at a moment again back to the topic of what the Chinese are not very many behaviors. That is how they are dancing in a club, I also noticed a few patterns. They describe.
Just make a reservation. Yes, there is already a category of people (and it is slowly but surely growing), which are no different from people in other countries, they are also traveling, just come off in full and have fun just like everyone else. But this is a minority, is not very important for the statistics. About them we will not say. Let's talk about the rest.
1 The first in this list I present to you the type of people that we call "I what? Nitsche I, I like everything." This is the broad category. These people come to the dance floor, when everyone goes to the dance floor, they try to replicate the movements of all the others, is not making any sense. They very likely do not even like here, but they are used to doing everything the same as the others, for life. and here they are dancing on what everyone else is doing it. Plus these people is that they are predictable and easy to "pick up", but the minus is that they leave the club as soon as there is a tendency that people will gradually begin to go home. It is in this in the clubs there is such a situation that, for example, in 3.50 you have a club packed to capacity, and 4.05 is half empty.
2 Then at least funny category "son of an electrician." I do not know what these people use, and it is likely that they do not consume anything at all, just those from birth. To imagine them, you have to stretch the imagination and to the person who has used all possible drugs, grabbed an epileptic seizure, and then he was very much shibanulo shock. This is a fairly accurate description of what is happening. That is it - a man with a crazy look on his face, moving in space with such a furious pace that I was even hard to imagine that there must be a kind of music for such dances. Of any sense of rhythm here it is not even close to coming. It's just crazy tornado moving to some "its atmosphere," and the presence of the music for it all just a formality. Presented? Now imagine that those around the club at the same time 50 people, maybe more. The spectacle of someone else.
3 And closes the top three category "I have my mother disco dancer." With these people, too, that something is wrong. It seems to me they just obsmotrelis videos, and various tentsevalnyh show and come to the club to "hone their skills." But they do it ... it's not that awkward ... no, worse, I can not find the correct word. Strange? Well, something like that. So imagine a person who is not always important rhythm of the music (though sometimes they briefly get into it), and that's worth it on the dance floor, and someone once in awhile breaks his bones out of dodge limbs in a completely unnatural positions, at times it seems that the man is just the rhythm of music is writhing in pain, at times it seems that he is dancing a strange dance of long-forgotten tribe of jungle, and if the previous category of dancers, mostly ridiculous, these are magnificent in their stubbornness, and the absence of even shadow of embarrassment in practicing just terrible dancing.
You can dial another couple albsolyutno strange and sometimes insane categories "dancing." Novsya power of the great and mighty Russian language is not able to describe even close, what happens to them at this time.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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