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Traditions in Finland

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 июн 2015, 04:38
Traditions in Finland

"Spirits of Nature" and "Strength of Earth" - two important concepts, which for centuries formed the basis of the Finnish culture. Residents of the country Suomi not represent itself without its vast plains, hills, thousands of lakes and rivers. Traditions Finland involved in the ancient pagan beliefs and customs of the peoples of neighboring countries, which undoubtedly influenced the worldview and lifestyle northern neighbors.
Culture cool people

Finns rest of Europe considered old-fashioned and conservative. They are slow in conversation and actions, and their traditions persistently transmitted from generation to generation, without paying attention to new trends and developments. Residents Suomi is an inherent aristocracy, which manifests itself in restrained emotions and quiet voice, but because, being in Finland, do not get too loudly express their feelings: you at least do not understand. Do not interrupt the interlocutor accepted here in mid-sentence and did not keep the promise. However, punctuality and pedantry common to all Finns in general, without exception.
Going to visit

Booking a tour to the northern neighbors, is to meet with the most widespread traditions in Finland, to cause the location of the home and not be in ambiguous situations:

Residents Suomi not too love to express their feelings in public. It is not acceptable to embrace and kiss in public. Not recommended behave and tourists, so as not to cause a negative attitude.
In Finland all refer to each other "you", even if the person older. This is not to say contempt, just accepted it and everyone is happy.
By tradition in Finland to leave a tip. Moreover, not only waiter and taxi driver, for example, or the bartender. The amount as a percentage of the account is not important, you just round it to the slightly higher side.
In restaurants and cafes accepted that each of the participants cheer pays for itself. However, we can offer it to treat a lady dinner - it will not be perceived as an attempt to prejudice its rights.
Trekking to visit in Suomi - business carefully planned. Traditions Finland does not imply the possibility of just "look at the light," but the careful preparation of the meeting with gifts and pre-written program here - in the order of things.
Finns are concerned about their health, so regular exercise, going to a sauna and a ban on smoking in public places - important attributes of the local lifestyle.