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Summary of Army South-East August 23, the enemy did not take active steps, Rovenky killed civilians

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 авг 2014, 15:34
During the day, the intense artillery attacks have been punitive suburbs and outskirts of the city of Donetsk, Lugansk and Ilovajsk. There are civilian casualties.

As a result of the impact caused by the Nazis tactical missile "Tochka-U" on the residential areas of the village Rovenki (LC) killed three (including one child) and injuring nine civilians,.

Under persistent pressure from the Nazis militia forces began to withdraw its units from the position in the area of ​​human settlements Thorez and snowy (DNI).

Artillery militia stronghold DNR eliminated punitive near Vasilievka. 1 BMD destroyed and 12 people killed and wounded.

In the area of the village militia Red counterintelligence discovered and defused subversive and intelligence team of the 25th Airmobile Brigade consisting of 6 persons. The group operated under the guise of local residents. Saboteurs, traveling by minibus "Volkswagen Transporter", conducted reconnaissance and carrying out attacks on posts and columns of small militias. During the skirmish 3 saboteur were killed, the rest were taken prisoner. Militias captured 5 machines, 1 sniper rifle made ​​in Germany, a 120-mm mortar and 12 ammunition. At the moment the prisoners delivered to the Department of Counterintelligence Chief of Army Staff of DNR. Carried out their questioning.

As a result of successful ambush actions intelligence militia groups in the area of the village was divided Starobeshevo column logistical support 72th mechanized brigade, to put forward in the direction Andreevka. Direct hit destroyed a truck with ammunition and fuel. Seized cars with food and fuel. Killed three soldiers of the enemy, one captured.