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Yegor Kholmogorov: Miners and noninterference

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 июн 2014, 11:59
The requirement to Russia that it suppressed impulse of society to help the Donbas, absurd in the same degree that absurd claim to Saudi Arabia, that it did not support the Muslims, or the U.S., so they do not protect the rights of gays and Navalny.

I do not know which of the two categories-bots psevdoohraniteley disgusting. One that mutters: "America entices us, in any case can not climb in Donbass", or the one that chants "no one there to help - not miners revolt, and drink beer, why should we fight for them?".

Perhaps, after the second, since the first category can still somehow pass for "pikeynozhiletnost." But the second point of view - it is a particular evil meanness.

The answer to this mantra about miners is quite simple:

- Why should we help you if you do not rebel?

- Why should we rebel and die meaningless if you do not help those who have rebelled?

True that Russia has not taken any obligations to Russian Ukraine. All sounded more March 4, and very clearly:

"And when we see it, we then realize that worries citizens of Ukraine - and the Russian and Ukrainians, generally speaking population living in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine. What worries them? They are concerned about here is a mess.
And if we see that this disorder begins in the eastern regions, if people asked us for help, and a formal appeal of the current legitimate president we already have, we reserve the right to use all means at our disposal to protect these citizens. And we think that it is quite legitimate. This is an extreme measure. "

It is based on this belief in supporting Russia, Donbass and rebelled. And revolt in Donbass has sufficient scope. A referendum was held, they enter into a militia, have died under a hundred heroes, even more wounded.

By the way, my friends, I ask the prayers of the servant of God, Sergei - my father frendessy in "Twitter" from Lugansk three days ago was seriously wounded in the head by Lugansk Cossack village and is now in a coma. When he was out of it with your prayers will he tell us what Donbass not rebelled. Swipe uprising enough to see the Russian aid. And it is not observed.

Optimists have to believe a word, that there is some. Western analysts have to believe that "Russia is a hybrid war in which its trace elusive." Hybrid War - it's wonderful.

Ukrainian Air Force struck an airstrike on the building of the regional administration of Lugansk. As a result, several people were killed and more than a dozen wounded. Among the dead was the Minister of Health of the breakaway republic Natalia Arkhipova
Ukrainian Air Force struck an airstrike on the building of the regional administration of Lugansk. As a result, several people were killed and more than a dozen wounded. Among the dead was the Minister of Health of the breakaway republic Natalia Arkhipova
We're all for a hybrid war and that there was more elusive avengers armed with great weapons. But while the airstrikes killed by civilians, it means that there is no help, it is not enough.
No geopolitics, no departure from the sanctions do not justify the use of civilians as cannon fodder for the exchange. No capital of Russian companies are not torment Lugansk woman with torn feet.

Now explain to me why those most notorious miners looking at how essentially left without the help of those who have already raised a rebellion must rise and go on unarmed notorious suicide? Fools no-s ...

And certainly none of the cushions scribblers not even close to ready to go to trial and the risks to which people have already gone Donbass - live under bombardment, blasted with water pipes, with banking interruptions and so on ...

Live a day or so. Yes, even just pospotykaytes about minor inconveniences like missing ATMs in Crimea. And then talk about who's risen and who is not.

That "non-interference" in the Donbas is the phenomenon of anti-Russian policy, evidenced by the fact that support this policy and only those who had previously supported any other bends anti-Russian policy of the Russian Federation - migrantizatsiyu, ordynizatsiyu, stalking Russian nationalists, police terror, who " victim killed himself, hitting the pavement "and" Rafik nothing uinouny. "

Criticizing noninterference, we are absolutely right - once we see their old enemies on the other side of the frontline.

At the same time, we observe no harm alleged policy of indirect assistance, our criticism of laissez-faire is not harmful. Because if aid really is sufficient, those who provide it, this informed and they calm conscience. If it is not, then they feel our pressure, they realize that people will not forgive them this betrayal.

On the contrary, loyalist Hallelujah only lead to new arguments in the hands of supporters of national betrayal, "Why help if and so everyone is happy? Here John Doe wrote an article about our politics wisest of all the wisest. Why while still creating worry defense Donbass ".

In the interests of Russian policy in the Donbas and Novorossia absolutely hawk form public opinion, which has backed to the position of our diplomacy. In the interests of our diplomacy indicate Western partners, turned into an opponents:

"You ask us impossible concessions. Inconceivable that in the Donbass killed Russian, and the majority of our citizens do not require decisive action and did not send volunteers and help.

The requirement to Russia that it suppressed impulse of society to help the Donbas, absurd in the same degree that absurd claim to Saudi Arabia, that it did not support the Muslims, or the U.S., so they do not protect the rights of gays and Navalny. This is obviously impossible. "
On the contrary - the formation of public opinion loyalist who glorify to as "the only wise policy," one that is declared Putin in words (and not one that will hopefully be conducted on the matter), does not benefit anyone other than NATO, there is national betrayal.

You do not remember now, but I still remember the idiots who March 6, 2014 th stated that the Crimea decision on reunification with Russia puts "embarrass" Putin as saying on March 4 that Russia no such plans.

Similarly, it was ridiculous to read the strange people who accused Strelkova in panic for his criticism of laissez-faire (remember, he claimed not sending troops, and intense military and technical assistance). Strelkova ... panic ... At the very moment when he is not only a turntable and APCs, but stormtroopers began to churn. Sits a man knocks "drying" - and panics, panic ...

Itself-is not that funny, pozorniki?

The requirement for assistance Donbas and criticism of laissez-faire - it's completely fair expression of democratic opinion in a free country.

On the contrary, praise indecisive policy as the only wise - this dastardly bootlicking, based on which we so many years ringleader demshiza, collaborators and russophobes.

If you criticize Putin, if you require from Putin determination - you are loyal to Putin.

If you praise Putin for each phrase duty to tell them exactly and require follow verbal declarations bosses - you are loyal to Obama.
Author Yegor Kholmogorov