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Ukraine National Guard shot the wounded in a hospital in Krasny Liman

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 июн 2014, 16:52
Militias report that no one was left alive

After fierce fighting in Krasny Liman Tuesday night knocked natsgvardiya Ukraine Donbass militias from the city, the prime minister of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Boroday .

" We left Lebanon Red point and left the hospital of the locality in which the wounded . National Guard shot wounded Krasnolimansky hospital , not leaving a single person alive " - he said , referring to the commander of the armed forces of the DNI Igor Strelkov .

The number of killed Alexander Boroday did not elaborate. Added that in those moments of fierce fighting in Slavyansk.

" Natsgvardiya trying to take control of the Kharkov route to ensure its reinforcement approaches . Fight goes, but we are not afraid of defeat. We fear deaths of civilians "- Interfax quoted him as saying .

Meanwhile, later in the "Twitter" , the Press Service of DNR that fully seize Lyman Ukrainian Red Army did not succeed .

" The militia retreated to the second line of defense. Go street fights "- said in a statement on page DNR .

Recall , the winner of the presidential election Poroshenko , voted for more than 50% came to the polls Ukrainians supported the continuation of the punitive operation in the east.

And on the day after the elections, Ukrainian militia troops pushed an ultimatum: either they surrender or be destroyed from precision weapons. On Monday Lugansk been airstrike - Ukrainian army shelled the regional administration . Civilians were killed .
