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February 10, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 фев 2015, 13:49
23:20 From the village Chernukhin on Tuesday, February 10 evacuated 34 civilians, including five children. About this LuganskInformTsentru reported the press service of Ministry of Emergency Situations LC.
According to the MOE, the people were taken to the checkpoint Zorinsk, and then shipped to Alchevsk.
As reported earlier, Prime Minister Gennady Tsypkalov LC, the republic's authorities still have not received the Kiev side "of any written or oral" response to a request for the organization of a humanitarian corridor from the village.
23:16 In the course of passing is currently meeting in Minsk, the contact group agreed scheme withdrawal of heavy weapons, have agreed to the ceasefire and monitoring its implementation. About this correspondent. TASS informed source.
At the talks in Minsk agreed scheme withdrawal of heavy weapons, the parties also agreed on ceasefire and monitoring its implementation, - he said.
Meeting in Minsk as of 22:40 over, its participants any statements to the press did not.
23:15 Any concessions but sovereignty, offered to provide the Donbas Advisor to the President of Ukraine Serhiy Kunitsyn. He stated this on the TV channel "Ukraine".
The reality is that it is possible to criticize the Minsk deal, but it is clear that they played a role. Today, we are concentrating on them. We are about 2 thousand prisoners changed. I think that some concessions to go. I think we can agree to any concessions to the occupied territories, except sovereignty - said Kunitsyn.
As an example, the adviser of the Ukrainian president gave the example of the Crimea early '90s, when the weak Ukrainian government gave autonomy Crimeans, and then, efforts gradually it has selected.
We then half of the district police and the SBU were - who for the Russian, who for Ukraine. But we have retained sovereignty over the Crimea in Ukraine due to the fact that we gave the Crimea autonomous status, - he said.
23:14 The Ukrainian Parliament registered a decree on temporary suspension of diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation. According to the press service of the Verkhovna Rada.
The corresponding document was offered MPs from the Radical Party Dmitry molting and Andrew Lozovoi. The text of the document number 2095 "Draft Resolution on the temporary cessation of diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation" is not published on the site Verkhovna Rada.

22:53 exchange of prisoners between the host and the DNI MAT February 10 did not take place.
Prisoner exchange today, February 10, did not take place Perhaps it will be tomorrow - reports DAN statement Ombudsman DNR Daria Morozova.

22:33 Summary of shelling Donetsk. At 19:44 Ukrainian artillery fired at Donetsk airport. At 20:30 Ukrainian shells fell on the airport, the shopping center "Metro" and in the Petrovsky district. As of 20:37 shelling went toward Kiev district (district Putilovka), the old airport terminal and the village of October, at 20:41 was fired from mine waste heap MLRS October. Chaotic fire at Donetsk Ukrainian law enforcers during the day was led by settlements Avdiyivka, Swallow, Pilot and The thin.
22:22 Video by Graham Phillips. Shelling Pervomaisk 10 February.

22:03 Militia DNR has information that APU preparing an offensive against Donetsk. This was stated today at a briefing in the press center of the Ministry of Defense Corps deputy commander DAN DNR Edward Basurin.
According to the People's Republic Intelligence Donetsk, Donetsk north of recorded building groups of enemy troops. Near the village of Novoselovka 2 Avdiyivka, Orlovka, Novoselovka 1, today transferred to four battalions of tactical groups of 93, 30 and 28 motorized infantry brigades Ukrainian armed forces, - he said.
According to him, such a concentration of forces "refers to training as soon as offensive Ukrainian troops in Donetsk in order to consolidate the north-western outskirts of the city."
22:00 Officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cast their division and tend to withdraw from "Debaltsevskogo boiler."
Just before the two colonels APU, leaving the staff tried to civilian vehicles to go to Artemovsk. This was at a briefing in DAN, the Defense Ministry said zamkomkorpusa DNR Edward Basurin.
Officers abandoned to their fate personnel and tried to escape on a civilian vehicle in the direction of Artemovsk. Driving checkpoint militia officers APU, Colonel Sergei Roma and Igor Pavlov did not obey an order to stop and had been destroyed, - he said.

21:58 The death toll as a result of shelling Kramatorsk on 21:00 risen to 12 people, this is stated in the Department of Health Donoghue.
According to the Department of Health, by gunfire killed ten people - five civilians and five soldiers. Furthermore, two of them died in the hospital. Thus, the total number of deaths - 12 people.
21:32 According to the news agency Donetsk at 20:50, started in Minsk meeting of the Contact Group on peaceful settlement.
Negotiations are taking place in a complex "Dipservice Hall" in the center of the capital of Belarus. They involve officials from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic Denis Pushilin and Vladislav Dane, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, a spokesman for the OSCE in Ukraine Heidi Tagliavini and former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma.

20:45 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Varyag".

In the area Slavyanoserbsky for February 10 were short-term battles. More severe and prolonged battles are in the area Bahmutki, namely in the area of 29th and 31st checkpoints Crimean village where there is a large group of Ukrainian military, most of which - mercenaries.
20:40 OSCE, Germany and France insist on the control of the Russian Federation on the creation of a demilitarized zone in the Donbas.
Russia should assume the function of control over the creation of a demilitarized zone in the Donbas.
Insist on it the OSCE, Germany and France. This was reported by an anonymous source RIA Novosti.
20:39 Posted by voenkora Samura.
On the night of February 10 in Donetsk under fire from Ukrainian artillery again hit several schools of the Kirov region.
Most affected school № 92 (settlement of mine named after Abakumov) and school № 112 (neighborhood "Textilschik"). The school number 92, which exploded in the vicinity of three rounds, the second time in a week shattered windows.
The school number 112 shell damaged part of the foundation from shards of glass scattered in the lobby of the school building and in some classrooms.
Repair enterprises of the Kirov region have noticed some training and child care facilities come under fire guns are more likely now to not waste glass, which will still be broken, close the window openings with plastic wrap.
Ukrainian troops relocate their artillery, intensifying Krasnogorovka grouping and waiting for the transport of shells. Therefore fire on residential areas, schools and hospitals in Donetsk they do not intend to stop.
20:24 The meeting of the contact group in Ukraine in Minsk was initiated at 19:00 on Tuesday, told RIA Novosti diplomatic source at the talks.
Earlier it was reported that the leaders of "Norman" Quartet (Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France), have agreed to meet on Wednesday in Minsk with the concurrence of a number of positions. The Contact Group (Ukraine, Russia, OSCE, militia) prepares conditions and substantive content of the summit.
19:57 Reports from LifeNews. Mobilization points Lugansk crowded volunteers.

19:56 victims of today's shelling Zorinsk by APU has become an older woman. About this LuganskInformTsentru reported in the press center of Ministry of Emergency Situations LC.
The ministry clarified that the shelling was destroyed a two-story residential street Steppe.
Under the rubble was a 61-year-old woman. At the scene working men and Perevalsk Alchevsky garrisons, - reported in the MOE.
Until the last minute there was hope that the victim is still alive. But, alas, no miracle - a woman was killed - said in the press center.
All operational activities carried out under the supervision of lifeguards Deputy Minister of Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Filipchenko.
19:38 Video of RT on February 10, 2015. The city of Pervomaisk Luhansk People's Republic came under fire from social dining room in which there were locals. Time of the attack was captured on camera by one of the journalists covering the conflict in the Donbass.

19:33 Ukraine and Spain discussed the question of supplying the Ukrainian side arms of a defensive character.
This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin at a joint press conference with Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margalit and Marfil.
Matter of getting the weapons now being discussed by us, but this is not an issue today - said Klimkin.
According to him, "the weapons that we need, in any case will not be used in order to achieve victory in the attacking moves."
We need weapons to protect against terrorist attacks. About such weapons we say - Klimkin said.
19:01 Posted by Self Defense Gorlovki. As of 17:00 with a short break continued shelling of the city. The city has DRG APU.
18:40 Reports from Lifenews the mobilization in Donetsk.

Since the beginning of mobilization work only DNR military offices in the militia take hundreds of people. In the wake of a successful attack and opened the possibility of release Novorossia within the administrative boundaries of the former Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts stream of volunteers is growing every day. There are many cases in which men who had fled to Russia in the summer as refugees return and join the militia Most recruits have excellent health, many have military experience.
In general, are strong and healthy guys who are fit to participate in the fighting - said today at a meeting with journalists physician medical board military commissariat DNR Elena Sushinskiy.
Anger kopilas long. No more strength to look at the incessant shelling of residential areas, shot buses and trolley buses - said Sergey Latyntsev volunteer.
My family lives in the Kuibyshev district under fire. Property while intact, but I'm afraid not always be so.
18:29 Photos from the militia. Ukrainian soldiers, who were taken prisoner by Shirokino February 10, 2015
prisoners APU
17:59 Posted by correspondents LifeNews. Militia won another tactical victory for Debaltseve, occupying the high ground near the town. This will allow the Army DNR narrow encirclement groups APU. Today militias conducted rotation of forces in the heights. The operation had to be under threat of firing artillery Ukrainian.
17:44 Reports from NTV. Fights under Uglegorsky.

17:32 Posted by militia from 14:50. Under Taramchukom (north-west of Dokuchaevsk) artillery DNR was "covered" the National Guard under strong point: destroyed two infantry combat vehicles, ammunition warehouse, not the fully qualified number of personnel.
17:27 Summary of shelling Donetsk. At 12:20 was fired Petrovsky district. 16:10 Ukrainian security forces
was shot at the Kuibyshev district Street. Baku commissars, Topaz, Trunk. Details were not disclosed.
During the day, was also under fire from the Kiev region of Donetsk.
16:57 President Poroshenko said that Kramators'k was fired from the MLRS "Tornado" militia.

16:55 The number of victims of fire in Kramatorsk reached five people reported by the city authorities.
16:53 Ukrainian military said that return to their position in the area of Mariupol, where the morning they began an offensive against the Army of the DNI.
This at a briefing the press secretary so-called ATO Andrei Lysenko.
Carried out offensive against the militia. Ukrainian military return to their positions in the line of demarcation, which was provided "Minsk agreements - said Lysenko.
You understand, this return to the positions it now goes south direction, which we occupied in accordance with the agreements Minsk, that is, we did not break, we return of their own, that is, set the status quo, - he added.
Also reported the Ukrainian side they suffered losses.
Deputy. Ministry of Defence corps commander Donetsk People's Republic of Edward Basurin said that the fighting in the area of the village in the south Shirokino DNR continue.

Battle, which began around 10 am near the village Shirokino continues. The enemy uses the infantry and armored vehicles. The militia has sufficient forces to repel the attack, - said the representative of the Ministry of Defence DNR. He added that the security forces attack was preceded by a provocation on their part, the counter-offensive in this area by the militia forces are planned.
16:22 Posted by journalists. February 10 at 4:00 am, was dealt a missile attack on the densely populated south-western region Gorlovki, presumably because of MLRS "Hurricane". Suffered several streets. There are entering the high-rise residential buildings, glass flew here and there with the window frames. In the private sector started fires, two houses down sgreli. Broken gas pipes and power lines.

Confirmed the death of a woman born in 1950, a few people with shrapnel wounds were taken to hospital, wounded among 6-year-old child. The total number of victims and the amount of damage specified.

16:04 Reports from LifeNews. A group of Ukrainian security forces led by the deputy commander of the 40th separate mechanized infantry battalion MAT Vladimir Sarychev voluntarily surrendered militia DNR on the track Debaltseve-Artemovsk.

15:59 Information from the militia of the situation on the southern front. As of 13:20 APU Sahanku attack repulsed. Included on the outskirts of a group of Ukrainian military losses retreated. On the western outskirts Sahanki and Shirokino were fights.
15:55 Kramatorskaya data. Information about the activity of artillery Karachun not confirmed. Judging by the nature of the explosions is a high probability of cluster munitions. The dispersion is large enough - more than a kilometer. Hit by the Palace, DC on Lenin Square, Parkovaya burn garages, wholesale warehouse, a lot of victims.
15:44 Posted by Self Defense Gorlovki. As of 13:30 Ukrainian city again shelled by artillery shelling were under the neighborhoods 5th quarter Nikitovka, Rumyantsev.
15:30 Residents Kramatorsk reported that in the morning at the airport in Kramatorsk went fight. On the part of the airport Ukrainian security forces launched "Tochka-U", the militia was opened back on the positions of the security forces rocket launchers "Grad" and "Hurricane". According to unconfirmed reports by gunfire, Ukrainian security forces suffered heavy losses. Was destroyed by a large number of military vehicles and attack helicopters.

Posted by a local resident:
Very powerful volleys heard this hour ago in Slavyansk, then friends in Kramatorsk in the city center saw unexploded shells ... Someone said that the airport lights.
Video from eyewitnesses. Kramators'k Street. The Palace

15:24 Video from a bystander. Fight near Kramatorsk airfield at 12:30, probably filmed shortly before the fire.

15:16 According to his page on Facebook, Advisor to the President of Ukraine Yuri Biryukov, Kramatorsk bombardment was carried out of the MLRS "Smerch".
15:12 Three people were killed and 15 were wounded by gunfire Kramatorsk, - the press service of the Donetsk oblgoadministratsii with reference to current information on the Department of Health RSA 14:30.

The shelling Kramatorsk today around 13:30 Three people were killed, another 15 were injured. Victims are delivered in health facilities of the city, they are given all the necessary assistance, - said in a statement.
15:06 According to "Russian Spring", the headquarters of Ukrainian army in Kramatorsk airfield was fired from multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane". Operational coordination center reported that active on Karachun artillery shelling was carried out in the region Kramatorsk airfield.
Also received information from local residents and the chief editor of the Ukrainian portal "The Island" Sergei Garmash of airstrikes on Kramatorskaya.
20 minutes ago [about 12:40 - Ed.] Unknown aircraft missiles shot Kramatorsky airfield.
Was fired back. Airport lights.
There are victims,
  - Garmash said.
14:55 Video from a bystander. Time of firing Kramatorsk airfield.

14:48 According to the website of the newspaper "Today" on February 10, around 13:30 of heavy artillery was fired Kramators'k. As evidenced by the locals, there was a fire in the area Kramatorsk airfield. Several shells hit the residential sector in the street Palace, according to preliminary data, there are victims.

14:31 According to the Ukrainian side, as of 13:00 in the area Svetlodarsk a firefight raged between APU and BCH, supported by artillery, began back in the morning on February 10.
Earlier portal "Segodnya.Ru" reported that the militia armored group operated near the settlement Mironovsky where APU forced to withdraw from their positions. Assault began militia groups conducted a sweep Mironovsogo.
Thus, the actions of the defenders of the Donbass led to the fact that in addition to the "pot" in Debaltseve surrounded by another group of Ukrainian Army in the area Svetlodarsk where the focus from 1500 to 2000 Ukrainian military grouping.

14:14 Posted by voenkorov. In the south near Mariupol Ukrainian security forces committed maneuver on a 20-km section of the front and went into the buffer before the settlement Pavlopol and Sahanku (actually settlements were neutral zone). Despite heavy losses, the APU continues to pull the live technique and strength to c. Shirokino where as of 13:00 continuing fierce battles with tanks and self-propelled guns, MLRS GRAD.
13:56 Posted former Defense Minister Igor Strelkov DNI of the occurrence in the Sea of Azov to the south DNR:
We are talking about the occupation of "assumption" (neutral zone) and attacks on individual items. Attempt to divert attention from Debaltseve and reserves. From any other point of view - absolutely meaningless and has no operational development gesture.
13:52 According to the press service of the National Security Council, Security Council Secretary Turchinov personally coordinated offensive Ukrainian troops near Mariupol.
Now Alexander Turchinov is under Mariupol, where the National Guard units broke through the enemy defenses and went on the offensive - said in a statement.
13:48 In response to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on unblocking Debaltsevskogo boiler Kombat "Donbass" Semen Semenchenko said on its Facebook page that "no" Release "road did not happen."
The route Artemovsk - Debaltseve blocked terrorists Logvinova. Parallel track Debaltseve - Lugano blocked [militias - Ed.] In Nizhnelozovoe. Roads are mined land mines - said Semenchenko.

13:43 According to the Advisor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zoryana Shkiryak, Ukrainian law enforcers go towards Novoazovsk, located in the southeast of the DNI.
Special Purpose Regiment National Guard under "Azov" was Shirokino, Pavlopol, Kominternovo-1 and-2 Kominternovo ... During the liberation Shirokino wounded soldiers squad Specialty GUBOP "Falcon". Now our soldiers are fierce fighting for Sahanku and October. During clashes destroyed a significant amount of manpower and equipment terrorists. The confrontation in the south continued, - quoted him as saying the press service of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.

13:38 Posted by voenkora Steppe.
In the neighborhood Zaperevalny Donetsk on February 10 was neutralized group of Ukrainian saboteurs who led attacks on the eve of the mortars high-rise buildings, hospitals and schools.
Saboteurs moved on a white minibus "Volkswagen Transporter" with number signs the NPT, which have been specially made for the car. Also saboteurs dressed up in military uniforms with stripes, mimicking the shape of the militia.
During the arrest saboteurs tried to escape first, and then put up armed resistance. Most of the RDG enemy was eliminated during the chase, away from residential areas.
13:30 Morning Post News militia Novorossia
February 10, 2015 the situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic remains tense.
During the day the fighting was on Debaltsevskom direction. Major clashes took place near the village of Logvinova, Novogrigorovka, Chernukhin and Debaltseve.
Ukrainian law enforcers, using multiple rocket launchers, artillery, tanks and mortars, continued to put fire strikes on the positions of militias, as well as residential areas and infrastructure of New Russia.
At Donetsk direction:
at 18:45 of the tank from the mine "South", and at 19:20 mortars from Magdalinovka militia positions were fired in the vicinity of the DNI Gorlovki;
at 18:50 and 20:00 from the settlements and Swallow Avdiyivka militia artillery bombardment near the village merry;
at 19:50 and 21:20 fire attack from multiple rocket launchers and artillery from the villages experienced and Swallow underwent Army DNI position near the village of Spartacus;
at 20:05 of multiple launch rocket systems from the village militia fired The thin DNI in the area of the mine "October";
at 21:20 and 22:05 opponent, using MLRS and artillery fire strikes inflicted by the Kirov district and the textile workers of Donetsk. The fire was from the settlements and Swallow Novomihaylovka;
at 00:55 firing of MLRS by the village militia DNI Experimental undergone near the village of October.
Defenders of the Donetsk airport six times shelled by settlements Avdiyivka, Swallow, experienced, and a thin.
Lugansk direction:
at 18:20 of the MLRS fire was dealt a blow to the militia LC near Kirovsk;
at 18:20 mortar fire from the Happiness undergone militia positions near Villas Lenin;
at 18:30 from multiple rocket launchers fired militia positions in the area of LC Slavyanoserbsky.
Power structures in Ukraine continue to take measures to improve the defensive structures, capacity group of forces and conducting subversive activities.
For the destruction of infrastructure in the direction of Artiomovskiy Debaltseve security forces pull heavy weapons, including self-propelled artillery "Peony".
12:59 Video from Cassad-TV. Poroshenko blurted, "truce" - deception.
This is how we use this so-called truce

12:53 The US military plans to begin in March to 600 fighters training the National Guard of Ukraine.
This was reported by the newspaper Washington Times.
According to her, the Pentagon is preparing to send experts to Ukraine in connection "with the escalation of violence in the east of the country."
The US military will begin to learn about the National Guard under 600 fighters in western Ukraine next month - the newspaper said. The publication stresses that this decision came after talks between President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The head of the White House stated, inter alia, that "would prefer to consider providing military offensive weapons in Ukraine only as a last resort, if diplomacy fails - the newspaper said.
12:47 City Bryanka today, February 10, once again came under fire from security forces Kiev. About this LuganskInformTsentru reported in the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations LC.
The shells hit the homes on the street. Veterinary Pavlivka in the village. There were no casualties. Two homes destroyed roofs and broken windows. Fragments of damaged pipeline and power line, on-site maintenance crews work - told the agency.
12:40 Posted by residents of Mariupol 9:45. The city has periodically been heard frequent shots and shots. It was reported that the Ukrainian security forces undermine the field under Shirokino to thwart a possible counterattack militia.
12:36 According to Ukrainian media, fighters regiment "Azov" took Pavlopol, Shirokino and Kominternovo east of Mariupol. Morning of February 10 Ukrainian regiment "Azov" launched an offensive in the direction Novoazovsk. According to the press service of the department.
In the morning the regiment "Azov" began an offensive in the direction Novoazovsk. As of 8:00 was busy town Shirokino. The high intensity of fire. Both sides used weapons of different caliber ... "Azov" unfolds on the offensive Sahanku - said in a statement. Later in the regiment reported the capture of the village Pavlopol and the beginning of the storming of the village in October. In addition, security officials said that the Ukrainian flag flies over Kominternovo.
By Shirokino we clean the second checkpoint. "Azov" deploys full-scale attack. Across the front line of fierce battles - it is written on the page "Azov".
Earlier, Defense Ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin DNR announced the beginning of the offensive on the Ukrainian troops Shirokino, but taking the settlement is not confirmed.
12:30 Photo by Nicholas Dolgacheva.
Today confirmed the version of the attack of Donetsk Ukrainian punitive using Tochka-U on 8 February. On the outskirts of Donetsk, at the crash site found the remains of a rocket "point y." More smell of burning.

12:21 Ukrainian battalion "Azov" attacking militia positions in the vicinity of Mariupol, said today at a briefing in the press center DAN deputy commander of the Ministry of Defense Corps DNR Edward Basurin.
Battalion "Azov" conducted clashes near the village of Shirokino - said Basurin.
Settlement is not delivered, the position held by the militia, but the fight goes. "
the front line on the map indicated by reference

11:55 Summary of the situation in Debaltsevskom "pot". Around 1:00 militia artillery fire was destroyed in the APU battery Novogrigorovki. At 1:25 on the site Novogrigorovka-Lower Lozove went fierce battle with artillery and tanks. Ukrainian law enforcers under the onslaught of the militia handed over their positions. Both sides suffered losses, the exact number has not been reported.
11:33 Places Donetsk People's Republic of last night 37 times bombarded by Ukrainian law enforcers reported DAN, the press service of the Ministry of Defence of the DNI.
Per night attacks recorded in Donetsk, Uglegorsk, Gorlovki, Telmanovo - only about 37 attacks - said the defense department.
He also said that the militia successfully repel the attacks of the enemy in the village Logvinova, which is located on a strategically important road Debaltseve-Artiomovsk.
We are on the outskirts of Debaltseve blocked the boiler, the recent release of the village Logvinova are periodic attacks by Debaltseve, - said the representative of the Ministry of Defense.
They aim to ensure that our actions to hold down or distract us, but we successfully repel the attack. Global attempt to break out of the boiler is not observed.
11:19 According to volunteer with the call sign "Horn" on the morning of February 10 Chernukhin fully occupied village militia, APU in the area clamped. Militia controls most of the Kamenka and almost all Maloorlovku. The grave mound Acute militia that holds, then departs from the position. Also under the control of BCH Novoorlovka and Shevchenko.
It turns out that the APU has already lost 50% of the ex-pocket. Now, I think, the boiler will be slowly tapered off, and trimmed of APU.
The bad news - APU ready to hit the BCH with Svetlodarsk powerful "fist," and I'm not sure will stand there and Lower Lozove Logvinova. But if the impact force and leave Svetlodarsk Lugansk, for the militia in the Red plowman, I think, get a chance to break the defense of the APU and take another former boiler neck pocket.
10:58 Press Service of the City Hall Donetsk reported casualties or damage in the city for the last day, as of 9:30 on February 10.

Over the past day as a result of shelling shrapnel wounds of varying severity were 12 civilians, two people were killed.
Destruction of homes and got the infrastructure Kiev, Kuibyshev, Petrovsky and Kirov region of Donetsk.
On the morning of February 10, does not serve energy 191 transformer substation is not working 49 boilers. Without gas supply are 6746 users.

09:30 Report from voenkora callsign "Bella Ciao". At half past eleven on February 9 Ukrainian security forces from the direction of the Majorcan mortar fire led to Gorlovka. Army counter-battery fire DNI opened as a result of mortar battery APU was destroyed in Dzerzhinsk.
Since yesterday (Feb. 9) began to show Ukrainian activity in the air in the direction of the city of Kramatorsk with Chugueva left freighter An-26. Controlled areas of the APU comes information about the movement of trucks at night, in the areas of forest glades. There are signs in these machines carry the dead bodies.
9:15 about 2:30 (hereinafter in the chronicle of the time in the reports - Moscow) concluded meeting of deputy foreign ministers "Norman Quartet" (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine) in Berlin. It lasted more than seven hours.
As reported on Tuesday Tass source in the negotiations, work on the harmonization of the ways out of the Ukrainian crisis continues.
Earlier, another diplomatic sources reported that the meeting is being held in a constructive way.
The meeting was held in the German Foreign Office was closed. Russia was represented by State Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin.
Consultation in the German capital preceded the possibility of holding in Minsk on February 11 summit, "Norman Quartet." Party sources say, should focus on the development of a joint document on the settlement of Ukrainian crisis.