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Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 авг 2011, 14:53
Computer and phone, placed on the skin as tattoos - it's possible!
Friday, 12 August 2011 12:10

http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/8 ... vices.html

Michael McAlpine and John Rogers, nanoengineers from USA, shown the ability to create electronic devices, that can be applied to human skin as a tattoo (see a photo). This was made possible after long research, that conclude subminiature electronic components between two protective layers of polyimide, that do not allow these components to deteriorate and the components, applied to human skin –were fully functional. Nanoengineers from USA argued, that the human skin can be assembled electronic devices of any complexity - from conventional sensors to mobile phones and computers. If further studies confirm the establishment of such electronic devices, it can lead to this technological revolution - will be possible to create human-cyborgs, greatly will expand the possibility of special services, and especially significantly will enhance the capacity of video games. Researchers have conducted experiments, when a special electronic device, assembled on the human skin in the form of tattoos, receive signals directly from muscles of man, when he spoke the simple commands to control cursor movement on a computer screen. Scientists are working with a new mouse for the computer - which is applied in the form of tattoos on human skin, and, taking signals from the muscles directly, automatically sends the cursor to the location on the screen, where a person directs his gaze.

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 ноя 2011, 03:37
The invention of Russian scientists will make electronic goods are much cheaper
Thursday, 17 November 2011 12:23

http://hainanwel.com/en/top-news/1216-i ... tists.html

Scientists from the University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics in Tomsk, Russia for the first time in the world created nanotransistors in the production of which can be used not precious metals, and low-cost copper compounds with germanium. According to Eugene Erofeev, the use of inexpensive copper compounds with germanium in the future will greatly reduce the cost of electronic devices, as at present widely used in electronics, integrated circuits and transistors, which are used in the production of platinum, palladium and gold. Currently, tests of the new transistor, that is based on low-cost copper compounds with germanium, have been successful, its characteristics are not inferior to expensive counterparts, that are based on platinum, palladium and gold, so in 2012, the inventors intend to apply for a U.S. patent.

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 ноя 2011, 02:58
Scientists created a cyborg-beetles
Monday, 28 November 2011 21:32

http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/1 ... etles.html

According to the BBC, a team of scientists from the University of Michigan was able to develop miniaturized energy sources, but that can placed on large insects. The scientists were able to create a miniature pezogenerator, weighing about 0.2 grams, with a capacity of 45 mikrovat, which running through the motion of the wings of insects, and also developed a miniature solar panels and micro-thermoelectric converter. It is reported, that the total power of all energy sources will be sufficient to provide power of miniature videorecoder and microphones, that can be installed on these insects. Thus, scientists have come close to creating of cyborg-beetles, which can be used in a military intelligence, as well as scouts in the event of radiation accidents, since it is known. that insects survive of radiation doses in 1,000 times greater, than humans.

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 30 сен 2012, 03:06
Soluble electronics will allow to create a real cyborgs- VIDEO
Friday, 28 September 2012 10:48

In the Science magazine was published an article of bioengineer John Rogers from the University of Illinois, U.S. about radically new technology of "soluble" electronic, that can be embedded into the biological organisms. According to John Rogers, he managed to create of electronic components-insulating substrate conductors and semiconductors that can easily excreted from the body without causing him harm and simple solution in this organism. With this "soluble" components, according to John Rogers, we can create within human variety electronic devices- from mobile phones to computers, all of these devices will be flexible and compact enough for successful implantation under the skin or to other parts of the body. For the first demonstration of this technology of "soluble" electronics, John Rogers made the electronic implant with a sensor of bacteria and implanted under the skin of rat. As reported, the electronic "soluble" device did not cause any irritation and successfully to perform its functions, and after their term of service, completely dissolved. THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/1 ... onics.html

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 май 2014, 15:41
Furniture from modular robots Roombots reconstructed by the owner- VIDEO PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 27 May 2014 08:46
Group of Swiss researchers from the laboratory Biorobotics (BioRob) of Federal Polytechnic School of LaUSAnne (EPFL) has developed a modular robots, called Roombots, that can take the form of any type of furniture. robots are able to move independently and cling to each other, creating different pieces of furniture. The researchers hope that one day Roombots be able to do this without user intervention. The idea of creating modules that can self-assemble and change shape, was a long time, but no one could suggest how to use them - told the lead researcher and engineer of Polytechnic School of LaUSAnne Massimo Vespignani. Roombots communicate with each other via Bluetooth. Currently it are running on battery only an hour, VIDEO:
http://hwww.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wo ... obots.html

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 май 2014, 15:48
Fruits on a 3D-printer can print everyone- VIDEO
Monday, 26 May 2014 14:06
The British company «Dovetailed» developed a three-dimensional technology of fruit printing on 3D- printer, using known technology of molecular gastronomy, that is a technique through which liquids can be converted into small balls. This process was discovered by Unilever in the 50s, but in the modern kitchen it found application only in the last decade. During a fluid puree of fruit or mixed with a very small amount of sodium alginate, then quickly placed in a bowl with a soluble calcium salt. At this point, the liquid forms a tiny balls, in which the thin skin holds the liquid inside the filling. And what does the 3D- printer - so it combines these tiny balls with different flavors and aromas to create a unique "fruit", that can be absolutely any taste by the user. The printing process takes only a few seconds, and it can be used to print apples, pears and any other fruit. More details about this new technology, the company promises to reveal in the near future, VIDEO:
http://hwww.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wo ... inter.html

Re: Creation of cyborgs and prospects of electronics

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 май 2014, 21:28
On one screen can see a two different films with smart 3D-glasses PipeDream Interactive-VIDEO PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 28 May 2014 12:00
Canadian company from Ontario PipeDream Interactive developed unusual as it called them-“smart” 3D-glasses, that allow on one screen to see two completely different films. According to Public of PipeDream Interactive, one being in the cinema, people can no longer see those scenes which are undesirable for them to view, for example, children in these glasses can not see on the screen elements of eroticism or violence, and adults looking for the same screen will be able to see all these elements, VIDEO:
http://hwww.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wo ... ctive.html