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Resorts in Argentina

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 июл 2015, 22:05
The country, the name of which is clearly sounded notes of silver seems in South America, the most "European". The complicated history of its conquest stores grisly details of extermination of the local Indians, but because the people in today's Argentina have only European appearance. The local wines are not inferior to French or Spanish, and favorite activities of tourists in cities and resorts of Argentina - the search for a steak of your dreams and participate in the tango in the streets. The rest of the vacation is not very different from the classic in any decent resort of the world - the beaches in the summer, guided tours in any season and an excellent Mamison ski resort in winter.
In the rhythm of the tango

The fact that it is a dance of passion appeared in Argentina, well known people, even very far from art. In the middle of the XIX century was a lot of pair dance men, and only years later, the Argentines have decided that the lady greatly beautify dance composition. Since then, the country of tango dancing silver almost always and everywhere - right in the squares and streets of towns and villages, nightclubs and restaurants, professionals, amateurs and just passers-by.
The resort of Argentina, where the bustling twelve months of the year, the tango is loved and respected. In the city of Mar del Plata, this kind of dance gladly show guests a spectacular show in the Teatro Colon and just at midday urban areas.
In addition to dance the famous resort of Argentina boasts excellent beaches where from December to late March and no room to swing fall, and great restaurants where you can and you need to try the best local cuisine. In addition to the traditional summer beach activities in Mar del Plata adopted:

Visit the casino, which opened its doors in 1939. Its building - a local landmark, however, is the ability to break a big jackpot attracts gamblers no less than the architecture of the mansion.
Spend an evening at the theater Colon, where a daily dance performances are held with the participation of the most famous dancers of the country.
Take surfing lessons at local beaches. Season this sport, if the suit is much longer than just a beach-bathing.

For sports and active

Ski season on the slopes of Patagonia runs from June to the end of September and in this sense the resorts of Argentina - a real godsend for the Russian travelers, who even in the summer dreaming of snow-covered slopes. Trails are laid for athletes of different levels of training, elevators - one of the best on the continent, and is easy to choose a hotel, even those who are not used to pay for the rest.
The most popular ski resorts of Argentina - Cerro Catedral, Las Lenyas and Cerro Bayo.

Re: Resorts in Argentina

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 окт 2015, 12:48
Buenos Aires - capital of Argentina

On a beautiful and wonderful Buenos Aires is often referred to as a city of contrasts. Indeed, the capital of Argentina surprised by the fact that it can live together side by side luxury modern skyscrapers and historic neighborhoods, built by the first settlers from Spain.

The historic center of their building close to Paris and Madrid, the modern areas of the Argentine capital, rather reminiscent of New York. The main difference is that there are a lot of cozy green parks, boulevards.
The main tourist area

This is La Boca, and it is easy to find on the map. It is here that there are tourists from different countries and continents, to plunge into the sea of ​​Argentine folk music, learn a few pas famous tango or simply enjoy the local attractions.

Such a beautiful name translates quite prosaic - the mouth. Indeed, a popular quarter of the guests is located at the mouth of the River Matanza-Riachuelo. The most famous pedestrian street - Caminito, it is here that the fans are going to Argentine tango to see the rehearsals and performances of famous local dancers.
Attractions Buenos Aires

What is traveling through the Argentine capital, does not dream of stunning photos. Features replenish albums at every step - is among the most remarkable places in Buenos Aires called the Plaza de Mayo, the theater "Colon", the Metropolitan Cathedral. Sightseeing tour of the capital continued for several hours, during which time you can see the many monuments, such as the Pink House, the building which houses the National Congress, the Cathedral.

In the main city of the country has a large number of museums related to ancient and modern art in Argentina:

National Museum of Art;
Fernandez Blanco Museum, presents the work of the times of the first settlers;
Museum of Fine Arts;
International Art Gallery.

The mere description of the fund collections of envy and admiration among tourists all over the world. To get acquainted with the exhibits, even briefly, it will take more than one week.

But the majority of tourists coming to the official capital, Buenos Aires, wanted to meet with the ancient art of dance. Therefore, in the itinerary of visitors to the city, the first item listed visit to the famous tango shows.