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Treatment and clinics in Argentina

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 июн 2015, 20:25
Treatment and clinics in Argentina

Medicine Argentina. For many years, Argentina is one of the most attractive countries in Latin America for tourists from around the world. The rich cultural heritage of the country, The breathtaking attractions attract many tourists from different countries to visit Buenos Aires and other regions of Argentina. But after the collapse of the Argentine peso in 2002 there was one more reason why every year thousands of travelers come to Argentina - medical tourism.

Prices of treatment in Argentina. The stability of the euro and the US dollar against the peso has made medical tourism to Argentina an attractive treatment option for patients from the US and Europe. Travel to Argentina for treatment or surgery gives patients the opportunity to enjoy a great vacation after medical procedures. The cost of operations in the United States can cover the costs of the entire trip to Argentina, including medical expenses, airfare, hotel accommodation and other expenses. Of course, this option is much more appealing to patients than to stay at home and spend the same amount only for the operation.

Cosmetic surgery in Argentina. One of the most popular areas - cosmetic surgery. Argentina, especially Buenos Aires, worldwide known for its cosmetic surgery. But this is not the only area of ​​medicine in Argentina, which employs highly qualified doctors and surgeons. In the country there are many high-end private hospitals that offer not just cosmetic surgery, but vital procedures, as well as highly specialized treatments. However, cosmetic and plastic surgery in Argentina is one of the most popular areas, as the journey to this country gives you the opportunity to secretly pass this medical procedure. Pop art also contributes to good reputation of Argentine plastic surgeons.

Prices for plastic surgery in Argentina. Beauty treatments in Argentina is usually 30% - 50% cheaper than in the United States. The cost of plastic surgery on breast enlargement in Argentina is from 1800 to $ 2500. The same operation in the United States costs at least $ 2,500. The cost of medical procedures in Argentina comparable to the cost of treatment in hospitals in South-East Asia. All breast augmentation surgery, including 2-3 day hospital stay and 3-4 days in the hotel, will cost you only $ 4,500, excluding air travel. Liposuction of the abdomen in Argentina costs about $ 2,000, while in the US the same amount would only need to pay for the work of the surgeon.
Treatment and rest in Argentina. If you want to visit the famous Buenos Aires and cosmetic surgery, then the most cost-effective option for you - combine your vacation with a medical procedure.