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Traditions Dominican Republic

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 июн 2015, 02:26
Traditions Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic - one of the most popular resorts in the Caribbean region, where Russian travelers are increasingly booking of tours, despite the long flight and not too cheap airline tickets. The traditions of the Dominican Republic and its culture, mixed with customary Indian, Spanish and African immigrants, are no less interesting for the guests than its white beaches and eternal summer.
Do you speak Taino?

Friends all over the word - hammock, canoes and tobacco - is originally from the Dominican Republic. Taino dialect spoken by the local tribe of Indians still go to the island of Haiti, which is part of the Dominican Republic. The Spanish conquistadors brought the Indians not only the Catholic religion, but also their language. However, local people, preserving the ancient tradition of the Dominican Republic, not only preserved in our own tongue, but also gave the world a set of words that are associated with undisturbed rest and endless beaches.
Everybody Dance Now!

This motto on the island - not just words. Caribbean dances - an important part of the culture and traditions of the Dominican Republic. Hearing motive bachata or rumba, few people are able to stand, so as not to slide into the music. Dance can express all Dominicans - the pain of loss, the joy of meeting, unrequited love and delight.
For tourists on the island opened a dance school where you can take lessons, to return home a changed man. Caribbean dances help to stay afloat in any situation and with dignity experience life shocks. That is why Dominicans always smile and love it even in difficult times.
Magnan in the Caribbean

Europeans accustomed to punctuality, some features of the national character of the locals may confound. It is not accepted to hurry and bustle, and therefore delay the meeting for the Dominican - a common occurrence. In the tradition of the Dominican Republic, as in many other countries in the region - enjoy life slowly.
"Mañana" is Spanish for "tomorrow." But the deeper meaning of this concept is that you need to relax and enjoy everything that surrounds you. Magnan - it's an amazing feeling, which is not only a tradition of the Dominican Republic, but also the way of life of any traveler stranded on an island.
And here it is accepted to try cocktails, expertly prepared likable bartender right on the beach, dancing in the company of the pretty mulatto and greet the dawn at the edge of the water, which is always in the Caribbean has to swim.

Re: Traditions Dominican Republic

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 июл 2015, 04:11
Features of the Dominican Republic

Ordinary tourists Dominican Republic opened with only one hand, as a place of eternal joy and carnival, bright colors of the sea, sky and vegetation. National features of the Dominican Republic lies in the fact that apart from the endless holiday there is a place everyday work, hard work, sincere faith.

Most of the local population are descendants of the first conquerors, who had Spanish roots. Through Catholic ancestors are celebrated all Christian holidays.
Dominican Christmas

The surroundings of this winter holiday is fundamentally different from the usual Russian - no snow, no frost or winter fun and games. But all the typical elements of Christmas holy respected. Since early December Christmas markets begin everywhere - sales.

The main symbol of the coming Christmas and New Year - a tree - are also present, and the Dominicans are decorated to choose from:

real live Christmas tree;
artificial fir;

Decorating made so that branches, needles or palm leaves were almost not visible under a series of toys, garlands, rain and brilliant hawthorn.
Features of the Dominican culture

The influence of various nations and nationalities. Firstly, you can still meet representatives of the Taino tribe belonging to the indigenous inhabitants of the country. Secondly, a large group of heirs make the first European settlers. Third, in the Dominican Republic there are many former African Americans.

This confusion is reflected in peoples' cultural processes. The first European settlers brought to these territories Spanish and Catholic faith. However, residents are still in diseases treated for drugs to indigenous people. Immigrants from Africa and their descendants are bright layer of song, dance culture.
Dominican cuisine

Local dishes are difficult to determine in any of the national cuisines of the world. Where you can find local, African and European recipes, and based on them new dishes. Of the features of the Dominican cuisine tourists celebrate a wonderful combination of meat and vegetables, sometimes very exotic. There are popular fried bananas, but not familiar to Europeans yellow, soft fruits. The course is some sort of green bananas which can not be consumed raw. These bananas are added after cooking in soups, served as a side dish to meat and fish.