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Treatment of the Philippines

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 май 2015, 18:41
Treatment of the Philippines
Philippines - is a great island state in the south-east Asia, which is considered one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

This is a huge archipelago, which consists of 7 100 islands covered with tropical forests, mountain ranges and clean beaches.

Besides stunning wildlife in the Philippines, tourists can relax amongst the luxury colonial cities of Manila and Cebu.

Philippines, among others, is one of the leading resorts in the region.

During the trip to the Philippines you can get cheap and quality treatment, simultaneously relaxing in a tropical paradise. There are spas, world-class excellent hospitals and clinics with international accreditation. The growth of medical tourism in the Philippines due to the high quality and safety of medicine that is constantly being improved on the American model. And, most importantly, the treatment here can cost several times cheaper than in Western countries. Geographical proximity to the island of Taiwan, Japan, Australia and South Korea, where the medicine is very expensive - this is another factor in the popularity of treatment in the Philippines.
Why the Philippines?
Treatment of the Philippines
1. Low cost of treatment
In the Philippines, a tourist can get treatment for surprisingly low prices. And here is cheap at only the cost of procedure, hospital stay, and personal care, and medical supplies, which in some diseases, "eat" more than half of all the money allocated for treatment. Medicines in the Philippines are much cheaper than in America or Britain. The cost of living in the Philippines is also extremely low in comparison with developed countries of the West. Therefore, even hotel accommodation and travel to Western tourists seem trifling expense. Local hospitals are competing for foreign patients, and many of them agree with the transport companies and hotels offering their patients lucrative packages that include assistance in the preparation of documents, airport transfers and accommodation of accompanying persons in comfortable rooms at very good conditions. Relatives can provide recreation, while you undergo the procedure.
2. Lack of queues and excellent service
If you have chosen the Philippines, you will not have to wait for weeks before it is your turn for a particular procedure. Local hospitals are not usually overwhelmed, so in most cases you will be treated at any convenient date for you. For foreign patients are treated as valued guests, so the first day of your care and attention.
3. International Standards
Leading hospitals of the country, which are concentrated in Manila and other major cities are equipped with the best equipment of western producers, and their compliance with US standards of care. Total in the Philippines, there are more than 2,000 large and small hospitals and clinics. The country's capital Manila rightly considered the heart of the Philippine medical tourism. Contrary to popular belief about the developing countries of Asia, there is a very good infrastructure, clean and comfortable hotel. In large hospitals in Manila, if desired, you can book for yourself and family a number that will outshine any 5-star hotel.
4. Qualified Personnel
Doctors and nurses Philippine hospitals are well prepared. Most of the doctors have experience of working abroad, some were trained in the United States, Australia and the UK. It is very common English language, so doctors can easily read American medical publications and go to courses in the western countries - many of them spend 2 months a year in the US, refreshing knowledge and getting acquainted with the latest developments in their specialization. Medical staff in the Philippines are very polite and friendly.
5. It is easy to travel
Travel to the Philippines rapid and comfortable, because the airport in Manila are regular flights to almost all corners of the planet. With many countries, local authorities have an agreement to facilitate the stay of citizens in the Philippines. For example, tourists from the US and Canada are free to be here for up to 21 days after arrival. Those who plan to stay for a longer period, must obtain a visa before you fly out of the country.
6. Lack of language barriers
Most of the foreign tourists will feel comfortable in the Philippines, because 90% of the local population speaks the international language - English. Hospital rules also provide for the widespread use of English, so all the inscriptions in the hospitals will be apparent to tourists, and the staff can easily tell about the proposed procedures and prescribing. In addition, medical centers offer services in the Philippines clock translation services - if you do not speak English, just to clarify this point.
7. Wide range of services
In the Philippines, access to such complex procedures, like knee and hip joints, dental surgery, cardiac catheterization, infertility treatment, bariatric surgery, diagnosis and therapy of cancer, neurosurgery and others. Dentistry - the most popular and sought after destinations in the Philippines. This includes the manufacture and installation of the implants, cosmetic dentistry. In addition, thousands of Western tourists come here to rejuvenate, to remove weight and pass the latest beauty treatments.
8. A great vacation
Tourists who are undergoing treatment in the Philippines, have the opportunity to use your spare time to visit the wonderful beaches and entertainment venues scattered throughout the archipelago. Secluded spa resorts, where you can relax and soak in the healing springs - the perfect place to recover from illness. It offers services of nutritionists (organic diet, detoxification), aromatherapy, professional therapeutic massage, reflexology, meditation.
The health care system in the Philippines
The program of development of medical tourism in the Philippines, which was launched in 2006, is implemented in the country very well. Philippine hospitals are internationally accredited British company QHA Trent Accreditation and American group The Joint Commission International (JCI).