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Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 21 сен 2011, 23:27
In the Sanya City, Hainan revealed 67 cases of counterfeit of famous brands
Tuesday, 30 August 2011 18:09
http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/886 ... rands.html 

In Sanya City revealed 67 cases of counterfeit of famous brands, among them such well-known as - GUCCI, Adidas, as well as famous brands of watches, cosmetics. All counterfeit goods were confiscated, according to the results of inspections, the perpetrators were fined 349,300 yuan. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 07 окт 2011, 17:17
In the Sanya City, Hainan were arrested 127 pickpockets
Friday, 07 October 2011 10:50

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/104 ... ckets.html

According to the press service of the Sanya City Police, for the period from December 2010 to October 2011 in Sanya City was detained 127 pickpockets. Measures to combat with the pickpockets were reinforced in December 2010 after numerous complaints of Chinese and foreign tourists about the abduction of their personal belongings while visiting the public places in the Sanya City. Police notes, that pickpockets often operate in groups, where some members of these groups distract the attention of tourists, while others steal private property, often in these groups there are juveniles, for example, among of 127 detainees- 56 are juveniles. Among the stolen property were dominated of money, jewelry and mobile phones. It is reported, that underage participants of pickpocketing were sent to a special center near Haikou City, for three months - for rehabilitation. Thieves, pickpockets operate on all the resorts of the world, so we recommend to all tourists in Sanya City always keep track of your personal belongings, and in case of any problems, immediately contact the nearest police officer. Due to the fact, that in 2011 was reinforced by police patrolling of the beaches in Sanya and Haikou, the number of thefts on beaches has declined sharply.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 ноя 2011, 04:27
In stores of Haikou, Hainan detected large quantities of fake wine
Wednesday, 16 November 2011 09:28


According to the Department of Trade of Hainan Province, China yesterday, by law enforcement officials, in some stores of Haikou city was detected in a total of several hundred bottles of fake wine, while among the fakes were some expensive wines, which were sold at a price of 8,000 yuan (1,250 U.S. dollars) per bottle of counterfeit wine. All identified counterfeit wines were confiscated and the owners of stores will expect heavy fines. These tests of wines were carried out on the complaint of consumers, and the Department of Trade of Hainan Province offers everyone to report about incidents of detection of counterfeit goods by phone 12 312 or 12 315.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 ноя 2011, 02:18
Electric scooters and motorcycles will be prohibited in Haikou, Hainan, China
Friday, 18 November 2011 10:52

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/122 ... aikou.html

As reported by the Transport Department of Haikou - from January 1, 2012 in Haikou City will prohibits the sale of electric scooters and motorcycles, which do not meet the new national standards of China on electric scooters and motorcycles. New China national standards for electric scooters and motorcycles significantly tightened their requirements, according to new standards, the net weight of electric mopeds and motorcycles should not be exceed 40 kg and a maximum speed not exceeding 20 km/h. Note that, according to statistics, only in Haikou City used almost 300 thousand electric scooters and motorcycles, and more than 90% of the amount of electric mopeds and motorcycles do not meet new national standards of China on electric scooters and motorcycles. However, the transition will not be hard - from January 1, 2012 in Haikou City would be prohibited only the sale of electric mopeds and motorcycles, which are not relevant for new national standards of China, and the use of previously purchased of electric scooters and motorcycles will be prohibited from January 1, 2014. Foreign tourists, which live in Haikou, often used electrical scooters or motorcycles, as it does not require a driver's license, but the majority of foreign tourists visiting the Sanya City on Hainan Island, and the municipality of Sanya City has not taken any documents, prohibiting of electrical mopeds and motorcycles.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 ноя 2011, 04:40
In the Sanya City, Hainan began to conduct mass identity checks for foreigners
Thursday, 24 November 2011 23:29

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/123 ... gners.html

According to one of the news agencies of the Sanya City on the Chinese language (see the photo), recently were carried out identity checks for foreigners in public places for foreigners. Especially checks are carried out in restaurants and bars in the Dadonghai Bay of Sanya City, in which work and live most of the Russian-speaking foreigners. All foreign workers of catering and tourism infrastructure were checked for a work permit and the current Chinese visa. After checks were fined a six foreigners and one foreigner was arrested for violating labor and immigration laws of China, most of them are Russian-speaking foreigners. All are correct- the related documents must have the all foreigners, but that's interesting, for example, in Guangzhou, in the neighboring province of Guangdong to Hainan, resides 200, 000 people from African countries (officially registered), and in Sanya resides and works not more than 200 Russian (the optimistic scenario!), that is 1,000 times less, but something inaudible, that in Guangzhou were conducted mass identity checks for foreigners from Africa. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 ноя 2011, 02:50
Sanya and Haikou on Hainan Island were included in the TOP 10 cities of China with the most environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables
Monday, 28 November 2011 09:27

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/124 ... china.html

According to the Agricultural Department of Hainan Province, yesterday was ended the National Congress of the manufacturers and the largest wholesalers of fruits and vegetables in China, which had identified cities in China, where were sold the most environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables. Among the TOP 10 cities were named the Sanya and Haikou on Hainan Province, as leaders of this rating. This was not surprising, we have previously reported on our website and forum, that China's government has tightened considerably regulations about using of fertilizers on the island of Hainan, was significantly reduced list of fertilizers, which are permitted for use on Hainan Island and introduced heavy fines for violators. These measures have significantly reduced the presence of harmful substances in Hainan's fruits and vegetables, which allowed to fresh fruits and vegetables from the island of Hainan to become one of the most environmentally friendly in China. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 дек 2011, 02:48
Russian tourist was arrested in Sanya, Hainan, China for stealing the Tablet PC
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 10:43

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/127 ... sanya.html

According to Police Department of Sanya City, Hainan Island, China- on November 29, 2011 at a hotel in Sanya City was arrested Russian tourist, who is accused of stealing of 7-inch tablet computer with worth of 1800 yuan (RMB). It is reported, that one of the sellers of electronic market, which is located near the pedestrian street in the downtown of Sanya City, in the course of evening inventory of their goods, was found of missing of tablet computer. The seller called the police, which looked surveillance cameras, installed in the electronic market place and on one of the cameras the police saw a group of middle-aged foreign tourists, approached to the seller and one of the women in this group quietly took the tablet and hid it in a bag and quietly walked away. However, police have noticed on this package the logo of one of the hotels in Sanya City, so the police arrived at the hotel and checked all the foreign tourists, which live in this hotel, among them was found a woman, which recorded on video stealing, which was a Russian tourist, in a room where was later found of stolen Tablet PC, then this tourist was arrested.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 дек 2011, 18:55
The foreigners on Hainan Island, China will be obliged to pass fingerprints
Tuesday, 27 December 2011 10:52

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/132 ... rints.html

A few hours ago, the central Chinese Internet portal china.org.cn reported, that Chinese legislators in the first reading began consideration of the new bill, which regulates the entry and exit of foreigners in China, in which, inter alia, provides for the collection of biometric information, including fingerprints from foreigners. New bill, with tightening of the rules of entry and exit of foreigners in China, also provides for stricter rules on employment of foreigners in China. The representative of the Ministry of Public Security said, that the need for this bill cause serious problems, that arise in the case of illegal entry of foreigners into the territory of China, as well as the fact, that many foreigners working in China with visas of inappropriate categories.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 янв 2012, 15:21
Budget hotels will become less in Haikou, Hainan Island, China
Monday, 09 January 2012 18:22

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/134 ... aikou.html

Municipality of Haikou City, Hainan Island, China announced that from February 01, 2012 in Haikou City will be introduced the new rules, governing the licensing and operation of hotel business enterprises. In particular, the will be greatly increased demands on the technical condition of the rooms, the level of service, qualification of the of staff. It is expected, that fully meet the new requirements will only hotels, belonging to major Chinese and International hotel chains, and many small and budget budget hotels have a lot to change in the its design and in organization of its work.

Re: News from regulatory and law enforcement authorities of Hainan Province

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2012, 16:45
In Sanya, Hainan Island, China were intensified the struggle against pickpockets
Monday, 16 January 2012 15:18

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/135 ... ckets.html

Although the resorts of Sanya City and Hainan Island are one of the safest resorts in the world, sometimes pickpockets operate on the beaches, in transport, in shops. In 2011, already significantly were reinforced police squads on the beaches and streets of the cities of Haikou and Sanya, in particular, on the largest beaches of Sanya City permanently staffed police squads in a manner to keep order. A few days ago in the Sanya City to the constant patrolling of the streets have started special units of police, dressed in an ordinary civil clothing, whose main task is to identify and arrest of pickpockets, the moment of arrest of one of the pickpockets in the Sanya City can look at the photo above. On our website and forum you can find other news, dedicated to the fight against pickpockets on the island of Hainan: viewforum.php?f=23