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Weather in August 2011 in the Sanya and in the cities of Hainan Island

СообщениеДобавлено: 07 авг 2011, 10:59
Forecasters expect hot weather on the Hainan Island, China without heavy rainfalls
Thursday, 04 August 2011 08:54
http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/779 ... ather.html 

According to local meteorological stations, an anticyclone covered the greater part of southern China, including Hainan Island and the forecasters expect hot weather in Hainan Island, China in the next few days, without heavy rainfalls, the air temperature is expected- will be 38 degrees Celsius. Although the short rains are possible in the cities of Hainan Island. Currently near Hainan Island are not typhoons and hurricanes, the typhoon Muifa is located at several thousand kilometers from the Hainan Island and is moving in the opposite direction from the side of the Hainan Island, as we reported on our website. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: Weather in August 2011 in the Sanya and in the cities of Hainan Island

СообщениеДобавлено: 07 авг 2011, 11:02
Typhoon MUIFA do not threat to the Hainan Island, China
Saturday, 06 August 2011 20:07

http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/790 ... muifa.html

In recent days, media reported about approach of typhoon Muifa to the coast of China, because of this, many tourists refused to travel on the Hainan Island. But the typhoon Muifa will not reach the Hainan Island. It is expected that the typhoon Muifa reach the east coast of Zhejiang province, China, on the morning of August 7, 2011. According to the forecasts of meteorological stations of China, the typhoon Muifa will bring in coastal of Chinese provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong are very strong winds and heavy rain.

At the time of this writing, the typhoon Muifa is located 500 km south-east of Shanghai, China, and is moving northwest at 22 kilometers per second. At present the wind velocity at the center of typhoon Muifa is 150 km / h, in the morning the wind speed at the center of typhoon Muifa will expect at 140 km / h, and the next day the wind speed at the center of typhoon Muifa will expect at 120 km / h .

Because of these disappointing data, the ports were returned more than 5000 ships, that were on the eastern coast of China. According to local weather station, diameter of typhoon Muifa is about 450 kilometers.

Typhoon comes from the Chinese phrase “tai feng” - a great wind, and these words are called tropical cyclones, occurring in the western Pacific, and 170 degrees east longitude, north of the equator. Usually typhoons are moving to the west and north-west at a speed of 20 km / h and reach the coast of Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, China, Korea and India. Individual typhoons may reach the coast of Primorye Territory in Russia, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka, even, becoming extratropical in atmospheric cyclones. Usually, on average, every year there are about 30 typhoons, with the majority of these typhoons developed to the stage of the hurricane, with winds over 30 m / sec, the rest of typhoons reach the stage of a tropical storm. It is noticed that most of the tropical typhoons, nearly 70 percent of all typhoons formed only in the period from July to October.

Typically, the diameters of the typhoons are up to several hundred kilometers, the typhoon abrupt decrease in air pressure, sometimes reaching less than 900 mbar. Typhoons always produce very high sea, and their accompanying loss of huge amount of rain and powerful winds. In 1959, the strongest typhoon almost completely destroyed the Japanese city of Nagoya.

In the 21st century, one of the most powerful typhoon was Typhoon "Nabi" in 2005 that killed 20 people and led to the complete destruction or major damage 400 buildings, leaving thousands of families without electricity. Typhoon "Nabi" compared with the hurricane "Katrina." Typhoon "Nabi" shifted from the Mariana Islands in the north-west at a speed of 20 km per hour. Typhoon "Nabi" has been assigned to the international scale the highest category with winds at its center was 160 kilometers per hour. Over three thousand people on the Japanese island of Kyushu in advance received from the authorities instructed to evacuate to safer places. Included in the circulation of the cyclone typhoon "Nabi" clouds covered all of Japan except Hokkaido. Almost the entire central and southern Japan, heavy rain on southern Japan coast hit by a wave height of 9 meters, with gusts occasionally reached 25 meters per second. Major victims managed to escape, as promptly taken security measures and Japan's coastal communities were evacuated to safe places. Typhoon "Nabi" broken road access to southern Japan and brought to the capital region of Japan, heavy rains, due to which 8000 families were left without electricity, and Tokyo has been flooded homes in 2800.

Re: Weather in August 2011 in the Sanya and in the cities of Hainan Island

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 авг 2011, 10:08
Forecasters expect hot weather on the Hainan Island, China without heavy rainfalls
Saturday, 13 August 2011 12:49
http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/823 ... ather.html 

According to local meteorological stations, an anticyclone covered the greater part of southern China, including Hainan Island and the forecasters expect hot weather in Hainan Island, China in the next few days, without heavy rainfalls, the air temperature is expected- will be 38 degrees Celsius. Although the short rains are possible in the cities of Hainan Island. Currently near Hainan Island are not typhoons and hurricanes. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: Weather in August 2011 in the Sanya and in the cities of Hainan Island

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 авг 2011, 14:48
In the coming days in the cities of Hainan Island, China may be periodic rainfalls
Tuesday, 16 August 2011 18:57
http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/837 ... ather.html 

According to local meteorological stations, a low pressure area covered almost the entire Hainan Island, in the next few days in the cities of Hainan Island may be periodic rainfalls. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23

Re: Weather in August 2011 in the Sanya and in the cities of Hainan Island

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 авг 2011, 12:10
Forecasters expect hot weather on the Hainan Island, China with small rainfalls
Friday, 19 August 2011 20:58
http://hainanwel.com/en/hainan-news/859 ... ather.html 

According to local meteorological stations, an anticyclone covered the greater part of southern China, including Hainan Island and the forecasters expect hot weather in Hainan Island, China in the next few days, the air temperature is expected- will be 35 degrees Celsius. Although the short rains are possible in the cities of Hainan Island. Currently near Hainan Island are not typhoons and hurricanes. More news from Hainan Province can be found here: viewforum.php?f=23