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News France

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 май 2014, 15:45
France: La Plagne - the most attractive resort in the world
Resort, La Plagne in the French Alps were named the best ski resort in the annual report of the tourism industry .
The resort , which is part of the resort Paradiski visited the largest number of tourists. For the season in La Planzh visited more than 2.5 million skiers , the report said 2014 International Report on Snow and Mountain Tourism,
Alps remain a major place in the world for ski holidays . Every year the European mountain range attracts 45% of skiers from around the world . In comparison, North America has attracted this year only 21% of skiers , Western Europe - 11%, and Asia - 14%

Re: News France

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 май 2014, 15:50
France: Air France is going to track the location of baggage
Air France is going to test until the end of the new program. Special chips or GPS device will be attached to the suitcase tourist.
The first chips often get traveling tourists , which will test the system . If this system will work successfully , the airline will deploy this program to track their baggage on all passengers using the loyalty program .
Baggage loss turns into a nightmare for commuters . And , taking into account that lost one bag of thousands , it is likely that the chips not only to preserve the nerves of passengers , but also millions of euros are spent searching for lost things and compensation . That there is a luggage last Armageddon , when in March 2013 due to a snow storm in the Charles de Gaulle airport were lost around 10,000 bags and suitcases , reminds The Local.

Re: News France

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 май 2014, 15:48
In Paris the week of beer
From May 24 to June 1 of the current year in the capital of France the Week beer. The festival gathered in Paris lovers can enjoy a foamy drinks from more than two hundred breweries.
Reported that their grades will delight the audience as local companies and foreign breweries. Beer Week will be held in restaurants, pubs and bars of Paris. During the festival, anyone will be able to participate in master classes for the preparation of beer , listen to lectures and, of course , taste the products .
In addition, the planned competition between all wishing amateur brewers . Some museums are also preparing to take part in the Week of beers , organizing an exhibition about the history of beer .

Re: News France

СообщениеДобавлено: 21 май 2014, 22:20
Nice Airport is recognized as the most beautiful
Nice Airport is recognized as the most beautiful when viewed from the porthole windows during takeoff or landing. From the window of an airplane approaching to the airport , you can see both shores of the Mediterranean and the Alps.
Took second place in the ranking airport of Saint-Martin , which is located in the French Antilles. Third place is left for the Scottish airport 's southernmost island of the archipelago Outer Hebrides Barra - the world's only airport runway which is located right on the beach .
In addition, the top 10 airports of Gibraltar and entered the City of London , which is in the eastern part of the British capital.