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Hotels for pets in UAE

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 ноя 2011, 05:11
Urban Tails Pet Resort hotel for pets has opened in Dubai - the address
Friday, 30 September 2011 14:59

http://hainanwel.com/en/uae/993-urban-t ... esort.html

In the capital of the UAE, Dubai has opened a new seven-star hotel for pets Urban Tails Pet Resort. Hotel Urban Tails Pet Resort, which is similar to a luxury hotel for people, which can accommodate about 70 dogs and 40 cats. In Urban Tails Pet Resort created essentially the same conditions, as for the people- rooms with air conditioning, televisions, gym. The cost of living - up to $ 105 per night. Address of Hotel Address Urban Tails Pet Resort Set is shown on the map at the top of this article.