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Automotive Industry of China

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 май 2011, 23:10
Chinese Automobile Company Hawtai Motor Group is preparing to enter on the European car market Wednesday, 04 May 2011

Today was reached a preliminary agreement to sell a 29.9% stake in the concern Spyker Cars, owning the automotive company SAAB, to Chinese auto company Hawtai Motor Group for 150 million euros. The difficulty of Spyker Cars began when experiencing difficulties with payment for the supply of parts for production of SAAB cars. Chinese Automobile Company Hawtai Motor Group, through this transaction, plans to will get access to European technologies, that significantly will raise the quality of Hawtai Motor Group cars. As we know, the poor quality - the main problem of Chinese automakers. It is because of the low quality of Chinese cars, the Russia became the main foreign market for Chinese cars. In Europe and the USA Chinese cars do not want to buy. Since 2006, Chinese cars can not pass the crash test EuroNCAP, which allows to estimate the complex state of the vehicle after the front, rear and side impacts, as well as to test the effectiveness of security systems subsidiary. In spring 2010, during a routine crash test, the Chinese car Brilliance BS4 received 0 points for safety. To solve the problems of quality, Chinese manufacturers are willing to buy Western automotive technologies, which is then used to create automobiles. So, BAIC company bought the rights to use technologies of Saab. According to forecasts, by 2020 the share of Chinese cars in the world market could reach 30%.

Re: Automotive Industry of China

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2012, 16:34
The world's biggest bus created in China
Thursday, 19 January 2012 16:05


The Chinese company "Youngman" has developed the world's longest bus- JNPG250G (see the photo), that can accommodate up to 300 passengers. JNPG250G bus consists of three sections, connected by a flexible partition, the total length of the bus is 25 meters,through the use of a new design of flexible connections, the turning radius of the giant bus JNPG250G does not differ from the turning radius of ordinary city bus. In the JNPG250G bus is located only 40 seats, the remaining 260 passengers would have to ride standing up - and this has resulted in an unprecedented capacity. On the roads of China's first JNPG250G buses will appear in Hangzhou and Beijing.

Re: Automotive Industry of China

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 май 2014, 14:18
China moves to cleaner automotive fuel
Measures to reduce the level of emissions and the use of cleaner fuels will be taken by Beijing in 2014 , according to "China News " ." Beijing road transport is a major source of air pollution. Stake cars account for about 22% of emissions of harmful substances that increase the level of airborne particles PM2.5", - cites statistics source .It is possible that in the course of the work program will be applied cleaning of diesel and petrol on the latest technologies , which allows to remove fuel from the harmful impurities.Besides the use of cleaner fuels , the Beijing authorities intend to introduce a new system of electronic license plates.In addition, innovation should facilitate the collection of payment for congestion on the territory of the metropolis , to improve the system of control over the environment and reduce the likelihood of traffic congestion.